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人教修订版 高中一年级 ( 上 ) Unit 12. Writing Pre-writing A n a l y z e i t !

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Presentation on theme: "人教修订版 高中一年级 ( 上 ) Unit 12. Writing Pre-writing A n a l y z e i t !"— Presentation transcript:

1 人教修订版 高中一年级 ( 上 ) Unit 12

2 Writing

3 Pre-writing A n a l y z e i t !

4 What contents should a poster include? What is it? Who is in charge of it? When and where does it take place? How does it take place?

5 Sample Speaker: Professor Smith of the Foreign Language Department, who recently visited England Subject: The Modern Society of England Time: Sept. 20, 2003, 2:00 p.m. Lecture

6 Place: Room 308, the Teaching Building All are welcome. Foreign Language Department Sept. 15, 2003

7 Writing Suppose your favourite film is going to be shown in our school. You have been asked to make a poster for the film. Your poster should be colourful and interesting and it should include all the information on the screen.

8 1. What’s name of the film? 2. What’s the film about? 3. Where will the film be shown? 4. Why should people watch the film? 5. What stars are in the film? 6. When will the film start? 7. How much is the ticket?


10 Suggested answer Name: Hero Time: 7 p.m. Saturday, Dec.10 Place: The meeting hall Fare: Two yuan Brief Introduction: The film is set in the Film news

11 Warring States. It is about four murderers who try to kill Emperor Qin Shihuang. It is a moving story and the actions are wonderful. Chen Daoming, Li Lianjie and Zhang Manyu are the leading roles in the film. The School Students’ Union Nov. 15, 2005

12 Announcement Useful Expressions: Ladies and gentlemen/Boys and girls … May I have your attention, please? / Attention, please, everyone. / I have good news for all of you. Thank you. / Everyone is welcome. / Please be there on time.

13 Sample Ladies and gentlemen, May I have your attention, please? I have an announcement to make. The School Teachers’ Union is going to hold a meeting to celebrate Teachers’ Day. It’ll be in the school

14 conference room on Friday, September 10th. It will begin at 4 o’clock in the afternoon. All are requested to attend. Please be there on time. Thank you

15 Homework If you are asked to write an announcement about the film on the poster and read it on the radio, how will you do it? Please write your announcement on a piece of paper.

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