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Chapter 8-Confirmation Celebrating Growth in the spirit.

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Presentation on theme: "Chapter 8-Confirmation Celebrating Growth in the spirit."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chapter 8-Confirmation Celebrating Growth in the spirit

2 We need others to “confirm” who we are Which persons have confirmed your identity and encouraged growth of the gifts you have been given? Who have been the primary revealers of the Spirit to you?

3 Growth in the Spirit 7 gifts of the Holy Spirit Wisdom Understanding Right judgment Courage Knowledge Reverence Wonder & aw in God’s presence

4 What it does & doesn’t Does not confer maturity Encourages a person’s developing maturity Sharing in in Jesus’ ministry is made consciously Service requirements

5 Rite of Confirmation Conferred by the Bishop Usually takes place within celebrating Eucharist

6 In preparing for Confirmation you choose a Sponsor (or the church chooses) Fully initiated Active in faith Help the person grow spiritually

7 Ritual/Symbols Laying on of Hands Anointing with Chrism; “Be sealed with the Gift of the Holy Spirit”

8 History By third century in the Western church separated In Eastern & Orthodox, Confirmation was never separated from Baptism

9 “Soldier of Christ” Sign of peace Middle ages it was a slap on the cheek Past few decades sign of peace restored

10 Different definitions of Confirmation “Coming of Age’ or “Spiritual Maturity” Current Understanding: ongoing initiation begun at Baptism.

11 Current Debate: Where does it belong? Original sequence Baptism, Confirmation, Eucharist Current practice Infant Baptism, delay Confirmation until old enough to be conscious of the Spirit (after Eucharist) Catholic canon law Conferred at age of discretion (definition varies) US: Between ages of 7 & 18

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