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Yorkshire & Humber Digital Health & Wellbeing Ecosystem - member of the ECHAlliance International Network of Permanent Connected Health Ecosystems #YHDigitalHealthEco.

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Presentation on theme: "Yorkshire & Humber Digital Health & Wellbeing Ecosystem - member of the ECHAlliance International Network of Permanent Connected Health Ecosystems #YHDigitalHealthEco."— Presentation transcript:

1 Yorkshire & Humber Digital Health & Wellbeing Ecosystem - member of the ECHAlliance International Network of Permanent Connected Health Ecosystems #YHDigitalHealthEco 1 st December 2015 @AHSN_YANDH


3 Empowering Patients New Models of Care Prevention A Modern Workforce An Information Revolution Accelerate Innovation Empowering Patients New Models of Care Prevention A Modern Workforce An Information Revolution Accelerate Innovation Five Year Forward View

4 @AHSN_YANDH 1. Poor access to and use of evidence, data and metrics 6. Lack of effective and systematic innovation delivery architecture 5. Leadership culture to support innovation is inconsistent or lacking 2. Insufficient recognition and celebration of innovation and innovators 3. Financial levers do not reward innovation and can deter adoption and spread 4. Commissioners lack the tools or capability to drive innovation We know the challenges……

5 @AHSN_YANDH A Practical Response…. An ECHAlliance Connected Health Ecosystem “brings together stakeholders from health and social care, research, patient groups and industry within a specific geographical area, committed to accelerating the adoption of Connected Health solutions; at scale on commercial terms” Permanent & mutually beneficial partnerships not ‘project’ or time limited initiative - integral to regional approach to use and adoption of connected health solutions.  facilitating collaboration between stakeholders  promoting exchange of ideas, lessons learned and opportunities  providing a vehicle to implement strategic priorities  providing regular opportunities to meet face to face

6 @AHSN_YANDH Working Group  YH AHSN  Patient groups  Health and social care providers – managers and clinicians  Health and social care commissioners/ purchasers  Academic and research institutions  Regional trade and industry organisations  Industry (from large corporations to SMEs)  Voluntary and Charitable organisations  ECHAlliance Contact: /

7 @AHSN_YANDH Meeting schedule - 2016 Tuesday 15 th March 2016 [June 2016, September 2016, December 2016]  Self- management of long term conditions (opportunities for apps / use of performance data and social media platforms / exploring behaviour change)  Integration and security (information governance / shared record keeping / patient held records)  Digital ‘literacy’, skills and jargon - building capacity and confidence for healthcare professionals, patients and carers to use digital technologies in health and social care.  Financial implications of embedding digital technologies – pathways and opportunities And the winner is……!

8 @AHSN_YANDH Events, workshops, webinars Community Database (profiles) Marketplace / Showroom (solutions, success stories, assessment results) Virtual matchmaking Collaborative work tools (shared docs, chat/email tool… ) Business Intelligence tool (market data, description & contacts, tenders, calls of projects, opportunities ) Education and training (Publications, event presentations…) ECHAlliance Connector Platform Management ECHAlliance website

9 @AHSN_YANDH Network Collaboration  3 Key Strengths of Yorkshire & Humber Region e.g. research groups, evaluation, pilot outcomes, user led design?  What can we offer the Network? e.g. test beds, vanguards, active patient participation?  3 Key Areas we wish to improve e.g. access to European funding, impact monitoring, spreading best practice

10 @AHSN_YANDH Investors Challenge 2016 Start-ups & SMEs & entrepreneurs - proof of concept established and market access strategy. Deadline for application – 15 th December 2015 Opportunity – 22 nd – 24 th February 2016  Present to panel & opportunities for individual matchmaking  Communication plan, powered by the ECHAlliance (target of 15,000 actors of Digital Health, Wellness and Active & Healthy ageing sectors in Europe, USA, Canada and China)  Free Registration and Presentation slot for the Digital Health & Wellness Summit @ Mobile World Congress 2016 (value: 1199€) in Barcelona  Free ECHAlliance membership for 1 year & support for pitching opportunities across the ECHAlliance International Network of Ecosystems (100+ meetings per year in 25+ regions/countries).


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