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Amagees Tech Corp value added services Data Management and Infrastructure.

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Presentation on theme: "Amagees Tech Corp value added services Data Management and Infrastructure."— Presentation transcript:

1 Amagees Tech Corp value added services Data Management and Infrastructure

2 Management of Data Center and Core Focus : Planning, cable and connectivity management, environmental sensors, business analytics, process change management. Software defined data centers will provide real time virtual resource allocation needed to meet the new demands for the ( IoT) and Big Data. Simplifying the IT environment and management using (SDN) (Software Defined Network) Interconnected Frameworks: The benefits of using interconnected applications and cloud services all require proximity and to reliable and secure resources plus faster access to data. Definitions Planning process: The science and art of estimating the space, computer hardware, software, and connection infrastructure that will be needed over time. Cable management : Cable management is the installation of equipment to secure data cables. Temperature Sensors : Using environmental monitoring systems can help detect temperature changes. Analytics : Analyzing data and statistics aid organizations during their decision making processes. Implementing new change: Is the process of managing structured change in order to help your organization continue to thrive by meeting goals and eliminating objectives.


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