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1 Redesign Activity (from EDU655) Jennifer Luther Ashford University EDU697: Capstone Dr. Keith Pressey 4 August 2014.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Redesign Activity (from EDU655) Jennifer Luther Ashford University EDU697: Capstone Dr. Keith Pressey 4 August 2014."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Redesign Activity (from EDU655) Jennifer Luther Ashford University EDU697: Capstone Dr. Keith Pressey 4 August 2014

2 2 Objective  Student will use a technology mapping application to graphically organize and compare the two literary characters Beowulf and Odysseus.  Student will demonstrate an understanding of the literary characters by organizing and comparing facts.  Student will select at least five areas to compare and contrast.

3 3 What is comparing & contrasting?  Allows you to highlight similarities and differences between two or more items.  Allows you to clarify and define your ideas.

4 Compare & Contrast (Wishnefsky, 2013) 4

5 5 Graphic Organizer  Can aid in comparing/contrasting two items.  Comparative thinking is a natural form of thought  Learning would be difficult without the ability to compare one object to another  Graphic organizers help students retain information  Helps make abstract ideas more concrete

6 6 Interactive Smart Board Demonstration  As a class the students and instructor will utilize the interactive Smart Board to collaboratively compare and contrast two different items.

7 7 Prezi demonstration of Mapping Tools  The instructor will also provide demonstrations of several mapping tools that the students may use for this lesson using Prezi. Prezi tutorial

8 8 Practice Practice 1: Compare and Contrast whales and fish.

9 9 Practice 1: Possible answer

10 10 Practice 2  Compare and contrast animals that live in the water and animals that live on land.

11 11 Practice 2: Possible answer

12 12 Grading Rubric MasteryProficientBasic Displayed Information visually pleasing Information displayed in an easy to view format Information was displayed but the format was hard to read. The format was inappropriate for the information being displayed. Comparison Information successfully displayed Information contained no errors Information contained a few errors but did not detract reader Information had numerous errors and it was distracting Made at least eight comparisons Student made eight or more comparisons Student made fewer than eight comparisons Student made no comparisons

13 References Wishnefsky, E. (2013, April 24). 6 th grade skills- compare and contrast [video file]. Retrieved from qlgdQ Test Design13

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