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Notes for Trainers (Day Training)

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1 Notes for Trainers (Day 8 2015 Training)
Teams will have seen versions of this presentation a few times and the intention is to review what data tools are available for their team to use Reviewing PBIS Apps will be ongoing; this is a good reminder for teams to go back in to site and relook at data Suggest going through this fairly quick, focus on slide information most crucial for teams to know based on cohort data results, and incorporate local examples of data The Tiered Fidelity Inventory (TFI) will be new for teams The intention is to provide an introduction to TFI, let them know it’s there, and use it to evaluate Tiers 1 2 and/or Tier 3 at their school At Spring Training teams will get more information on the TFI For most teams, TFI will be more useful down the road

2 Adapted from the Illinois PBIS Network
Using Evaluation Tools, On-Line Systems, and Data-Based Decision Making Adapted from the Illinois PBIS Network

3 Evaluation Tools: Team Implementation Checklist (TIC)
Self Assessment Survey (SAS) School Evaluation Tool (SET) Tiered Fidelity Inventory (TFI) School-Wide Information System (SWIS) PBIS

4 Tier 1 Evaluation Tools Team Implementation Checklist (TIC)
Benchmarks of Quality (BoQ) for after full implementation School Evaluation Tool (SET) Self-Assessment Survey (SAS)

5 Tier 1, Tier 2 and/or Tier 3 Evaluation Tool
Tiered Fidelity Inventory (TFI) Tool may be used to evaluation Tier 1, Tier 2 and/or Tier 3 or all three at once More on this later

6 Classes of Data Effort data (What we think we’re doing; Self-perception data) Team Implementation Checklist (TIC) Self-Assessment Survey (SAS) Outcome data (Is it having an effect?) “Big 5” Graphs Triangle % Fidelity data (Is the plan being implemented as intended; Are we actually following the plan)? School Evaluation Tool (SET) Benchmarks of Quality (BoQ) Tiered Fidelity Inventory (TFI)

7 PBIS Assessment within PBIS Apps
Team Implementation Checklist Self Assessment Survey School Evaluation Tool Tiered Fidelity Inventory

8 A Brief Overview of PBIS Apps: link to

9 Login

10 Dashboard

11 Accessing Reports

12 Accessing Reports con’t

13 PBIS Assessment Reports

14 Team Implementation Checklist (TIC)
Self-assessment tool for monitoring the implementation of school-wide PBIS Team self-assessment in 6 areas Establish commitment Establish and maintain team Self-Assessment Establish School-wide Expectations Establish Information system Build capacity for function-based support

15 Team Implementation Checklist (TIC) con’t
WHO: Universal PBIS Team WHAT: Gudies development, implementation, monitoring and improvement process for building a positive school culture and climate WHERE: at school during a Universal PBIS Team meeting WHEN: 3X/year HOW: One person enters the data online at

16 Team Implementation Checklist (con’t)

17 TIC Total Score Report

18 TIC Subscale Report

19 TIC Individual Items Report

20 School-Wide Evaluation Tool (SET)
Designed to determine the extent to which schools are implementing School-wide Positive Behavior Supports (PBIS) accurately (as intended) Some schools may already be using some core features accurately, but not all yet… High standard! research level tool to evaluate PBIS implementation

21 SET data can be used to: Assess features that are in place
Determine annual goals Evaluate on-going efforts Design and revise procedures Compare year to year PBIS implementation over time

22 SET Evaluates 7 Areas Expectations defined
Behavioral expectations taught Acknowledgement procedures Correction procedures Monitoring and evaluation Management District-level Support

23 SET Subscales

24 SET Items

25 Outcome Data SWIS (School wide Information System)
New Format on the website Provides end of year Triangle percentages Note: Looking for the same types of data no matter what system your school/district uses

26 SWIS Report Options Average Referrals per Day per Month
Referrals by Problem Behavior Referrals by Location Referrals by Student Referrals by Time Referrals by Day of the Week Referrals by Grade Referrals by Ethnicity

27 SWIS Graphs

28 SWIS Reports

29 Average Referrals per Day per Month

30 Referrals by Problem Behavior

31 Referrals by Location

32 Referrals by Time

33 Referrals by Student

34 Multiple Year Comparison Graphs

35 Self Assessment Survey (SAS)
Evaluates staff perception of the extent to which PBIS systems are in place within a building School-wide Non-Classroom Classroom Individual Student SAS provides entire staff (certified and non-certified) perspective

36 SAS School-Wide Systems

37 SAS Basics WHO: All teachers, staff and administrators in building
WHAT: status and need in 4 systems (school, classroom, non-classroom and individual students) WHERE: school WHEN: Annually HOW: All staff take online survey online at PBIS Assessment

38 SAS Total Score

39 SAS Subscale

40 SAS Item Report

41 TFI Tiered Fidelity Inventory
Team can use the TFI to measure fidelity at Tier I, Tier 2 and/or Tier 3 individually, or all at once External Facilitator Guided Team self assessment based on data collected from a walk through tool and other data sources available at the building level

42 TFI Basics External Facilitator and Team complete
Walk through process ( minutes to complete) May be used for progress monitoring (3x/year) May be used as annual fidelity evaluation Questions are scored on an operationalized rubric: 2= fully in place 1= in progress 0= not started

43 TFI on PBIS Assessment

44 Eventually evaluate all 3 Tiers

45 Data-Based Decision-Making
Developing precise statements Solution Development Prevention, Teaching , Rewarding, Extinction, Corrective Consequence, and continual Data Collection Action Plan for Results Implement Action Plan RE-evaluate Results and adjust (ongoing, continuous improvement cycle)

46 Data for Ongoing Problem-Solving
Start with the perceptions, then the data Use data in “decision layers” Is there a problem? (overall ODR rate) Localize the problem Location, problem behavior, students, time of day) Get specific Don’t drown in the data (i.e., use layers) Be efficient

47 Uses of Data Review current status and identify problems early
Use on regular bases (e.g., every 2 weeks) to monitor key indicators and ID problems before they escalate Refine problem statement to a level of precision that allows functional solutions Use data to test possible solutions Use data to evaluate if solutions are working If many students are making the same mistake, it’s likely the system that needs to change first

48 OK! Time to Complete the TIC!
Complete the TIC on paper first as a team Coach reads the questions Team decides together; ALL members vote After completing the TIC on paper, coach enters scores into PBIS apps Engage in action planning BASED upon your assessment results

49 Team Action Planning Time
What does your data tell you about current strengths? Where are areas of need? Are the needs confirmed by more than one data source? What would you like to see as a future outcome in those areas? Prioritize Generate ideas to address the area Create a plan (who/what/where/when etc.) Frequently monitor and adjust using updated data as your guide

50 Team Planning Checklist
This tool can be used to guide action planning It includes the following areas to consider: Expectations Reward/Recognition Systems Responding to Rule Violations Monitoring and Decision Making Management Building Leadership External Leadership Efficiency Overcoming Barriers

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