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ITS Leonardo da Vinci welcomes the delegation of ZDZ – Kielce by means of the Headmister Mr. Giuseppe Caruso.

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Presentation on theme: "ITS Leonardo da Vinci welcomes the delegation of ZDZ – Kielce by means of the Headmister Mr. Giuseppe Caruso."— Presentation transcript:

1 ITS Leonardo da Vinci welcomes the delegation of ZDZ – Kielce by means of the Headmister Mr. Giuseppe Caruso

2 Some general data about ITS Istituto Tecnico Statale Leonardo da Vinci Indirizzi: Turismo - Amministrazione Finanza e Marketing - Costruzione Ambiente e Territorio Via Kennedy, 45 - 84073 – Sapri (SA) Cod. Mec. SATD18000E Codice Fiscale 84002200651 Tel 0973/391336 - Fax. 0973/603876 e-mail: web:

3 Study courses Only for forms 2 -3 -4 -5 Book accountants (I.G.E.A) Design surveyors or Draughtsmen (geometri)

4 New Profiles As effect of the Educational System Reform, in force since 2010/2011, there are two sectors Technological sector - Expert on C.A.T ( that replaces the draughtsman) C = costruzione /building A= ambiente/environment T= territorio/territory

5 The skills of the new geometra The student at the end of his/her study course, lasting 5 years, will be able : to plan and build civilian buildings; to estimate the value of grounds; to plan roads and irrigational canals; to carry out cadastrial operations; to estimate all damages caused by natural catastrophes

6 Other new profiles Economical sector: Expert on A.F.M Administration, Finance and Marketing (that replaces the book accountant profile) The student at the end of his/her study course will be able: to manage a business His/her skills are economical - juridical – I.C.T. – foreign languages (at least two in addition to Italian)

7 The novelty Within the economical sector there is a new profile: Expert on Tourism Since the third year of course, the student ( after the common area) studies three foreign languages, Law and tourist Legislation, Touristic Geography, Art & Territory, Touristic Business Techniques The student will have to carry out concept and managing functions c/o: Public Administrations Travel Agencies Tourist Agencies Transport Agencies

8 A glance at the past (Just some examples) Literacy teaching - Projects vs school dispersion and pro inclusion Mini-experimentations in Maths Teacher Training courses Intensive I.C.T / foreign language/C.A.D courses Integrated Projects: Network of Schools and Public Insititutions and much more

9 High Vocational Training System (Post-diploma projects) Courses carried out: Expert on Restoration work and Historical centre development Expert on Organization and Congressional Event Management Expert on marine water, coast and protected environment monitoring Expert on integrated water system management and control

10 A European Partnership St Marys college – London Twickenam (Beyond the splendid isolation: un itinerario per la mobilità culturale e occupazionale) A project work within Percorsi linguistici nei Paesi dellUnione (supported by F.S.E./European development Funds)

11 European school development projects Comenius Multilateral Projects - Summits at Termoli (Abruzzo – Italy) Kontiolahti (Finland) Thessaloniki ( Greece) La Coruna (Spain) Donaworth (Germany) Veszprém – Budapest (Hungary)

12 Hosted schools Liceo Italiano Barcelona IES Elvina La Coruna Gymnasium Kontiolahti Gymnasium Donaworth Thessaloniki Deutsche Schule Liceo scientifico Alfano Termoli S.E.F. Vocational and Technical School of Catering, Trade and Tourism - Veszprém Grup Scolar Tehnologic D. Filipescu Buzau - Romania

13 IPM Individual Pupil Mobility a) In - coming students b) Out - going students Henna Hakkareinen (Finnish) Annamaria Bornauhsen (German) Brigitta Palfi (Hungarian) Andrea Brando (Italian) Emiliana Cerrelli (Italian)

14 Looking at the future New challenges are waiting for us Cooperation and solidarity are required by the present social system Factors of development: lifelong learning - new technologies made actually available – Education to legality – Business ethics – E.Q.F……………….. Which projects in the near future? Ready to go on!

15 An open slide An empty space we could fill in together................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. Sapri, 06/12/2010 (powered by A. Rimauro) Thank you for coming

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