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Ecoregions of Texas.

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Presentation on theme: "Ecoregions of Texas."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ecoregions of Texas

2 What Is An Ecoregion? Ecoregion - a major ecosystem with distinctive geography, characteristic plants and animals, and receiving uniform solar radiation and moisture Sometimes called a bioregion


4 Where Are They? Region 1: Gulf Coast Prairies and Marshes
Region 2: Piney Woods Region 3: Blackland Prairies Region 4: Oak Woods and Prairies Region 5: Rolling Plains Region 6: High Plains

5 Where Are They? Region 7: Edwards Plateau
Region 8: South Texas Brush Country Region 9: Trans Pecos

6 Gulf Coast Prairies and Marshes
Region 1 Gulf Coast Prairies and Marshes Climate: average rainfall of 40 inches a year and warm temperatures Geography: marshes (muddy) near bays and estuaries, and prairies Vegetation: tall grass prairies, live oak woodlands, and mesquite

7 Region 2 Piney Woods Climate: average annual rainfall of 50 inches and temperatures are typically high Geography: rolling terrain Vegetation: pine and oak tall hardwood forests with scattered areas of cropland and rich bottomlands

8 Region 3 Blackland Prairies
Climate: average annual rainfall of 40 inches Geography: gently rolling to nearly level terrain Vegetation: food and forage crops

9 Region 4 Oak Woods & Prairies
Climate: Average annual rainfall of 40 inches per year Geography: gently rolling to hilly terrain Vegetation: oak savannah, where patches of oak woodland alternate with grassland

10 Region 5 Rolling Plains Climate: average annual rainfall of 28 inches; dry summers with high temperatures Geography: gently rolling hills and flats are cut by several rivers Vegetation: mesquite and short grass savannah

11 Region 6 High Plains Climate: extended droughts have occurred several times this century Geography: relatively level high plateau Vegetation: mostly irrigated cropland

12 Region 7 Edwards Plateau Climate: average annual rainfall is 34 inches
Geography: many springs, stony hills, and steep canyons and caves Vegetation: grasslands, plateau with live oak, or mesquite savannah

13 South Texas Brush Country
Region 8 South Texas Brush Country Climate: average annual rainfall of 35 inches increases. Summer temperatures are high Geography: flat plains to gently rolling terrain Vegetation: thorny shrubs, trees, and cactus scattered with patches of palms

14 Region 9 Trans Pecos Climate: 15 inches of rain; warm, dry winters
Geography: salt basins, sand hills, rugged plateaus, Vegetation: desert grassland, desert scrub

15 My Ecoregion Which region do you live in?
Have you ever visited another region?

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