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Dietrich Baade 1 Scientific Detectors Workshop 2005 - SDW2005AD - Taormina (Sicily) June 20-24 A summary: A) ESO Presentations B) Sicily C) Optical Detectors.

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Presentation on theme: "Dietrich Baade 1 Scientific Detectors Workshop 2005 - SDW2005AD - Taormina (Sicily) June 20-24 A summary: A) ESO Presentations B) Sicily C) Optical Detectors."— Presentation transcript:

1 Dietrich Baade 1 Scientific Detectors Workshop 2005 - SDW2005AD - Taormina (Sicily) June 20-24 A summary: A) ESO Presentations B) Sicily C) Optical Detectors D) IR Detectors a)Geography b) Culture c) Business d) Technology Nineteen ! GMosaics, CCD, CMOS Gert

2 Dietrich Baade 2 ESO Presentations (I) D. Baade & Optical Detector Team (oral): Optical Detector Systems at ESO F. Christen, K. Kuijken, C. Cavadore, D. Baade, O. Iwert, S. Deiries (poster): Fast CCD Conversion Factor Measurements in Images with a Vertical Gradient F. Christen, K. Kuijken, D. Baade, O. Iwert, S. Deiries, C. Cavadore (poster): CCD CTE Measurements Based on Signal Variance in Flat Field Images C. Cumani, A. Balestra, J. Stegmeier (poster): Software for the New General detector Controller Prize: “Young Achiever”

3 Dietrich Baade 3 ESO Presentations (II) S. Deiries, A. Silber, O. Iwert, E. Hummel, J.L. Lizon (oral): Plasma Cleaning – A New Method of Ultra-cleaning CCD Cryostats S. D’Odorico (oral): Requirements on Array Detectors from OWL Instrument Studies R. Dorn, G. Finger, A. Silber, S. Eschbaumer (poster): An Ultra-low Photon Background 1 to 5 micron Detector Mosaic Test Facility M. Downing, N. Hubin, M. Kasper, J. Reyes, M. Meyer, D. Baade & e2v & Ph. Feautrier, J.L. Gach (oral): A Dedicated L3 CCD for Adaptive Optics Applications J. Beletic, D. Figer, G. Finger, P. Love, R. Smith (oral): IR Detector Testing & Characterization

4 Dietrich Baade 4 ESO Presentations (III) G. Finger (oral): Performance and Evaluation of Large-format 2Kx2K MBE-grown HgCdTe Hawaii-2RG Arrays Operating in 32- Channel Mode C. Geimer, C. Cumani, N. Haddad, J. Reyes, J. Valenzuela, B. Lopez (poster): Keep Control: PULPO2 - ESO’s New Housekeeping Unit Prize: “Best Paper” “In recognition of Gert’s lifetime achievements, a Minor Planet will be named Gert Finger”

5 Dietrich Baade 5 ESO Presentations (IV) R. Gilmozzi (oral): Science, Technology, and Detectors for Extremely Large Telescopes O. Iwert, D. Baade, A. Balestra, A. Baruffolo, A. Bortolussi, F. Christen, C. Cumani, S. Deiries, M. Downing, C. Geimer, G. Hess, J. Hess, K. Kuijken, J. Lizon, H. Nicklas, R. Reiss, J. Reyes, A. Silber (oral): The OmegaCAM 16Kx16K CCD Detector System for the ESO VST J. Lizon, A. Silber (poster): Cooling System for the OmegaCAM CCD Mosaic Prize: “The Project Most Likely to Succeed”

6 Dietrich Baade 6 ESO Presentations (V) L. Mehrgan, N. Bezawada, R. Dorn, S. Eschbaumer, G. Finger, M. Meyer, J. Stegmeier, G. Woodhouse (poster): 256-channel Data Acquisition System for VISTA Focal Plane to Read Out Sixteen 2Kx4K VIRGO Detectors M. Meyer, IRDT, & ODT (oral): ESO’s New General detector Controller R. Reiss, A. Balestra, C. Cumani, C. Geimer, J. Reyes, E. Marchetti (poster): We Must Be MAD: Pushing FIERA to Its Limits R. Reiss, S. Deiries, J.L. Lizon, M. Meyer, J. Reyes, R. Bacon, F. Hénault, M. Loupias (poster): Slicing the Universe: CCDs for MUSE J. Reyes, M. Downing, M. Meyer, L. Mehrgan, R. Conzelmann (poster): NGC Front-end for AO Applications and CCDs

7 Dietrich Baade 7 Sicily: Geography Mt. Etna: still more omnipresent than ESO

8 Dietrich Baade 8 Sicily: Culture Archimedes would have held SDW250BC here

9 Dietrich Baade 9 Sicily: Business There was even detector test equipment on offer!

10 Dietrich Baade 10 Sicily: Technology Did you say latest trends? Pixelated images? Even mosaics? Yawn …

11 Dietrich Baade 11 CCDs: General J. Tonry (UoH): Orthogonal Transfer Arrays (also advertised by Semiconductor Technology Associates) S. Tulloch (ING): L3 Vision works SNAP (LBNL/Dalsa) fully depleted CCDs: first devices not perfect; CRIC2 ASIC meets specs and expected in spring 2006  Progress in many areas but no new technologies emerging MONSOON: lost some partners, but advancing well  Roundtable discussions: little time left, mostly little effective  GigaProjects  CMOS (Complementary Metal-Oxide Semiconductor) vs. CCD

12 Dietrich Baade 12 Other Big CCD Projects: Megacam @ MMT Commissioned 2004 November; little information 36 CCDs with 2048x4608 pixels each (e2v ccd42-90) 2 more CCDs for autoguiding/focussing CCDs not tested: installed out of the box Electronic CCD simulator 9x4 mosaic FoV: 24’ x 24’ Pixel size: 0.08 arcsec (currently binned to 0.16 arcsec) 4-5 e - read noise at 200 kpix/s CCD temperature range: ± 7 degrees (pp) Filters (30 cm) from SAGEM Problems with large-scale structure in flat fields

13 Dietrich Baade 13 Other Big CCD Projects: Pan-STARRs Near-Earth-Object (NEO) threat: need all-sky monitor Must be 10x larger, 10x faster, 10x cheaper (per pixel) Four 1.8-m primaries on Hawaiian islands FoV: 3 degrees Tip/tilt correction (10 Hz) with Orthogonal Transfer Arrays 8x8 OTAs with 8x8 512x512 pixels (= 1 Gpixel) Each OTA has 64 readout channels, only 8 enabled at any one time Readout time: 2 s (1 Mpixel/channel/s) ASICs could not be procured: 16-ch. acquis. boards (15 W) First light of proto-type with ¼ Gpixel in 2006 January

14 Dietrich Baade 14 Other Big CCD Projects: LSST (Large Synoptic Survey Telescope) Was: Dark-matter Telescope Single 8.4-m telescope FoV 3.5 degrees Two-hundred 4Kx4K CCDs High red response: thick silicon, high-resistivity substrate 3.2 Gpixels Very fast camera (f1.2): mosaic flatness < 5 μm rms 6400 readout ports (32/CCD) 2 s read time (250 kpixels/port/s) Considering hybrid Si PIN detectors bonded to CMOS Filters measure 76 cm across and are curved Pan-STARRS: LSST based on Moore’s law?

15 Dietrich Baade 15 CCD versus CMOS (I) CCD Approach CMOS Approach Pixel Charge generation & charge integration Charge generation, charge integration & charge-to-voltage conversion + Photodiode Amplifier Array Readout Charge transfer from pixel to pixel Multiplexing of pixel voltages: Successively connect amplifiers to common bus Array Output Output amplifier performs charge-to-voltage conversion Various options possible: - no further circuitry (analog out) - add. amplifiers (analog output) - A/D conversion (digital output)

16 Dietrich Baade 16 PropertyCCDHybrid CMOS Dimensions> 4k x 4k2k x 2k in use, 4k x 4k demonstrated Pixel pitch10 – 20 µm18 – 40 µm, < 10 µm demonstrated Wavelength coverage0.3 – 1 μm0.5 - 1 μm (Si PIN) - 5 μm (InSb, HgCdTe) NoiseFew electronsFew electrons (with multiple sampling) Shutter(Mechanical)Electronic, rolling shutter Power ConsumptionHighTypically 10x lower than CCD Fill factor100% << 100% (but: microlenses or vertical stacks) Control ElectronicsHigh voltage clocks, need at least 2 chips Low voltage only, can be integrated into single chip Special ModesOrthogonal transfer, binning Windowing, guide mode, random access, reference pixels Dynamical range, linearity, pixel-response non-uniform. Good or excellentImperfect Blooming:Must be suppressedNo CostStandard (constant)High (decreasing) CMOS vs. CCD (II)

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