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THIS IS With Host... Your The categories are…

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4 With Host... Your

5 The categories are…

6 Types of Transport

7 Osmosis Problems

8 Cellular Organelles

9 Transport #2

10 100 200 300 400 500 Types of Transport Osmosis Problems Cellular Organelles Transport #2 Organelles #2 (Blank) 400 500

11 Movement of water across a membrane A 100

12 Osmosis A 100

13 Movement of molecules across a membrane from high  low concentration A 200

14 Diffusion A 200

15 Movement of molecules across a membrane from high  low through a protein A 300

16 Facilitated Diffusion A 300

17 A 400 The type of transport that does not require energy

18 A 400 Passive transport

19 A 500 Food coloring is a small molecule. It will _____________ across a cell membrane.

20 A 500 Diffuse

21 There is more water outside the cell than inside the cell. Water will move_______ the cell. B 100

22 Into B 100

23 A cell has less salt in it than the solution it is in. The cell is ___________. B 200

24 Hypotonic B 200

25 A solution is 99% salt, while the cell is 50% salt. The solution is ______________. B 300

26 Hypertonic

27 Draw the way that water will flow in the following problem. Also label the cell and solution. Cell: 50% water, 50% salt Solution: 90% water, 7% salt, 3% sugar. B 400

28 Cell: Hypertonic Solution: Hypotonic Water will flow INTO the cell B 400

29 Draw the way that water will flow in the following problem. Also label the cell and solution. Cell: 40% water, 60% salt Solution: 50% salt, 40% water, 10% sugar. B 500

30 Cell and Solution are isotonic, water will flow equally in and out. B 500

31 Powerhouse of the cell C 100

32 Mitochondria C 100

33 Where DNA lives C 200

34 Nucleus C 200

35 Transports proteins C 300

36 Rough ER C 300


38 The 2 organelles that plant cells have than animal cells don’t. C 400

39 Cell Wall and Chloroplasts C 400

40 Organelle that breaks stuff down C 500

41 Lysosome C 500

42 Movement of particles INTO a cell, against concentration gradient (low  high). D 100

43 Endocytosis D 100

44 Movement of particles OUT of a cell against the concentration gradient (low  high). D 200

45 Exocytosis D 200

46 The term that describes the cell membrane only allowing some things to cross. D 300

47 Selectively Permeable D 300

48 The type of transport that requires energy D 400

49 Active Transport D 400

50 In active transport, particles are pumped from _______ concentration to _________ concentration. D 500

51 Low, High

52 E 100 Organelle that surrounds the cell

53 E 100 Cell Membrane

54 Organelle that packages hormones and helps move things from place to place. E 200

55 Golgi Bodies E 200

56 E 300 Helps to assemble proteins, sometimes found on ER

57 Ribosome E 300

58 All organelles float in this cellular jelly E 400

59 Cytoplasm E 400

60 Transport systems for lipids E 500

61 Smooth ER E 500

62 The insurance company represented by this mascot F 100


64 The band who performs the song “Like a G6” F 200

65 Far East Movement F 200

66 The number of pushups Mr. Pinkstaff can do in 30 secs F 300

67 ?????? F 300

68 The country famous physicist Albert Einstein was born in F 400

69 Germany

70 Name of this hairstyle: F 500

71 Bowl Cut F 500

72 The Final Jeopardy Category is: The mole Please record your wager. Click on screen to begin

73 The total number of protons in 2.50 mol of He atoms Click on screen to continue

74 3.01*10^24 protons

75 Thank You for Playing Jeopardy! Game Designed By C. Harr-MAIT

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