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 The Brothers of the Holy Cross have founded many high schools and universities.  Some of these include: Holy Cross College, The University of Notre.

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Presentation on theme: " The Brothers of the Holy Cross have founded many high schools and universities.  Some of these include: Holy Cross College, The University of Notre."— Presentation transcript:

1  The Brothers of the Holy Cross have founded many high schools and universities.  Some of these include: Holy Cross College, The University of Notre Dame and St. Mary Catholic Central High School. Impact of Holy Cross

2  The mission of the Brothers of the Holy Cross is to educate youth in schools.  They have mission centers in East Africa, Peru, Chile, Mexico, India, Brazil, West Africa and the Philippines. Mission of Holy Cross

3  Monks of the Order follow a threefold vow of obedience, stability, and conversion to the Monastic way of life.  In general, monks of the Order are encouraged to develop their own ministries within their monastic vocation. Lifestyle of Holy Cross

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