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Presented by Luke St Jack!.  Web browsers a type of application that are capable of translating html data from websites and other sources into a readable.

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Presentation on theme: "Presented by Luke St Jack!.  Web browsers a type of application that are capable of translating html data from websites and other sources into a readable."— Presentation transcript:

1 Presented by Luke St Jack!

2  Web browsers a type of application that are capable of translating html data from websites and other sources into a readable format by utilising the HTTP(HyperText Translation Protocol).

3  A variety of software laid the foundations for what would become the modern web browser in the late 1980s, but it wasn’t until Tim Berners-Lee developed the WorldWideWeb application in 1991 that the face of the internet changed forever.  With WorldWideWeb, the internet was able to enter a new golden age, several new web browsers begun development, such as mosaic and opera.  The internet grew exponentially from this point onwards, and eventually became a necessity for billions of people.


5  Most modern web browsers have a feature that lets you save the URLs of websites, allowing you to visit your favourite websites more quickly than otherwise.  The feature was first integrated into the Mosaic web browser in 1993 and most other browsers have followed suit since.


7  Tabs allow for multiple web pages to be open in a single browser window, eliminating the need to fill your screen with several instances of a web browser.  Tabs usually take the form of a bar at the top of a web browser window and can easily be switched between.  Although the feature was first implemented into the InternetWorks browser, most people would believe that Mozilla Firefox popularized it.


9  Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) are a relatively new feature in web sites that allow web developers to change the formatting and appearance of a webpage.  CSS is often used to separate the format/ layout of the webpage with its content, allowing for a single master layout to be used for several different pages.


11  First version: 1995  Market share: ~50%  Internet Explorer is widely used for the fact that it comes with all windows operating systems, which themselves have a large percentage of the operating system market share.  While its features list rivals other popular web browsers, it lacks a download manager and becomes slow at times, causing many to adopt Mozilla Firefox.


13  First version: 2004  Market share: ~30%  Mozilla Firefox is the second most used web browser after Internet Explorer and comes with a large range of expandable features that can be added to with addons.  While Mozilla Firefox is a great web browser in every sense, it suffers from a slow start up that can get even slower with many addons installed or with many tabs saved from a previous session.


15  First version: 2008  Market share: ~11%  Google Chrome is the newest and third most popular of the three main web browsers, it uses a powerful engine to run much faster and load pages more reliably than other browsers.  Google Chrome has many of the same features as other notable browsers, but lacks a menu bar which can frustrate some users who are used to using menu bars.

16  Even though Internet Explorer has the greatest market share, I believe that Mozilla Firefox and Google Chrome are far better web browsers and don’t suffer from slow down as much as the top dog.  Thanks for listening!

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