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Table of Contents What are topic maps? Role of TM Graphical Notation
Linear Topic MAP Notation
is like a country without a map
Introduction A book without an index is like a country without a map 지식맵이 왜 필요한가... 지식과 정보의 차이 - 지식은 필요한 정보를 찾아낼 수 있는 능력 지식맵 - 이용자로 하여금 이런 능력을 갖도록 도와주는 정보의 분류체계 지식의 구조화, 지식 디렉토리 ... 한 조직에 있어서 지식맵은 조직내의 다양하고 많은 지식들에 대한 큰 그림을 볼 수 있도록 해준다. 이 지식 맵을 통해 마치 지도와도 같이 자신이 원하는 정보를 찾아낼 수 있게 된다. 지식을 구조화하는 방법(지식맵을 만드는 과정이라고 봐도 크게 상관은 없을 것 같습니다.)에는 여러가지가 있는데 작업(품질관리)이나 부서(마케팅 혹은 연구부서 등)를 기반으로 설계하게 된다. 일반적으로 한 조직내의 지식맵은 여러개가 존재하게 된다.정보 검색의 속도와 정확도를 향상시키기 위한 방편이 된다.
What are Topic Maps? ISO standard.
Provide the way to model exchange information over the internet or intranet. Topic maps provide a simple, yet powerful model for bridging the gap between information and knowledge.
Topic map based on INDEX
Back-of-book index example Singers, 39-52, See also individual names Baritone, 46 Bass, 46-47 soprano, 41-42 tenor, 44-45 T opics - the names by which they are known A ssociations (between topics) - in the form of "see also" references O ccurrences - the page numbers or locators
The Difference between TM and INDEX
Topic map generalized in order to be able to deal with the vastly more demanding requirements of digital information. This generalization allows them to incorporate the key features into a single unified model.
Role of TM reflects the associative mode typical of the way humans think. Thus, it becomes possible to navigate around a multidimensional topic space to find the precise pieces of information. Topic map can be used to answer queries of far greater complexity than any of today’s web search engines would be able to tackle.
Possibility in KM Topic maps ideal for representing knowledge in other fields as well. Topic maps can be used to encode the interrelation of roles, products, procedures.
Role of TM in KM Provide a unified model for representing knowledge
Linking it with the information resources in which it is embodied.
Is TM fit for KM? the entities involved in an organization (people, roles, products, etc.) can be represented as topics; the complex and shifting relationships between those entities can be represented as associations; and the documentation and other information resources that relate to them can be represented as occurrences.
Graphical Notation topic topic with id "chopin"
topic with declared topic type "person"
Graphical Notation association with id "as243"
association with declared association type "born-in" topic "chopin" plays a unspecified role in association which type is "born-in" topic "chopin" plays a role of type "who" in association which type is "born-in"
What is LTM Notation? A Simple textual format for writing topic maps.
Unlike the XML format, it is compact, simple.
Why LTM Notation? There are specialized topic map editor, which would insulate their users from exchange format. There is still a need for a simple textual format that can be used to concisely express topic map constructs in s, discussions and similar contexts.
Complete Example(1/3) /* topic types */ [format = "Format"]
[standard = "Standard"] [organization = "Organization"] /* association types */ [format-for = "Format for"] [defined-by = "Defined by"] /* occurrence types */ [specification = "Specification"] [homepage = "Home page"]
Complete Example(2/3) /* topics, associations and occurrences */
[topic-maps : standard = "Topic maps" = / fullname "ISO/IEC Topic Maps"] {topic-maps, specification, " [xtm : format = "XTM Syntax"] [ltm : format = "The linear topic map notation"; "linear topic map notation, the" @"
Complete Example(3/3) {ltm, specification, " format-for([ltm], [topic-maps]) format-for([xtm], [topic-maps]) defined-by([ltm], [ontopia]) defined-by([xtm], [xtm-wg]) [ontopia : organization = "Ontopia AS"] {ontopia, homepage, " [xtm-wg : organization = "XTM Working Group"] {xtm-wg, homepage, "
Defining topics Introduction to the Notation (1)
The basis of the notation is the ability to define topics, which is done by writing the SGML ID of the topic in square brackets. Example [ltm] [ltm = “The Linear topic map notation”; “Linear topic map notation, the”] Base name Sort name
Defining topics Introduction to the Notation (1)
Example [foo = “basename”; “sortname”;”dispname”] [ltm : format = “The Linear topic map notation”; “Linear topic map notation, The”] [ltm : format = “The Linear topic map notation”; “Linear topic map notation, The” @ Topic type Subject Identifier
Defining topics Introduction to the Notation (1)
Example [ltm : format = /norwegian “Den lineare topic map-notasjonen”; “lineare topic map-notasjonen, den” @ Scoping of names
Defining associations Introduction to the Notation (2)
Example Format-for( [ltm] , [topic-maps] ) Format-for( [ltm] , [topic-maps:standard=“Topic maps”]) Association type
Defining occurrences Introduction to the Notation (3)
Example {ltm, specification, type Occurrence role type Occurrence location
Formal syntax definition(1/3)
LTM syntax uses a formal extended BNF grammar Example Topic-map ::= encoding? (topic | assoc |occur) + Encoding STRING Topic ::=‘[‘ NAME(WS’:’NAME+) ? (topname)* psi?’]’ Psi Topname ::=‘=‘scope?basename((‘;’sortname) | (‘;’sortname?’:’dispname))? Scope ::=‘/’NAME+
Formal syntax definition(2/3)
basename ::= STRING sortname ::= STRING dispname ::= STRING assoc ::= NAME '(' assoc-role (',' assoc-role)* ')' assoc-role ::= topic (':' NAME )? occur ::= '{' occ-topic ',' occ-type ',' STRING '}' occ-topic ::= NAME occ-type ::= NAME
Formal syntax definition(3/3)
NAME = [A-Za-z_][-A-Za-z_0-9.:]* COMMENT = /\*([^*]|\*[^/])*\*/ STRING = "[^"]*" WS = [\r\n\t ]+
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