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OSPHE courses: a tale of two experiences. Where Peterborough Showground Liverpool University East of England deanery (in collaboration with East Midlands.

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Presentation on theme: "OSPHE courses: a tale of two experiences. Where Peterborough Showground Liverpool University East of England deanery (in collaboration with East Midlands."— Presentation transcript:

1 OSPHE courses: a tale of two experiences

2 Where Peterborough Showground Liverpool University East of England deanery (in collaboration with East Midlands and Yorkshire/Humber Public Health training programmes) Registrars in the Mersey Deanery with help (I think) from the Part B examiners Who organised it

3 Cost Course free and lunch provided £30 to cover cost of actors and light refreshments  Approximately 30 people.  Specialty Registrars from East of England, East Midlands, Yorks & Humber, Wales, North East  Seven registrars from the Mersey Deanery, one from the North East Specialty Registrars attending

4 Other attendees supporting the event  Two Part B examiners.  East of England deanery employee (formerly SPR Public Health) with dedicated role in Part B support.  Approx. 20 DsPH, Consultants and senior Registrars who took on role player/examiner roles.  2 administrators to oversee logistics of the day, who had prior to the session put together folders for candidates with resources for the mock exam.  Two Part B examiners.  Two professional actors  Approximately eight post-part B registrars and one post-part A – taking part of actors and examiners

5 Format  Intended as an introduction to Part B for those beginning preparation for the exam.  Series of presentations including overview of the exam, how exam is marked, what to expect on the day, strategy to approach the exam  Mock exam - we did four consecutive scenarios each.  Group feedback and individual comments on sheet from scenario examiners.  Video example of a good vs bad OSPHE scenario acted out by a DPH.  Top tips from a previous candidate.  There were eight scenarios, we each did six.  Group feedback and individual comments on sheet from scenario examiners.

6 Benefits of attending  Excellent overview of how the Part B exam works, how it is marked and a strategy to approach the exam.  Good opportunity to practice the skills required for the exam and to gain individual feedback on areas of strength/areas for improvement.  Ability to rush from one scenario to another with preparation time was extremely illuminating.

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