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Repacking the Standards… A protocol for deepening understanding of standards A. Gamblin, TR Marshall, M. Michue, D. Mitchell, C. Williams.

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Presentation on theme: "Repacking the Standards… A protocol for deepening understanding of standards A. Gamblin, TR Marshall, M. Michue, D. Mitchell, C. Williams."— Presentation transcript:

1 Repacking the Standards… A protocol for deepening understanding of standards A. Gamblin, TR Marshall, M. Michue, D. Mitchell, C. Williams

2 What do you think about when you… Pack and Repack?

3 Repacking the Standards – R1 and R10 Objectives – Review CCSS standard R1/R10 – Learn a protocol to deepen understanding of the standard – Apply the protocol to develop an instructional sequence for teaching/re-teaching the standards – Reflect on the protocol

4 Step 1: Target a Standard – Select a target standard (R1) – Select a grade level within the target standard – Discuss all the performance indicators included in the standard

5 Step 2: Naming the Components – Identify the key verbs, nouns, and phrases in the standard – Write each on a separate 3 x 3 sticky note RESIST the URGE!!

6 Step 2 Looks Like This

7 Or This

8 Step 3: Organize & Categorize – Organize your 3” x 3” sticky notes into categories and place them on the chart paper – Review your groupings and give each a category name – Write each category name on a separate 4” x 6” sticky note and place it on the chart paper to label your groups RESIST the URGE!!

9 Step 3 Looks Like This

10 …And Could Look Like This

11 Step 4: Instructional Sequence – Review your main categories on the 4” x 6” sticky notes – Place them in a logical instructional sequence – Be sure to place the corresponding performance indicators listed on the 3” x 3” sticky notes with their categories RESIST the URGE!!

12 Step 4: Instructional Sequence – Review your main categories on the 4” x 6” sticky notes – Place them in a logical instructional sequence – Be sure to place the corresponding performance indicators listed on the 3” x 3” sticky notes with their categories RESIST the URGE!!

13 Step 4: Instructional Sequence – Review your main categories on the 4” x 6” sticky notes – Place them in a logical instructional sequence – Be sure to place the corresponding performance indicators listed on the 3” x 3” sticky notes with their categories RESIST the URGE!!

14 Step 5: Extend the Process – Add definitions, examples, symbols, formulas, pictures, or kid language on small (2” x 2” or 2” x 1 ½”) sticky note to explain the performance indicators more clearly – Be sure to use kid-friendly language on these notes

15 Step 5 Looks Like This

16 Or This

17 Step 6: Strategic Instruction – Develop your Teacher Checklist for the standard you have examined and repacked – Collaborate to review and share appropriate instructional strategies needed to ensure learning – Be able to discuss the expected outcomes

18 Repacking a Standard - Teacher Checklist Template

19 Repacking a Standard – Teacher Checklist Example 4” x 6” 3” x 3” 2” x 2”

20 Implications for Analyzing Student Work How does the protocol refine our understanding and use of the standards? How can teachers use the protocol to develop a mechanism to analyze their instructional practices and student work?

21 Now it’s your turn… Using the standard R10, follow the Repacking protocol. When finished you should have: – A presentation poster with three sticky note sizes. – A completed checklist for R10.

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