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 In a small village, there lived a boy named Jack. She lives at home with his mother. Their lives are very alarming, and the treasures they had was.

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3  In a small village, there lived a boy named Jack. She lives at home with his mother. Their lives are very alarming, and the treasures they had was an old cow milk production begins to decline. Until one day, the mother told him to go to the market to sell their only cow's. Money from the sale of these cattle will be used to buy grain and then be planted in the fields behind their house.

4  The next day, Jack went to the market to sell his cow. Halfway to the market, Jack met a grandfather. Grandpa Jack is then addressed. "Hey kid, want to carry around that cow?" Then Jack replied, "I want to sell this cow to the market Grandpa". After hearing the answer to Jack, the old man then offered to trade his cow with a nut. "Will you exchange sapimu with these magic beans?", Said the old man. "What, to exchange a peanut with sapiku?" Said Jack surprised. "Do not insult, yes! This is a magic bean. If you plant it and leave it overnight, then the beans this morning will grow up into the sky, said the old man explained. "If it was all right," replied Jack.

5  At home, Jack tells everything to his mother. After hearing the story of Jack, mother is very shocked and angry. "How can you exchange it with a grain of cow pea seed this? How can we live only with a grain of beans?" I was so angry, the mother throws the beans out the window. But what happens the next day? Apparently there is a giant tree that grows until it reaches the sky. "Well, it is true what the old man, muttered Jack". Then carefully he immediately climbed the giant tree. "Oh, why did not end until well into the tree huh?" said Jack to himself.

6  Not long after, he looked down. He saw the houses to be very small. Finally he reached the clouds. There he could see an enormous palace once. "I'm thirsty and hungry, perhaps in the palace I found the food," he muttered. Arriving at the front door of the palace, he knocked loudly. "Kriek..." large doors that open. When he looked up, came a great giant woman. "What boy?", She said. "Good morning, I was thirsty and hungry, may I ask for some food?" Well, you're a polite one. Come in! Eat in, yes! "She said kindly.

7  While I was eating, suddenly heard a loud footsteps, Duk Duk! It turns out the woman's husband came. He is a giant man-eaters. Quickly she said to Jack. "Son, hurry hiding! My husband comes." "Huaaa.... I went home. Quickly prepare a meal!" shouted the giant. Jack held his breath in the furnace. The giant suddenly smell a human. Then he peered into the furnace. Quickly, his wife said, "That's the human scent that we burn today. Come on take it easy. This food is ready."

8  After eating, giant issued a purse containing money stolen gold, after a long count he felt very tired. Not long after the giant fell asleep, exhausted. Seeing this, he immediately came out of hiding. Before going home, he took the gold money was stolen while walking the giant crept toward the tree nuts. Jack continues down the tree nuts and finally got home. "Mom... look at this gold. From now on we become rich." "You can not get this much money easily. What are you doing?" Then he told all the events to his mother. "You are too brave Jack! What if a giant had come to take it back," her mother said anxiously. Since getting gold coins, each day Jack just to relax alone with stolen money. Not long ago, the money stolen was up. Jack climbed the beanstalk again, to go to the palace. "Eh you come again. What is it?" said the giant's wife. "Good afternoon ma'am. Because I have not eaten all day, my stomach is so hungry." A good mother was silent, but he still gave him lunch. Suddenly.... Duk Duk Duk! The sound of giant footsteps. As formerly, he returned hiding in the furnace.

9  As usual, Jack went into effect at the time of sleeping giants. Jack then comes out of hiding, and went straight to the table where the harp is placed. But when Jack would take the harp, suddenly there is something surprising. Harp cried out loudly, "My lord, there is a thief...!" The giant awoke. He immediately ran to pursue Jack's carrying a giant harp. Giants continue to pursue, down the beanstalk. When they came downstairs, he shouted in a loud voice. "Ibuu.... Bring me the ax from the shed! Fast! Fast! To her surprise, her mother saw a giant figure who comes chasing him, he trembled with great fear. Once down from the tree, immediately cut down the beanstalk Jack was with his ax.

10 With a loud voice, tree nuts collapsed. The giant fell to the ground, and die. My mother was very relieved to see him alive. While mengangis he said: "Jack, do not you do something more sinister like this. No matter how poor we work in earnest. With thanks to God, surely the two of us will live well." "Forgive me, Mother, from now on I will work earnestly, said Jack to her mother." Since then, he works diligently every day. Accompanied by harp that plays beautiful melodies that add to the spirit of Jack's work.

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