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Beyond Conventional Thinking: Looking at Point of Use Water Treatment Options Sara Piaskowy 2iE Scientific Forum March 6, 2008.

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Presentation on theme: "Beyond Conventional Thinking: Looking at Point of Use Water Treatment Options Sara Piaskowy 2iE Scientific Forum March 6, 2008."— Presentation transcript:

1 Beyond Conventional Thinking: Looking at Point of Use Water Treatment Options Sara Piaskowy 2iE Scientific Forum March 6, 2008

2 Framing the Problem

3 Conventional Systems and Health Benefits Beyond

4 Point-of-Use Technologies

5 Chlorination Safe water System by CDC Source: Why is it so hard to bring safe water to the poor – and so profitable to sell it to the rich? The marketing challenges for point of use water treatment devices By urs heierli 2006 SDC

6 Flocculation PUR Source: Why is it so hard to bring safe water to the poor – and so profitable to sell it to the rich? The marketing challenges for point of use water treatment devices By urs heierli 2006 SDC

7 Ceramic Filters Source: Ceramic silver impregnated pot filters for household drinking water treatment in developing countries Master of Science Thesis in Civil Engineering Delft University of Technology Doris van Halem, November 2006

8 Biosand Filters Source: Why is it so hard to bring safe water to the poor – and so profitable to sell it to the rich? The marketing challenges for point of use water treatment devices By urs heierli 2006 SDC

9 SODIS Source: Why is it so hard to bring safe water to the poor – and so profitable to sell it to the rich? The marketing challenges for point of use water treatment devices By urs heierli 2006 SDC

10 Preliminary Results of Ceramic Filter Monitoring Next Step: Test new methods to improve flow rate!

11 Distribution of POU Interventions Source: Presentation by Susan Murcott and Robert Baffrey-Massachusetts Institute of Technology International Symposium on Household Water Treatment Bangkok, Thailand, June 1, 2005

12 2iE and POUs into the Future Success!

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