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Is reason all there is?. Romanticism defined… A movement that glorified and celebrated nature, all emotion, imagination and the mysterious A reaction.

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Presentation on theme: "Is reason all there is?. Romanticism defined… A movement that glorified and celebrated nature, all emotion, imagination and the mysterious A reaction."— Presentation transcript:

1 Is reason all there is?

2 Romanticism defined… A movement that glorified and celebrated nature, all emotion, imagination and the mysterious A reaction against the cold & calculated Enlightenment A reaction against the French Revolution’s excesses AND the destruction of the Napoleonic Era Honored Europe’s Medieval past Worldview that included the existence of things beyond that of empirical observation Art – Music – Literature – Philosophy - Politics Is there more to life than science and numbers?

3 Roots of Romanticism Renaissance individualism Protestantism’s emphasis on piety and devotion German “Sturm und Drang” movement Emotional & tragic… all of life Rousseau Is rationalism enough to explain the human experience? Individual freedom of experience… learn by T & E Kant Human perception & knowledge = Senses + Process Subjective Innate Human Morality = Truth is beyond Reason

4 Music of the Romantic Movement Ludwig von Beethoven German composer Hearing impaired Full orchestra use >> ↑ emotional range of music Frederic Chopin Polish child prodigy Pianist & composer Franz Liszt Hungarian pianist & composer

5 Literature of the Romantic Movement British Sir Walter Scott … novelist Samuel Taylor Coleridge… poet William Wordsworth… poet Lord Byron … poet John Keats… poet Percy Shelley… poet German Johann W von Goethe (G)… novelist Friedrich Schlegel (G)… novelist French Victor Hugo (F)… novelist There was a time when meadow, grove and stream, The earth and every common sight, To me did seem appareled in celestial light, The glory and freshness of a dream… -Wordsworth

6 Art of the Romantic Movement British… John Constable… natural wonder Salisbury Cathedral from the Meadows

7 Art of the Romantic Movement German Caspar David Friedrich… natural wonder Wanderer Above the Sea of Fog

8 Art of the Romantic Movement British… JMW Turner … technology vs. nature Rain, Steam and Speed – The Great Western Railway

9 Art of the Romantic Movement French… Eugene de la Croix… great deeds Liberty Leading the People

10 Architecture of the Romantic Movement Neo-Gothic Revival Medieval Style

11 Romanticism & Religious Faith Religion includes emotion… is expressed in nature, God’s creation John Wesley & Methodism Reaction against Deism & rationalism Revival – style… enthusiasm + emotional experience Repentance > Conversion > Good Works > Godly life Francois Rene de Chateaubriand & RC Revival Inner – Passion derived from message and sacraments Friedrich Schleiermacher Emotional & physical dependence on the Infinite Being 1 O FOR a thousand tongues to sing My great Redeemer's praise, The glories of my God and King, The triumphs of his grace!

12 Romantic Nationalism Glorification of individuals & individual cultures JG Fichte (G) Humanity shapes the world… great persons Johann G Herder (G) Distinctiveness of culture & peoples All contribute to humanity GWF Hegel (G) Historical evolution… all cultures / eras valuable Thesis (Idea)> Antithesis (Challenge) > Synthesis (New) What about the Islamic world? Anti-Islamic… Medieval / revived Christianity / Politics Pro-Islamic… Literature / Herder / Hegel / Schleiermacher

13 RAFT Use your skills to create a “Romantic” piece of art, poetry or music & include a paragraph explanation of why it is ‘Romantic’ OR Take an existing example of Romanticism and write a 1-page explanation of why this example qualifies as “Romantic” Include a copy of the example

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