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Learning Objectives: To know the meaning and value of ritual; To know why the Church has a Liturgical Year and why it is important.

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Presentation on theme: "Learning Objectives: To know the meaning and value of ritual; To know why the Church has a Liturgical Year and why it is important."— Presentation transcript:


2 Learning Objectives: To know the meaning and value of ritual; To know why the Church has a Liturgical Year and why it is important.

3  It is an act  whose significance lies not in the apparent, superficial activity but rather in the meaning -- - religious, - personal, - social, or - other.

4  graduations  holiday celebrations  club initiations  the pledge of allegiance  communion  baptism  birthday parties  trips together  swearing-in ceremonies  having dinner together  “grace” before meals, etc., etc.

5  They enhance our sense of meaning in our lives;  They establish structure;  Rituals connect us to a larger experience:  Through rituals, we are bonded to society and Church by acknowledging that we experience many of the same occurrences -- birth, wedding, funeral, etc.

6  We admit our common beliefs  and ideals, whether secular or religious.  We recognize our community and our interconnectedness -- and our personal commitment and membership to those larger spheres.

7 TThe notion of time helps us celebrate life by marking and recalling the important dates and events in our lives. EEx: Birthdays, anniversaries, graduations, etc.

8  Time has an important place in our spiritual life:  It helps us reconnect with God.  There are two types of time:  Chronos and Kairos

9  Chronos is the time we measure.  Ex: hours, days, weeks, minutes  Kairos is the Lord’s time.  It is God’s special time.  Kairos reveals his will for our lives.

10  The Liturgical year or Church calendar helps us celebrate the life, death and resurrection of Jesus.  This is called the paschal mystery.

11  The Paschal mystery is celebrated through specific seasons.  There are five specific seasons in the Church’s calendar:  Advent, Christmas, Ordinary Time, Lent and Easter.

12  The Liturgical year is a cycle of seasons repeating itself at the end of each cycle.  The Church year or cycle begins with Advent and ends with ordinary time.

13  The Church calendar or Church year begins with the Holy season of Advent.  The Church year begins in late November or Early December.  Four weeks prior to December 25.

14 TThe word liturgical comes from the Greek word liturgy. LLiturgy meant “Public Works” IIn Church language liturgy is the public worship given to God. II.E. Mass and sacraments.

15  Through the Liturgical Calendar Christians express their faith in Christ their savior.  Each season of the Liturgical year celebrates an important aspect of Christ’s life.

16  Each season in the Liturgical calendar has a particular theme.  Each season has a particular liturgical color.  Each season concentrates on different parts of the Bible.  Each season has different religious practices, and symbols.

17 AAdvent ChristmasOrdinaryLentEaster Purple WhiteGreenPurpleWhite Symbols Advent wreath NativityChi-RoAshes Paschal Candle

18 AdventChristmas Ordinary Time LentEaster Awaiting for the Messiah Preparing for Christmas Final Judgement The Birth Of Christ The Incarnation The Public Ministry Of Christ RepentanceConversionPenance New Life ResurrectionWitnessing

19 AdventChristmas Ordinary Time LentEasterPrayer Good deeds PenanceReconciliation Acts of Kindness PeacemakingDiscipleship following Jesus’ teaching in the routine of every day life. PrayerFastingAlmsgiving Sharing our faith with others

20 What did I LEARN about the Liturgical YEAR?

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