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2015 Run to Home Base 2016 Run to Home Base Partnership Opportunities.

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1 2015 Run to Home Base 2016 Run to Home Base Partnership Opportunities

2 1 Home Base Home Base, a partnership of the Red Sox Foundation and Massachusetts General Hospital is one of the only private sector clinics in the nation that helps Service Members, Post-9/11 Veterans and their Families heal from the Invisible Wounds of War through clinical care, wellness-based programs, community outreach, education and research. Home Base helps Veterans and their Families recover from Post Traumatic Stress, Traumatic Brain Injury, relationship challenges, military sexual trauma, substance abuse, stress and anxiety caused by war. Home Base serves as a successful model for private-public collaboration; a source of new communication and education; and a leader in finding and implementing new treatments for combat-related stress disorders and traumatic brain injury. Please visit for more Their Mission is Complete. Ours Has Just Begun.

3 2 2016 Run to Home Base: Overview The Run to Home Base is a unique 9K (5.6 mile) fundraising run and a 2.5-mile walk through Boston ending with the unforgettable experience of crossing “home base” (plate) at historic Fenway Park. Since 2009, the Run has raised over $13M for Home Base. Date: Saturday, July 23, 2016 Course: Start and finish line at Fenway Park Participants: Up to 4,000 runners and walkers and an estimated10,000 friends and family members who will cheer on participants from the stands at Fenway. Runners must be 14 years of age or older; walkers can be any age. 500 active duty Military Members participate in the event. Activities:Military appreciation area where the public will create care packages for Military Members serving overseas; Fan Experience Zone with trophies, Red Sox Legends, Wally the Green Monster; other family-fun activities. Schedule: 6am Park opens; 7:30am Opening Ceremonies, 8am run/walk; 10:30am post- party; 7pm Day at the Park game recognizing Home Base.

4 3 Media Coverage and Branding The Run to Home Base generates significant media coverage and branding throughout New England. NESN: Over 600 ad units and numerous in-game interviews and post-Run news stories; NESN personality Tom Caron runs in the event and serves as emcee. Other TV: Coverage on major networks (WHDH, WCVB, FOX25, WGBH, NECN, WGBY), Interviews with Executive Director General Hammond on Fox 25. Radio:Radio interviews with Executive Director General Hammond on over 12 stations throughout New England, including WBZ, Nightside with Dan Rea, WROR and Radio BDC. Print/On-Line: Articles in over 12 major regional publications, including several in the Boston Globe; articles posted on a large variety of websites. $50,000 worth of print and online advertising in the Boston Globe and on National:MLB Network; several military media outlets Social Media/Email: Home Base, Mass General and Red Sox Foundation assets fully utilized; regional bloggers; 40+ web calendar listings; significant internal outreach within and to Mass General and Red Sox Nation lists; tens of thousands of emails to a variety of runner, military lists and business lists. Individual Donors:Over 2,700 participants are communicating to 40,000+ donors whom support their fundraising efforts. Other:Various out-of-home advertisements, including Boston Duck Boat ads/signs; in-theater ads, tens of and thousands of flyers distributed to a variety of locations and at Home Base outreach events.

5 4 2015 Corporate Partners

6 5 Grand Slam Partner $50,000 Pre-Race Day: Logo on Run marketing collateral* Logo on home Logo on sponsor recognition email to runners prior to event On Race Day: Category exclusivity One (1) 10 x 20 Expo area in Fenway Park Concourse Full page acknowledgement in the Run program Ten (10) signs with logo throughout race course Ten (10) complimentary Run entries Opportunity to include giveaway in participant gift bags Logo featured on 4,000 Run to Home Base t-shirts Logo on Jumbotron throughout event Two (2) complimentary parking passes *Logo inclusion and usage to be dependent upon RSF/MGH approval

7 6 Home Run Partner $25,000 Pre-Race Day: Logo on Run marketing collateral* Logo on home Logo on sponsor recognition email to runners prior to event On Race Day: One (1) 10 x 20 Expo area in Fenway Park Concourse Full page ad in Run program Four (4) signs throughout race course Five (5) complimentary Run entries Opportunity to include giveaway in participant gift bags Logo featured on 4,000 Run to Home Base t-shirts Logo on Fenway Park Jumbotron throughout event One (1) complimentary parking pass *Logo inclusion and usage to be dependent upon RSF/MGH approval

8 7 Family Fun Zone Partner Family Fun Zone area to consist of kids’ activities such as face painting, coloring, balloon animals, etc $25,000 Pre-Race Day: Logo on Run marketing collateral* Logo on home Logo on sponsor recognition email to runners prior to event On Race Day: One (1) 10 x 20 Expo area in Fenway Park Concourse Full page ad in Run program Four (4) signs throughout race course Five (5) complimentary Run entries Opportunity to include giveaway in participant gift bags Logo featured on 4,000 Run to Home Base t-shirts Logo on Fenway Park Jumbotron throughout event One (1) complimentary parking pass *Logo inclusion and usage to be dependent upon RSF/MGH approval

9 8 Gold Glove Partner $10,000 Pre-Race Day: Logo on Run marketing collateral* Logo on home On Race Day: Quarter page ad in Run program Two (2) signs throughout race course Two (2) complimentary Run entries Company Name on 4,000 Run t-shirts Company Name on the Jumbotron during event *Logo inclusion and usage to be dependent upon RSF/MGH approval

10 9 Exhibition Booth $2,500 Pre-Race Day: Logo on Run marketing collateral* Logo on sponsor On Race Day: One (1) 10 x 10 Expo area in Fenway Park Concourse One (1) sign on race course Company Name on the Jumbotron *Logo inclusion and usage to be dependent upon RSF/MGH approval

11 $25,000 Company agrees to form a corporate team consisting of at least 20 fundraising runners and/or walkers and an additional $5,000 cash donation. Each fundraising runner/walker must commit to raise at least $1,000. Participant fundraising can be done 3 ways: A)Each participant raises the full $1,000 on an individual basis B)Each participant raises $500 and company matches other $500 C)Company makes a full $25,000 donation covering investment and employees are not asked to fundraise Company receives following deliverables*: Full page ad in the Run program Four (4) signs throughout race course Logo featured on 4,000 Run to Home Base t-shirts which participants receive along with a Home Base hat Company name on Jumbotron during event Opportunity to have team wear corporate-branded shirts provided by company 10 Corporate Team Sponsorship *Logo inclusion and usage to be dependent upon RSF/MGH approval

12 11 Corporate Team Sponsorship $10,000* Company receives 10 race entries for fundraising runners and/or walkers and an additional $2,500 cash donation. Each fundraising runner/walker must commit to raise at least $750. Participant fundraising can be done 3 ways: A)Each participant raises the full $750 on an individual basis B)Each participant raises $375 and company matches other $375 C)Company makes a full $10,000 donation covering investment and employees are not asked to fundraise *Must registered before 1/1/16 **Logo inclusion and usage to be dependent upon RSF/MGH approval Company receives following deliverables**: Half page ad in the Run program One (1) sign throughout race course Company name on Jumbotron during event Opportunity to have team wear corporate-branded shirts provided by company

13 12 Contact Information Steve Monaco Director of Development, Signature Programs Home Base 125 Nashua Street Boston, MA 02114 617.643.0457 Gena Borson Executive Director Red Sox Foundation 4 Yawkey Way Boston, MA 02215 617-226-6440

14 13 Thank you

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