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13.2.2006Geoaudit Ltd1 3 rd Party Quality Evaluation Experience with the finnish TDB

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1 13.2.2006Geoaudit Ltd1 3 rd Party Quality Evaluation Experience with the finnish TDB

2 13.2.2006Geoaudit Ltd2 TDB Quality Model  1 st edition 1993, 2 nd published 1995  The basic idea: 100% is not possible  Test work to define goals Acceptable quality limits (AQL) for completeness and correctness AQL 1, 4, 15 and none Accuracy 3 m, 5m, 15 m … (95%)

3 13.2.2006Geoaudit Ltd3 TDB Quality Model  Internal quality tests in 13 District Survey Offices sampling according to ISO 2859-1 rectangular 1 sq km samples described in Annex F of ISO 19114 (QEP)  External quality tests accuracy control logical consistency control comparison between the 13 offices

4 13.2.2006Geoaudit Ltd4 Why a 3 rd party?  Independent Quality Evaluation Stratecig choice of MAF Customer feedback Internal market –NLS Central Administration acting as a client –Survey Office in the role of a producer Quality in key role in the result matrix –matrix of cost, schedule, quality etc. in the best case resulting minor bonuses for employees

5 13.2.2006Geoaudit Ltd5 Previously in society…  Money is invented  squirrel hide in Finland

6 13.2.2006Geoaudit Ltd6 Previously in society…  Money is invented  Squirrel hide in Finland  More money -> accountants needed  More acountants -> Auditors needed  (spatial) Information is invented…

7 13.2.2006Geoaudit Ltd7 Geoaudit Oy est. 2.1.2001  60% of turnover from NLS  Metadata implementation & INSPIRE indicate growth potential  Quality evaluation is expensive  What is the benefit for a producer to include reliable data quality results in his metadata?

8 13.2.2006Geoaudit Ltd8 Data Quality Elements  Complete, consistent, accurate, timely, correct  Is this the correct order?  Example of the balance between completeness and accuracy:

9 13.2.2006Geoaudit Ltd9 Completeness vs. Accuracy  TDB accuracy report 2005  Mean value of positional uncertainties excluding outliers ~1.50 m  Not normal distribution  Outliers indicate that some features are surveyed in the field  GOOD IF YOU VALUATE COMPLETENESS OVER ACCURACY!

10 13.2.2006Geoaudit Ltd10 Thank you for your interest!

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