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Presentation on theme: "GOLDILOCKS AND THE THREE BEARS Retold by PUT NAME HERE."— Presentation transcript:


2 Once upon a time there was a little girl called Goldilocks who lived at the edge of a great forest. She was called Goldilocks because she had very beautiful curly blond hair which gleamed like gold in the sunlight. But although Goldilocks looked so pretty she could sometimes be very naughty. Every day as Goldilocks went out to play her mother would remind her: 'Now Goldilocks, you may go and play in the meadow but don't go into the forest or you will get lost.'

3 One morning Goldilocks began to get tired of playing in the meadow. 'I know,' said Goldilocks to herself, 'I'll go exploring in the forest.' She looked back at the house to make sure that her mother wasn't watching then ran off across the meadow and into the forest.

4 Goldilocks wandered deeper and deeper into the forest until she became completely lost. She felt very frightened and was about to cry when she saw a strange little cottage amongst the trees. Goldilocks tapped on the door but there was no answer. Then she peeped in through an open window. There was no one at home so Goldilocks climbed inside for a look around.

5 Inside the cottage a fire was burning brightly and a table was laid for breakfast with three bowls of steaming porridge. It smelled delicious and Goldilocks realised how hungry she was. 'I'll just try a little bit to see how it tastes,' she said. First she tried the biggest bowl but the porridge was too salty. Then she tried the middle bowl but the porridge was too sweet. Then she tried the little bowl and the porridge was just right so she ate it all up.

6 Near the fire were three chairs. Goldilocks was tired so she decided to sit down. First she tried the biggest chair but it was too high. Then she tried the middle chair but that was too high as well. At last she tried the smallest chair but it was too small and broke to pieces.

7 In the corner of the room was a twisty staircase so Goldilocks decided to climb to the top. She found a bedroom with three beds and of course one was very big, one was middle sized and one was small. She tried the biggest bed but that was too hard. Then she tried the middle sized bed but that was too soft. Then she tried the smallest bed and that was just right. It was so comfy that Goldilocks fell fast asleep.

8 Goldilocks didn't know that the cottage belonged to three bears and they were on their way home. Father Bear had been collecting wood for the fire. Mother Bear had collected a basket of blackberries. 'I do hope our porridge is cool enough to eat,' said Baby Bear. 'I want my breakfast.'

9 When they came in they went straight to the table to eat their porridge. 'Somebody has been eating my porridge,' said Father Bear. 'Somebody has been eating my porridge too,' said Mother Bear. 'Somebody has been eating my porridge and eaten it all up,' cried Baby Bear.

10 Then Father Bear noticed his chair. 'Who has been sitting in my chair?' he roared. 'Who has been sitting in my chair?' said Mother Bear. 'And who has been sitting in my chair and broken it to pieces?' cried Baby Bear.

11 The three bears went upstairs. 'Somebody has been lying on my bed,' said Father Bear. 'Somebody has been lying on my bed,' said Mother Bear. 'Somebody has been lying on my bed,' cried Baby Bear, ' and they're still there, fast asleep.'

12 The three bears looked at the little girl. What was she doing in their cottage? Goldilocks woke up with a jump. She thought that the three bears were part of her dream and pinched herself very hard, but the bears did not disappear. Now she was very frightened. She jumped out of bed, ran down the stairs and out through the door of the cottage. She ran and ran, not stopping for breath until she reached her own house with her mother waiting at the doorstep. She never went exploring in the forest again.

13 Alternate ending starts at this slide


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