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WP3 MR System Target Moderator Cryoplant FZJ/ESS Kick-off Meeting John Jurns Lead Engineer TMCP 20 August 2015.

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Presentation on theme: "WP3 MR System Target Moderator Cryoplant FZJ/ESS Kick-off Meeting John Jurns Lead Engineer TMCP 20 August 2015."— Presentation transcript:

1 WP3 MR System Target Moderator Cryoplant FZJ/ESS Kick-off Meeting John Jurns Lead Engineer TMCP 20 August 2015

2 Moderator-Reflector Systems 2 Overview Requirements Design/functionality Project execution Procurement

3 Target Cryogenic Cooling System Overview 3 A key feature of ESS is a tungsten target wheel, which uses high-energy protons to create fast neutrons via the spallation process. A moderator-reflector system then transforms these fast neutrons into slow neutrons. A key feature of the moderator-reflector system are the H 2 moderators, which use supercritical H 2 at 17 K and 1.5 MPa to reduce the energy of the neutrons before they reach the instrument lines. Neutronic heat is removed from the H 2 by a Cryogenic Moderator System (CMS). The CMS circulates circulates supercritical hydrogen to the moderators, and removes heat through a heat exchanger to a cold helium circuit, maintaining its nominal operating temperature of 17 K. The Target Moderator Cryoplant (TMCP) will provide the cooling for the CMS. The heat deposited into the H 2 is removed via a heat exchanger in the CMS cold box that transfers the heat from the H 2 circuit to a cold gas He circuit operating at approximately 15 K and 1.9 MPa, which is connected to the TMCP cold box.

4 4 M-R Cryogenic Systems Overview Overall simplified schematic

5 Requirements 5

6 TMCP System Requirements Primary Functions To remove heat from CMS hydrogen circuit Operational Functions Circulate cold helium through Cryogenic Transfer Line (CTL) Operate between maximum and minimum heat loads Function efficiently under defined operational modes Manage TMCP helium inventory Safety & Reliability Functions Meet Target lifetime and availability goals Meet safety goals for pressurized cryogenic systems 6 Requirements

7 General Requirements for Target Station General Requirements related to TMCP 7

8 Specific System Requirements for TMCP CMS process requirement on TMCP Heat Input Heat load (Neutronics) maximum – 24.0 kW Heat load (static) maximum – 4.9 kW Total Heat load maximum – 30.3 kW Heat exchanger Media – He/H 2 Capacity minimum – 33 kW Operational parameters Hydrogen Pressure Design maximum – 17 bar Operation minimum – 13 bar Temperature Operation maximum 21.0 K Operation minimum 15.0 K Allowable ΔT maximum 3.5K Mass flow Total mass flow nominal 1000g/s Operational modes Cool down maximum – 24 hr Heat up maximum – 24 hr 8 CMS other requirement on TMCP Availability 24/7 365 days per year (not counting scheduled down times) Location H 2 room, D02 level 150 Ambient 285-303 K, 20-80% RH References: ESS-0036931, TMCP heat load summary ESS-0033354, CMS SDD-Req ESS-0034424, Neutronic report for the PDR

9 9 TMCP capacity range – Expected operating scenarios once TMCP is fully commissioned Steady-state operation modes – Nominal design mode – 100% capacity – Nominal low power mode – 25-70% capacity – Nominal turndown mode – 16% capacity Short term Long term Transient operation modes – Cool down/warm up Cool/warm up of TMCP alone Cool down/warm up of TMCP and CTL – Switching modes Short term switch from nominal power to turn down power and back Long term switch from Nominal to Turn Down Long term switch from Turn Down to Nominal – Beam trip Requirements – TMCP capacity

10 Design & Functionality 10

11 11 Target Moderator Cryoplant Cryogenic Moderator System M-R Cryogenic Systems Design Overview Overall schematic Hydrogen Moderators

12 12 TMCP Process Parameters Overview Safety factor & operational margin development

13 13 TMCP Process Parameters Overview

14 TMCP Operating Capacity Range Start of operations (2019) to nominal capacity (2025) with & without margins 14

15 15 TCMP Schematic

16 16 TMCP Process Design Description TMCP CTL CMS ESS HP LP

17 17 TMCP Process Design Description Compressors Turbo-expanders Ambient heater Warm gas buffers

18 18 Operating modes Checkout mode TMCP only (jumper at cold box) TMCP Process Design Description

19 19 Operating modes Checkout mode TMCP and CTL (jumper at CMS) TMCP Process Design Description

20 20 Operating modes Steady state mode Nominal design TMCP Process Design Description

21 21 Operating modes Steady state mode Nominal low power TMCP Process Design Description

22 22 Operating modes Steady state mode Nominal turndown (short term) Switching mode Beam trip TMCP Process Design Description

23 23 Operating modes Switching mode Long term turndown (unload CTL to high pressure buffer tanks, CTL decrease from ~ 20 bar to ~ 6 bar) TMCP Process Design Description

24 24 Operating modes Switching mode Long term turndown (unload CTL to low pressure buffer tanks, CTL decrease from ~6 bar to ~1 bar ) TMCP Process Design Description

25 25 Operating modes Switching mode Long term turndown (unload CTL to high pressure buffer tanks, emergency shutdown, loss of power) TMCP Process Design Description

26 26 Operating modes Steady state mode Nominal design (100%) TMCP Process Design Description

27 27 Operating modes Steady state mode Nominal low power (<50%) TMCP Process Design Description

28 TMCP Compressor building piping 28 Cryoplant Supplier ESS

29 TMCP Cold box room piping 29 Cryoplant Supplier ESS TMCP ESS

30 TMCP Utilities – cooling water 30 Cryoplant Supplier ESS

31 Compressor building He cold box building Cryo transfer line tunnel Connection to H 2 cold box in Target building Cryogenic systems location overview TMCP System Layout

32 Duct for cryo transfer line to Target building He cold box building ~ 335 m between TMCP and CMS H 2 cold box Compressor building ACCP TiCP TMCP TMCP System Layout

33 33 CTL Duct to Target building Duct to G04 Integrated TMCP & CTL design description overview – layout G02 cold box building ACCP Cold box TiCP Cold box TMCP Cold box TMCP System Layout

34 34 CTL Design Layout Vacuum insulated supply and return lines DN100 process pipe, DN150 vacuum jacket ~ 335 meter length from TMCP to CMS Total He inventory ~ 336 kg Estimated total heat leak 1.3 kW Estimated total pressure drop (CTL only, not including CMS HEX) – 0. 15 bar CTL size minimized by TMCP process design (expansion turbines on return line of helium loop to CMS)

35 35 Add picture of interface between CMS and CTL in D02 hydrogen room 1.Cryostat 2.He transfer lines 3.H2 supply and return line 4.Pumps 5.Removable stair 6.Vent line to stack 7.Cryostat assembly frame 8.Folding doors open to atmosphere 9.Jalousie for wind and weather protection Interface to CMS - Physical CTL helium line to/from TMCP CMS hydrogen room in building D02 level 150 TMCP/CMS Physical Interface

36 ESS Site 36 Outdoor conditions Ambient temperature: 250 K to 310 K Relative Humidity: 10%-100% Compressor room Ambient temperature: 278 K to 313 K Relative Humidity: 20%-80% Cold box room Ambient temperature: 283 K to 303 K Relative Humidity: 20%-80% Cooling water supply pressure of 4-9 bar (3-8 bar gauge). design pressure of 11 bar (10 bar gauge). maximum allowed pressure drop in circuits is 2 bar. supply temperature 303±1 K for acceptance test, may vary between 288 and 305 K in operation. Electricity power for main compressor motor at 6.6 kV, 50 Hz Low voltage switchgear at 400 V, LV UPS power and cables up to the terminals of the contractor’s LV power distribution and control system; 24 V DC with battery backup for measuring instruments and logic control circuits where necessary; Instrument air ISO 8573-1: dust content class 2, oil content class 2 and moisture class 2. supply pressure will be 7 bar (6 bar gauge). Helium purity of 99.996% (Helium grade 4.6). Magnetic field/Radiation levels Magnetic fields and radiation levels in the TMCP compressor building and cold box building will be negligible. The equipment will be accessible during accelerator operation as well.

37 Project Execution 37

38 TMCP Project Execution 38 ESS expects this project to be generally executed as follows: TMCP – Commercial procurement for: Cryoplant & controls Installation Checkout & commissioning CTL – Commercial procurement for: Cryogenic Transfer Line Installation & testing ESS will provide: Facility piping & cabling (as part of overall cryoplants installation) Buildings & civil work, power, cooling water, instrument air Overall project coordination

39 TMCP Scope 39 ScopeESS Scope Warm compressor stationWarm gas buffer tanks Gas management panelCMS H 2 cryostat Oil removal systemWarm helium distribution piping Warm interconnecting piping & cablingCooling water system Ambient heaterPower, medium & low voltage switchgear Cold boxUPS for control system Gas analysisEthernet Control systemEPICS framework Spare partsCivil & structural work & buildings He/H 2 heat exchanger for CMS CTL jumper spool He cryogenic transfer line (CTL) Hardware Scope

40 TMCP Scope 40 Engineering Services Scope ScopeESS Scope Project management, scheduling, interface and quality controlOverall project management and scheduling Basic and detail design, and specification of equipment, piping, cabling & controls Basic and detail design, and specification of ESS provided equipment, cabling & controls Project meetings and fabrication checks Pressure and leak checks, signal checks and function checksOverall layout and civil engineering Planning of shipping, testing, installation, commissioning and acceptance testing Organizing third party approvals from Swedish authorities for TMCP operating permit Packing and shipping TMCP equipmentAssistance & training for contractor w.r.t. connecting to ESS EPICS Packing and shipping of H 2 /He heat exchangerIntegration and implementation into broader ESS control system Project management, scheduling, interface and Quality documentation, inspection and test protocols, material certificates etc. Health, safety and environmental analyses All software and tools to commission, acceptance test, operate and maintain the TMCP including communication between EPICS IOC(s) and PLC(s) Naming of all devices and signals according to the ESS naming convention

41 TMCP Scope 41 Site Services Scope Scope Unloading and placing TMCP componentsSet up of the two EPICS based local touch panels; Arranging for lifting and transport to place heavy plant components Signal checks of contractor provided equipment and skids; Removing of package material etc.Function checks of contractor provided equipment; Interconnection and installation of process and utility piping between contractor provided components Adjustment of contractor provided equipment and skids; Interconnection and installation of process and utility piping between contractor provided equipment and ESS interfaces Calibration of transmitters on contractor provided equipment and skids; Cleaning, purging, evacuating and filling with helium of all equipment and interconnecting piping; Commissioning of the TMCP Pressure and leak checks of contractor provided equipment and skids; Acceptance testing of the TMCP Activation of all adsorbers;Training of ESS personnel Supply, installation and termination of cables from CC/MCCs, TBs to Contractor supplied equipment

42 TMCP 42 Site Services Scope ESS Scope Access to ESS site Site safety training Limited storage for contractor provided equipment Access to sanitary facilities including fresh water; Start-up utilities (helium, nitrogen, instrument air, cooling water and electricity) Receipt and inspection and appropriate storage; Interconnection and installation of ESS scope piping between contractor provided equipment Interconnection and installation of piping in scope of ESS between ESS provided equipment and contractor provided skids and equipment; Support for operating and trouble-shooting during start-up Measurement of electric power usage during acceptance tests

43 TMCP Installation & Commissioning 43 Installation & Commissioning Tests at manufacturer site Welds (radiograph) Pressure tests Leak tests Warm compressors – test at maximum nominal condition Turbines – equivalent steady state operation mode test at warm conditions Mechanical tests at ESS (installation) Welds (radiograph) Pressure tests Leak tests

44 TMCP Installation & Commissioning 44 Installation & Commissioning Acceptance tests at ESS Warm compressor Performance (capacity, noise, oil removal, control) Utilities (power, water) TMCP only Functional test – mechanical, controls, adsorber regeneration Capacity tests – steady state (maximum, low power, turndown) Transient performance tests – Emergency shutdown, failures, restart, turbo- expander replacement

45 TMCP Installation & Commissioning 45 Installation & Commissioning Acceptance tests at ESS Integrated TMCP/CTL tests Additional performance tests Transition 100%  turndown (ramp down) Transition turndown  100% (ramp up) Transition 100%  beam trip (instantaneous) Transition turndown  100% (instantaneous) Transition 100%  70% (ramp down) Transition 70%  50% (shut down one compressor) Transition 50%  100% (restart one compressor) Isolate TMCP from CTL, shutdown, unload He to buffer tanks Full cool down of TMCP & CTL 300 K  15 K (load He from buffer tanks) Full warm up of TMCP & CTL 15 K  300 K (unload He from CTL)

46 Procurement 46

47 Procurement –TMCP History Budget request from ALAT, Linde Kryotechnic for 20 kW, 16.5 K cryoplant Responses (4Q14) – Linde 9.6 M€, including installation & CTL – ALAT 9.5 M€, including CTL, satellite box, no installation Revised budget request from ALAT & Linde for 35 kW, 15 K cryoplant Responses (2Q15) – Linde 10.6 M€, including installation – ALAT 10.3 M€, including H 2 /H2 HEX, no installation 47

48 Procurement –TMCP Current status Drafted the following documents to procure a 30 kW, 15 K cryoplant: Technical Specification (ESS-0034501), includes: – 30.3 kW, 15 K cryoplant complete – 33 kW H 2 /He heat exchanger for CMS – Vacuum jacketed CTL jumper spool for performance tests – Installation of all TMCP, including interconnecting piping & cabling – Controls – Acceptance testing, commissioning, training, documentation Statement of Work, outlining scope of supply for both vendor and ESS for: – Hardware deliverables – Engineering services – Installation services – Documentation – Responsibilities 48

49 Procurement –TMCP Current status (continued) Open Call for Tender, including: – Instructions to bidders – Description of supplies & services – Bid assessment criteria – Requirements for submittal – References to SOW and Technical Specification Next steps Final edits to Technical Specification, SOW, OCT based on review comments Release OCT by end of August 49

50 Procurement –CTL Current status Drafted a request for budgetary estimate to procure, install, and checkout two 335 m, DN100 vacuum jacketed pipe assemblies (one supply, one return): Sent request to five VJ piping fabricators. Feedback as shown below: Cryo World – 732.1 k€ (1,100 €/meter) KrioSystem – 700 k€ (1000 €/meter) CryoTherm – 1,960 k€ (2,800 €/meter) Cryo Diffusion – 1189.4 k€ (1,750 €/meter) Demaco – 559 k€ (834 €/meter) Next steps Finalize routing of CTL in coordination with ESS SI organization Draft Technical Specification, SOW, OCT Release OCT by 2Q2016 50

51 Schedule 51 Target Moderator Cryoplant PDR OCT Contract award TMCP PDR TMCP CDR Installation Commissioning Cryo Transfer line OCT Contract award CTL PDR CTL CDR Installation Concept Phase Final Design Make Phase PDRPDR PDRPDR 2019 Q1 Q2 2015 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 2016 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 2017 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 2018 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 PDRPDR PDRPDR PDRPDR PDRPDR PDRPDR PDRPDR PDRPDR PDRPDR SAT PDRPDR PDRPDR DeliveryCDR PDRPDR PDRPDR PDR PDRPDR PDRPDR PDRPDR PDRPDR Site Inst. & Testing Site Work 2014 Q3 Q4 PDRPDR PDRPDR PDRPDR PDRPDR Procurement Schedule PDRPDR PDRPDR PDRPDR PDRPDR PDRPDR PDRPDR PDRPDR PDRPDR PDRPDR PDRPDR

52 TMCP configuration – The cryogenic heat load to the CMS and subsequently to the TMCP are characterized by a wide range of heat load, narrow range of operating conditions, and expected fast changes in heat load that the systems must respond to safely and efficiently. The proposed configuration of the TMCP and CTL effectively addresses these challenges by providing a system that can: – Operate efficiently over the entire range of operating conditions – Respond quickly to changes in heat loads – Designed to minimize helium mass The unique operating requirements of the CMS and TMCP will require continuing efforts to coordinate the design of hardware and development of the operating scheme The project is still generally on schedule, but diligence is required to maintain momentum and forward progress 52 Summary

53 Finis 53

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