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Notes: Welcome students to lesson. Introduction- this session will teach the students the difference between fiction and non- fiction reading materials.

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2 Notes: Welcome students to lesson. Introduction- this session will teach the students the difference between fiction and non- fiction reading materials. Animation (yes or no): Text/Audio Narration: Soft music and student is reading a book. Title: Fiction or Non-fiction Scene (opening page):Intro Graphics (yes or no) : Audio (yes or no): Slide number: 1 Skill or Concept: Introduce the topic

3 Notes: This slide will show a short passage with pictures for the narrator to read and student to read along. This is a way to assess prior knowledge of students. At the end narrator will describe the type of passage- fiction. Saul returned from recess. A lunch box sat on his desk. It was red and a bit scratched. He made an announcement, trying to find out who it belonged to. When no one claimed it, he opened it. It was filled with marbles. A note said, “Saul, these are for you from your secret admirer.” Saul felt puzzled. Who would have given him marbles? What type of passage would this be fiction or non-fiction? Animation (yes or no): Text/Audio Narration: Narrator: “Hello! Today we are going to talk about fiction and non-fiction. First we are going to find out what you already know. Let’s start by reading the passage on the screen together. You read silently while I read aloud. Narrator reads, Saul returned from recess. A lunch box sat on his desk. It was red and a bit scratched. He made an announcement, trying to find out who it belonged to. When no one claimed it, he opened it. It was filled with marbles. A note said, “Saul, these are for you from your secret admirer.” Saul felt puzzled. Who would have given him marbles? ” (Pause) What you do you think is this fiction or non-fiction? (Pauses) If you guessed fiction, you were right!!!!! Let’s go on and we will learn more about fiction and non-fiction.+ Title: Fiction or non-fiction Scene: Graphics (yes or no) : yes Audio (yes or no): yes Slide number: 2 Skill or Concept:

4 Notes: This slide will be pre-training for the student. This will help the student as the session moves on so that any other concepts learned in relation to this topic will be easier to grasp. Definition of fiction. Fiction: made-up stories, comes from the writer’s imagination and can be based on real events. Cinderella This is a story that tells about the life of a young girl,her step sisters,and step-mother. The writer tells the story as if it was real except he uses his imagination and creates, fairy god-mothers, pumpkins that become coaches, and mice that become drivers of the coach. Animation (yes or no): Title: Fiction or non-fiction Scene: Graphics (yes or no) : Audio (yes or no): yes Slide number: 3 Skill or Concept: definition Text/Audi Narration: The narrator will give definition of fiction, words will be highlighted as definitions are read. Illustrations of fiction and non-fiction characters are added and reasons for why they are fiction or non-fiction. Narrator says: “Fiction is a type of story that is made-up by the writer, they use their imagination and sometimes the stories are based on real events. Let’s look at the story, Cinderella, this story tells about the life of a young girl, her step-sisters, and her step- mother. The writer tells the story as if it was real except he uses his imagination and creates, fairy god-mothers, pumpkins that become coaches, and mice that become drivers of the coach. Cinderella is an excellent of a fiction story. Let’s read a short passage and see if we can tell if it is fiction!”

5 Notes: This slide will show a short passage with pictures for the narrator to read and student to read along. At the end narrator will describe the type of passage- fiction. Animation (yes or no): Title: Fiction or non-fiction Scene: Example of fiction story exercise Graphics (yes or no) : Audio (yes or no): yes Slide number: 4 Skill or Concept: worked example Text/Audio Narration:. Narrator reads, “Long ago a woodcutter and his wife lived in the forest. One day he found a lovely white crane caught In a trap. He freed the crane and went back to work. That night a young girl knocked on the couple’s door. They took her inside. The next day she gave them a beautiful woven cloth and told them to sell it for a high price. Each day she gave them a new cloth. On the seventh night, the woodcutter woke up. He Saw a crane at the loom weaving cloth from its feathers. The crane said, “I came here to repay you for saving me. But now I must go.” It said goodbye and then flew away.” We can see that the story takes place in the forest and there is a talking crane. Do cranes talk? (Pause) No! This story is a fiction story. Now it is your turn. Let’s have you read and decide if the story is fiction. Long ago a woodcutter and his wife lived in the forest. One day he found a lovely white crane caught In a trap. He freed the crane and went back to work. That night a young girl knocked on the couple’s door. They took her inside. The next day she gave them a beautiful woven cloth and told them to sell it for a high price. Each day she gave them a new cloth. On the seventh night, the woodcutter woke up. He Saw a crane at the loom weaving cloth from its feathers. The crane said, “I came here to repay you for Saving me. But now I must go.” It said goodbye and then flew away. After reading the passage can you determine if the passage is fiction?

6 Notes: This slide will show a short passage with pictures for the narrator to read and student to read along. At the end narrator will provide student opportunity to choose the type. Animation (yes or no): Title: Fiction or non-fiction Scene: Graphics (yes or no) : Audio (yes or no): yes Slide number: 5 Skill or Concept: Brenda ran in the door. She was running late, as usual. She raced up the stairs and grabbed her clothes. She jumped in the shower as fast as she could. Out of the corner of her eye, she thought she saw a snake. But how could that be? It was the dead of winter. Snakes wouldn’t be lurking around now. Besides what would a snake be doing in the house? Brenda wiped her wet hair with a towel. She wanted to get it as dry as she could before she had to go. Brenda’s mom called from downstairs. It was time to go. Brenda grabbed her tennis shoes and her ‘ purse. As she looked down at her hands, she let out a blood-curdling scream. It wasn’t her purse It was a snake, a real live snake! It didn’t take long for Brenda’s brother to capture the reptile and take it outside. Brenda told herself to trust her instincts from now on. She had been right! Is the story fiction? Text/Audio Narration: Narrator will read, “Brenda ran in the door. She was running late, as usual. She raced up the stairs and grabbed her clothes. She jumped in the shower as fast as she could. Out of the corner of her eye, she thought she saw a snake. But how could that be? It was the dead of winter. Snakes wouldn’t be lurking around now. Besides what would a snake be doing in the house? Brenda wiped her wet hair with a towel. She wanted to get it as dry as she could before she had to go. Brenda’s mom called from downstairs. It was time to go. Brenda grabbed her tennis shoes and her ‘purse. As she looked down at her hands, she let out a blood-curdling scream. It wasn’t her purse. It was a snake, a real live snake! It didn’t take long for Brenda’s brother to capture the reptile and take it outside. Brenda told herself to trust her instincts from now on. She had been right!” Student will choose answer from a drop-down box. Student will receive immediate feedback with audio and animation.

7 Notes: This slide will show a short passage with pictures. Student will work alone to choose whether passage is fiction. Animation (yes or no): yes Title: Fiction or non-fiction Scene: Student Practice Graphics (yes or no) : yes Audio (yes or no): yes Slide number: 6 Skill or Concept: Is it fiction? Pencil Points by Kimberly M. Hutmacher Have you ever wondered where the idea for the pencil came from? The pencil's history is said to date back to 1564. Legend has it that trees in the British Isles were uprooted by a hurricane. Under one such tree, in Borrowdale, England, a farmer found a strange black substance. The farmer discovered that this substance would not wash off. He and other farmers began using the substance to mark their sheep. The substance they were using was called graphite, and mixed with clay, it is what's inside of the wooden casings of the pencils we use today. Did you ever wonder what the different numbers on pencils meant? Pencils are identified by the numbers 1, 2, and 3. A number 1 pencil is soft and makes a very dark mark without applying much pressure. Teachers often request that students use a number 2 pencil. These pencils are more medium-soft. A number 3 pencil is very hard, but not as dark. It's good for tracing. Whether we are using a 1, 2, or a 3, it is difficult to imagine life without pencils. Is the story fiction? Text/Audio Narration: Narrator says, “read the story above. Think about what we have learned about fiction stories.”Student will choose answer from a drop-down box. Student will receive immediate feedback with audio and animation.

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