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The Live Reef Food Fish Trade: Towards Industry Best Practice Standards Charles V. Barber International Marinelife Alliance "Responding to the Challenge.

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Presentation on theme: "The Live Reef Food Fish Trade: Towards Industry Best Practice Standards Charles V. Barber International Marinelife Alliance "Responding to the Challenge."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Live Reef Food Fish Trade: Towards Industry Best Practice Standards Charles V. Barber International Marinelife Alliance "Responding to the Challenge of Coral Reef Conservation: Beyond the WSSD" December 10 th, 2002 December 10 th, 2002 International Finance Corporation Washington, DC








9 Targeting Grouper Spawning Aggregations OverfishingOverharvestingOverharvesting By- Catch and High Mortality

10 The Market: Hong Kong and China Estimated Annual Volume of 17,000 tons valued at $315,000,000 (based on retail value of top 10 species) Mainland China major transshipment point and consuming 50% of the trade

11 A LRFFT Workshop was held in early 2001, resulting in: A Collaborative Strategy to Address the Live Reef Food Fish Trade Available online at:

12 The Collaborative Strategy identified the need to develop a set of industry “best practice standards” for LRFFT covering the chain of custody from reef to restaurant. In response, IMA, MAC and TNC agreed to work collaboratively with other stakeholders in 2002-2003 to develop these standards. In response, IMA, MAC and TNC agreed to work collaboratively with other stakeholders in 2002-2003 to develop these standards.

13 Project Goals Minimize destructive practices; Upgrade capture, culture, handling, and transport practices to ensure the conservation of reef habitats for target LRFFT species; Minimize human health threats from ciguatera.

14 Key Participants LRFFT operators in SE Asia, Australia, and the Pacific Hong Kong Chamber of Seafood Merchants Experts on Grouper and Wrasse Biology and Ecology Grouper Mariculture Specialists Government fisheries managers Experts on – and representatives of – local fishing communities in LRFFT areas

15 Standards Development Process 1 st Draft produced by project team 1 st draft reviewed by small group of experts 2 nd draft produced by project team 2 nd draft reviewed by int'l multi-stakeholder standards advisory group (SAG) 2 nd draft reviewed in specific workshops and consultations Draft finalized by project team Final LRFFT Industry Best Practice Standards feedback loop


17 Elements of the Standards I.Wild Capture Resource assessment and fishery viability Resource assessment and fishery viability Fishery management and planning Fishing operations

18 II.Aquaculture Use and treatment of wild fry and fingerlings and promotion of hatchery-reared fry. Chemicals, waste, and feed Growout farm siting and habitat interactions Fish health management Food quality and safety Socio-economic and gender issues

19 III.Import, Holding, Distribution and Marketing of LRFF Importing – banned species, size control, recognized ports, wild fingerling export ban Holding and distribution – times, holding pens, handling techniques Marketing – labeling, compliance with the standards

20 Summary of Draft Standard for Wild-Capture LRFFT Minimize by-catch. Maintain quality of catch in post- harvest handling, storage and transport. Operate a dispute resolution process. Maintain a safe and environmentally friendly fishing vessel. Do not use destructive fishing methods. Conserve marine ecosystems.

21 Collaborate with fisheries managers and researchers. Use selective fishing gears and practices. Minimize all discards and waste associated with fishing activities. Comply with all relevant state, national and international laws. Educate and train fishers. Publicize the benefits of sustainable fishing practices.

22 Supporting Activities to Illuminate and Promote Best Practices Resource assessment and monitoring criteria and methods development Economic analysis of costs and benefits of implementing better practices LRFF mariculture standards development Food safety strategies (ciguatera) Developing a consumer outreach strategy

23 Key Project Challenges Industry buy-in (convincing industry that this is not “certification” and that there’s something in it for them) Government buy-in Defining and getting information on the LRFFT chain of custody

24 Dealing with scientific uncertainty about “sustainability” Strategies for verifying compliance Not appearing to be promoting expansion of the trade Getting donor funding and private investment to pilot the standards once they are completed (Hint, Hint)

25 Can Market-Based Incentives Save Me???

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