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Pre-Columbian Civilizations  Olmecs  1400-500 B.C.  Mayas  300-900 A.D.  Aztecs  1200-1600 A.D.  Incas  1430-1540 A.D. Mesoamerican Civilizations.

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Presentation on theme: "Pre-Columbian Civilizations  Olmecs  1400-500 B.C.  Mayas  300-900 A.D.  Aztecs  1200-1600 A.D.  Incas  1430-1540 A.D. Mesoamerican Civilizations."— Presentation transcript:


2 Pre-Columbian Civilizations  Olmecs  1400-500 B.C.  Mayas  300-900 A.D.  Aztecs  1200-1600 A.D.  Incas  1430-1540 A.D. Mesoamerican Civilizations

3  Priests held high status in Mayan society  Only ones who knew the intricate rituals that Mayas believed would ensure bountiful harvests and victories in battle  Towering temples dominated Mayan cities  Rituals included sacrifices  Mayan temples were the tallest buildings in the western hemisphere until 1903! Religion Famous temple at Chichen Itza

4  Majority of Mayan population was farmers  Intricate irrigation systems  Men cultivated:  Maize (corn)  Beans  Squash  Women turned crops into foods  Farmers paid taxes in the form of food  Profitable trade system using elaborate series of dirt roads Farming and Trade

5  Distinct social class  Nobles helped ruling chief manage taxes, military, and enforced laws  Women occasionally in positions of power Social Structure Chief Nobles Priests Merchants and Artisans Peasants and Slaves

6  Significant resources were used to create stadiums  Archaeologists have uncovered instruments in the stadiums  Teams had fans  How was the game viewed by the Mayas?  How does this compare to our sports today? The Game of Life and Death

7  Around 900 A.D. Mayans abandoned their cities  Culprits include disease, warfare, famine, overpopulation, over- taxing Decline

8  Architecture  Vast temples and palaces  Intricate cities  Elaborate carvings on the wall depicted events from Mayan history  Agriculture  Clearing out dense rainforests and building raised fields that held and drained rainwater Contributions

9  Learning and Science  Developed intricate system of hieroglyphics  Recorded writings in books made of bark  Mayan priests developed accurate 365-day calendar  Needed to know exact time for rituals and ceremonies  Used a numbering system including zero before the Europeans did Contributions

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