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The French Revolution 1789. Long-Term Political Causes.

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Presentation on theme: "The French Revolution 1789. Long-Term Political Causes."— Presentation transcript:

1 The French Revolution 1789

2 Long-Term Political Causes

3 Foreign Revolutions 1646 English revolt and behead their king 1776 Americans revolt and set up democratic gov. 1689 English parliament made William and Mary sign Bill of Rights Enlightenment ideas

4 Absolute Monarchy Louis XIV –Sun King –“I am the State” –Spent too much money –Palace of Versailles –Wars –Revoked Edict of Nantes

5 Louis XV (1715-1774) “After me the deluge” Louis XVI –Inherits a mess –France almost bankrupt –Meeting of Estates General May 5, 1789 –July 14 1789 the Bastille prison is attacked –Revolution begins!

6 Why Revolt? Third Estate had only one vote in Estates General Peasants starving CLERGY FIRST ESTATE 1 VOTE NOBLES SECOND ESTATE 1 VOTE PEASANTS MERCHANTS

7 “Liberty, Fraternity, Equality” Liberty – people want rights Fraternity – people want to be equal to each other Equality – no favors for the rich, all equal under the law

8 Moderate Stage 1792-1794 Third Estate Leaves Estates General Forms National Assembly LEFT CENTERRIGHT RadicalsModerates Conservatives quick change some change no change

9 Moderate Stage 1789 – 1792 National Assembly –Declaration of Rights of Man & Citizen –Abolished feudalism (no special privileges) –Abolished guilds and monopolies –Uniform currency, metric system –Constitution of 1791 provided for a limited monarchy –Put church under state control, sold church land

10 New Government, Old Problems National Assembly argued over new constitution –Dissolve assembly –Depose king –Became National Convention Austria and Prussia declare war

11 Radical Stage 1792 –1794 National Convention Males could vote Land sold to peasants New calendar adopted New styles of clothing Robespierre elected Committee of Public Safety Over 40,000 killed Émigré’s fled France

12 National Convention Continued King Louis XVI and wife Marie Antoinette executed after trying to leave France Finally Robespierre is killed A five-man Directory takes over France

13 Napoleon Bonaparte ~ Early Years Born on Corsica Sent to military school in France Won many battles but not made general because he was not from nobility Peasants and soldiers loved him

14 Napoleon the Dictator French desired a strong, central gov. By 1797 a hero in foreign wars –Drove English from France –Fired cannon into Parisian mob to stop Royalist riots Overthrew the Directory in a coup d’etat

15 Napoleon - First Consul 1799-1804 Held a plebiscite to become leader of France –Popular yes/no vote of the people People want stability Concordat of 1801 –Reestablished Catholic Church as “the religion of the majority of Frenchmen”

16 Emperor Napoleon 1804-1815 Crowns himself Emperor after military victories in Italy, Spain, German States and Austria

17 Napoleon’s Reforms Created lycees Nationalized banking system Code Napoleon –All men equal under the law No labor unions Women lost rights Restricted freedom of speech and press

18 Napoleon’s Battles War with Spain guerilla warfare cost him men, time and $ Placed brother on Spanish throne

19 Battles Continued Trafalgar –Lost sea battle to 19British Continental System –No trade allowed to or from Britain –Fails because England controls the seas –Russia refuses to stop trading grain so…

20 General Winter Napoleon invaded Russia 1812 Scorched earth policy Over ¾ of his men freeze or starve to death Napoleon is defeated and exiled to Elba He escapes and fights on for 100 Days Defeated at Waterloo Exiled to St. Helena

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