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HOW SHOULD WE ACT? BASE is a chance to practice acting like a professional because you are learning professional skills ●Be on time ●Be respectful ●100%

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Presentation on theme: "HOW SHOULD WE ACT? BASE is a chance to practice acting like a professional because you are learning professional skills ●Be on time ●Be respectful ●100%"— Presentation transcript:

1 HOW SHOULD WE ACT? BASE is a chance to practice acting like a professional because you are learning professional skills ●Be on time ●Be respectful ●100% on task and engaged ●“One mic” = Track the speaker ●“Turn and talk” = On-topic immediate discussion ●Computers are ONLY used for C/I activities

2 THE PROBLEM Tech jobs are growing at twice the national average and there aren’t enough computer science students!

3 THE PROBLEM Only 1 in 10 high schools offer computer programming classes.

4 WHAT ARE WE LEARNING THIS YEAR? BASE teaches front end development skills. HTML Creating web pages and adding elements CSS Changing the formatting of web pages JavaScript Allows users to control a web browser and alter what is being displayed. Many exciting games are made with JavaScript, as well. This is the most powerful and valuable language that we learn. 1 whole year

5 WHAT CAN I DO WITH THESE SKILLS? estimates the average NYC salary for a Front End Developer as $75,000

6 WHAT IS CAMP/INTERACTIVE? Other events with BASE include... ●New York Tech Meetups with company demos ●Tech company office visits ○Facebook, Google, Twitter, FourSquare, Microsoft ●Tech Summits in NYC ●Tech Summits outside of NYC ○Hiking, camping, snowboarding, surfing

7 HOW DO I WIN A TRIP OR AN INTERNSHIP? To participate in Camp/Interactive events, you have to work hard. 1.CODE ○Finish Code/Interactive Goals on time + get ahead! 2.CLASS ○Attend Code/Interactive class every day 3.CHALLENGES ○Win more spots for trips during daily Code/Challenges 4.LEAD ○Answer other students’ questions in class and on the Facebook + Codecademy Forums

8 WATCH + DISCUSS: How has coding changed the world? Why should we learn to code? Can’t YouTube? Download Video from Google Drive

9 TODAY’S SCHEDULE What are we doing today? Daily Survey HTML Tags with Index Cards + Codecademy Preview Sign into Codecademy + Join your Group Start learning how to design web pages with HTML Daily Report today’s lesson

10 UNIT 2 This document has several parts:


12 UNIT 2 The same page looks like this in HTML:

13 UNIT 2 The same page looks like this in a browser - the tags disappeared!

14 UNIT 2 What is HTML? ●HTML is code that creates simple web pages ●Goal: Create and edit your own websites!

15 UNIT 2 How do I recognize HTML? ●HTML “tags” always have an opening & a closing with affected text in the middle ●All tags are surrounded by ●Closing tags have to show that you are stopping the original tag Opening Tag Closing Tag Text affected by HTML

16 UNIT 2 Examples of HTML: ●How do I make text bold on my website? ●What about making text italic on my website? Text affected by HTML Text affected by HTML

17 UNIT 2 Make one index card for each of the boxes below. Title of my Website Text in my website New paragraph As you learn about HTML, arrange these cards on your desk like a website. Put the cards in a bag with your name + keep them in your coding classroom!

18 UNIT 2 HTML is easy. But you have to TYPE CAREFULLY! ●Codecademy won’t let you move on if you have a mistake. ●If you can’t find a mistake, ask your elbow partner to check again. ●Common Mistakes: ○Forgetting brackets ○Not closing a tag → always end with ○Forgetting to open or close quotes when required → “text” ○Typos or spelling words incorrectly ○Missing spaces or including extra spaces

19 UNIT 2 What is Codecademy? ●Codecademy is a free online resource that we use to teach HTML, CSS, and JavaScript ●You need a Google account to sign in

20 UNIT 2 Go to ●Sign in using your Google username & password

21 UNIT 2 How do I check my points? ●Click “View my profile” from the “Me” menu ●Your teachers, and C/I can see everyone’s points + progress ●Remember: Meeting coding deadlines gets you trips + opportunities!

22 UNIT 2 How does C/I check my progress? C/I + teachers have access to the class leaderboards and a tracker for each student so we can help you learn!

23 UNIT 2 Click on “HTML & CSS” on Codecademy Week 1 Goal: Finish the first two modules of HTML The first 5 students to complete Codecademy HTML & CSS are automatically attending the Google Summit in November!

24 UNIT 2 Step 1: Read the Lesson to the Left

25 UNIT 2 Step 2: Enter Your Code

26 UNIT 2 Step 3: Check the Result + Press

27 UNIT 2 Step 4: Error? Check + Change! Can you find the error below? Hint: Should be colorful! You can see the error here, too! Read the error message for a hint:

28 UNIT 2 Step 4: Error? Check + Change, then press Click below for the next lesson

29 UNIT 2 Another skill you will need - Getting an Image URL Click below for the next lesson 1.Go to Google image search 2.Right click your desired image 3.Select “Copy Image URL” URL = Web Address

30 UNIT 2 Forget a skill or tag? Click below for the next lesson Choice 1: Go to the Q&A Forum and look up your lesson for help! Choice 2: Look back at previously completed lessons for help! Choice 3: it!

31 UNIT 2 Work Time! Get started! Week 1 Goal: Finish the first two modules of HTML: NEED HELP? 1) Read the directions again 2) Click 3) Look at the Q&A Forum 4) Talk to your neighbor 5) Raise your hand & wait COMMON ERRORS: ○Forgetting brackets ○Not closing a tag → always end with ○Forgetting to open or close quotes when required → “text” ○Typos or spelling words incorrectly ○Missing spaces or including extra spaces PROFESSIONAL: Work quietly + respectfully 100% on Task

32 UNIT 2 3 MINUTE TEAMWORK BREAK: Problem Solving = Computer Science. ○Work together with your elbow partner to guess the following. ○Each group gets one guess, then we will start back with the first group. ○Discuss with your teammate before guessing. “I am thinking of a number between 1 and 100. I can only tell you if it is higher or lower than your guess.” ○After you have the correct answer, discuss: ○What strategies did you use to figure it out?

33 UNIT 2 3 MINUTE TEAMWORK BREAK: Problem Solving = Computer Science. ○Work together with your elbow partner to guess the following. ○Each group gets one guess, then we will start back with the first group. ○Discuss with your teammate before guessing. “I am thinking of a number between 1 and 10000. I can only tell you if it is higher or lower than your guess.” ○After you have the correct answer, discuss: What strategies did you use to figure it out?

34 UNIT 2 3 MINUTE TEAMWORK BREAK: WHY IS THIS RELEVANT TO US? ○Computers spend a lot of time sorting things into order ○Did you divide the list into smaller parts, then guess again to keep dividing? If so, then you used “recursion,” just like a computer! ○This same concept can be used to build a program to predicts what the user is going to type next! So….this is how Siri works!

35 UNIT 2 Great break! Get back to Coding! Week 1 Goal: Finish the first two modules of HTML: NEED HELP? 1) Read the directions again 2) Click 3) Look at the Q&A Forum 4) Talk to your neighbor 5) Raise your hand & wait COMMON ERRORS: ○Forgetting brackets ○Not closing a tag → always end with ○Forgetting to open or close quotes when required → “text” ○Typos or spelling words incorrectly ○Missing spaces or including extra spaces PROFESSIONAL: Work quietly + respectfully 100% on Task

36 Check your e-mail this SUNDAY for C/I updates! Including: school and individual rankings, contests, upcoming trips UNIT 2 Reminder: Keep coding outside of class! The student with the most points at each school on Codecademy HTML & CSS will attend our first Young Entrepreneur Summit in October!

37 USERNAME: Look up your Codecademy Username for the survey

38 LAST THING: Take 2 minutes to complete the closing survey: Attendance Challenge: Schools with the highest percentage attendance get SNACKS when C/I visits! Codecademy Challenge: The school with the highest Codecademy percentage will attend the NY Tech Meetup!

39 C/I Event Calendar Check out upcoming events / rewards for students! Mon, Oct 6: NY Tech Meetup at NYU - For the top Codecademy point earners at each school Monday, Nov 3: NY Tech Meetup at NYU - For the most improved Codecademy point earners Saturday Oct 11 - Sunday, Oct 12: Camp/Interactive Young Entrepreneur Summit at Camp Google - Student leaders Saturday, Oct 4: Focus 100 with Digital Undivided: The most diverse tech conference in the world! Saturday, Nov 8: AT&T Young Entrepreneur Summit at Google NYC - Finish HTML & CSS for an invite!

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