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1. Chapter 21: Instructions of Påthu Chapter 21: Instructions of Mahäräja Påthu 2.

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2 Chapter 21: Instructions of Påthu Chapter 21: Instructions of Mahäräja Påthu 2

3 Påthu Mahäräja prepares to perform a sacrifice (21.1-13) The King entered his city which was very beautifully decorated with natural opulence. Be worshiped by everyone, he performed many glorious activities in ruling the world. Thus attained universal reputation and the lotus feet of the Supreme Personality of Godhead. King Påthu lived very opulently between Ganges and Yamunä as an unrivaled king ruling all continents. No one could disobey his orders but the saints, the brähmaëas, and the Vaiñëavas. King Påthu performed a great sacrifice attended by important people from all over the universe. 3

4 Påthu Mahäräja instructs his citizens (21.14-44) Mahäräja Påthu explained the duties of a king are to protect and employ the citizens for the pleasure of the Supreme Lord. Failing to do this, a king is degraded. He advised his citizens to execute their duties properly in varëa and äçrama and to always think of the Supreme Lord within their hearts. So doing, they would protect their own interests and would bestow mercy upon their king for his future welfare. Once having taken shelter of the Lord’s lotus feet, a devotee never returns to this material existence of three-fold miseries.(Contd) 4

5 Påthu Mahäräja instructs his citizens (Contd) Mahäräja Påthu glorifies the spiritually enlightened brähmaëas and Vaiñëavas, requesting his citizens to engage in their service, which cleanses the heart and is so auspicious that even the Lord Himself takes pleasure in it. He prays to take the dust from the brähmaëas and Vaiñëavas feet upon his head till the end of life. He instructs the citizens to avoid offending brähmaëas and Vaiñëavas. 5

6 Påthu Mahäräja’s instructions to his citizens in four parts (21.14- 44) 1) 1) Perform your duties prescribed according to varëäçrama-dharma (14- 26) 2) 2) Perform prescribed varëäçrama duties for Lord Viñëu’s pleasure (27-33) 3) 3) The goal of prescribed varëäçrama duties (34-36) 4) 4) Becoming fixed in devotional service by serving the brähmanas and Vaiñëavas (37-44) 6

7 1) Perform your duties prescribed according to varëäçrama-dharma (14-26) Påthu Mahäräja provides his own example as a ksatriya king Humbly requests his citizens to discharge their prescribed duties not only for their own welfare, but for his sake 7

8 2) Perform prescribed varëäçrama duties for Lord Viñëu’s pleasure (27- 33) Basic principles of the Vedic system—the Lord is the Supreme Controller Laws of karma: According to our past deeds, either rewards or miseries depending upon pious (karma) or sinful (vikarma) acts, respectively Atheistic men do not accept Vedic authority, rather they subscribe to their own efforts subject to chance—disorder or chaos and disharmony Difference in outcomes between those of devotees and atheistic men(Contd) 8

9 2) Perform prescribed varëäçrama duties for Lord Viñëu’s pleasure (27-33; Contd) Chance as free will that Krsna grants, but not random rather it is ordered by the Lord How Vedic actions help one making spiritual advancement?   Vedas originate from the infallible Lord—if the orders followed, even with material desires (karma-kända)— gradual purification, despite contaminated with the 3 modes—comes to devotional platform, or freedom from the 3 modes—very important: even little endeavor—results are transcendental, or bhakti   All that is required is sincerity, or without duplicity, frank and open-minded   If not followed, like his father, king Vena—condemnation because Vedic sacrifices are meant for pleasure of the Lord 9

10 3) The goal of prescribed varëäçrama duties (34-36) For the pleasure of the Supreme Lord, Krsna Krsna does not need our service, rather it is meant for our own purification, despite material desires in the beginning Prescribed duties according to particular body, specific combination of the 3 modes, or material consciousness that the body dictates the soul The goal is to move the individual soul to deeper surrender to Krsna, and thus ultimately to the transcendental state, which is bhakti. 10

11 4) Becoming fixed in devotional service by serving brähmanas and Vaiñëavas (37-44) What causes the seed of bhakti to appear? How does it sprout and gradually grow into pure devotional service?   The answers lie in the role of brähmanas (material mode of goodness) and Vaiñëavas (the topmost brähmanas because transcendental)   It is only by their mercy, one attains taste for hearing krsna-kathä because of their qualities such as tolerance, austerities, knowledge, and education—higher than ksatriyta   Even the Lord considers them so dear and Himself serves them Therefore, devotees must always guard against commitment of Vaiñëava-aparadha, or offense at their lotus feet 11

12 The citizens, demigods, and residents of Pitåloka reply (45-52) Expressing their good will, the demigods, the denizens of Pitåloka, the brähmaëas and the saintly persons congratulated the King. They explained that the sinful Vena was delivered by his son, Mahäräja Påthu. All the saintly brähmaëas blessed Påthu Mahäräja with a long life. They said because of his affection, mercy, and great character, Påthu easily performed his occupational duty of ruling the citizens. Situated in pure goodness, he perfectly represented God. He is glorified by his own prowess and maintained the entire world by introducing brahminical culture, protecting everyone as an ideal kñatriya. 12

13 Chapter 22: Påthu Mahäräja’s Meeting with the Four Kumäras 13

14 The arrival of the Four Kumäras (22.1- 17) While the citizens praised Påthu Mahäräja, the four effulgent Kumäras descended from the sky, and the King and his officers worshiped them with great respect. Påthu Mahäräja took the water from their foot bath on his hair. Påthu glorifies the Kumäras as the best of the brähmaëas, experienced in liberation and in celibacy, although appearing as small children. He praises them as being traveling manifestations of the Lord for the purpose of elevating the Lord’s parts and parcel living entities. 14

15 Påthu Mahäräja’s two questions to Kumäras 1) 1) How can those entangled in material existence due to their karmas, such as householders, whose only aim is sense gratification, be blessed with good fortune? (22.13) 2) 2) How can they make rapid spiritual advancement? (22.15) 15

16 Sanat Kumära’s answers in brief 1) 1) Material entanglement = the 3 modes of material nature = bodily concept of life = sense gratification is their only aim. How these people can be helped? Simultaneous detachment from the bodily concept of life and increased attachment for Krsna, who is transcendental  Bhakti, or devotional service leads to relief from the modes  fixed in spiritual life 2) 2) Hearing and chanting about the glories of the Lord  increased attachment for the Lord  bodily detachment  transcendental state  rapid progress in spiritual advancement 16

17 Sanat Kumära’s Instructions (22.18-40) Sanat-kumära instructs Mahäräja Påthu in jïäna and vijïäna The process of advancement in spiritual life (18-23) Further details about the path of spiritual advancement (24-31) Conclusions: Take shelter of the Lord’s lotus feet (32-40) 17

18 Påthu Mahäräja responds, and the four Kumäras depart (41- 48) Mahäräja Påthu offered all his possessions to the Kumäras, even though everything already belonged to them because they represent the Lord. The four Kumäras became very pleased and appeared in the sky, praising the character of the King. 18

19 Påthu Mahäräja’s actions as king (49-63) Mahäräja Påthu executed his duties as perfectly as possible, his only aim to satisfy the Absolute Truth. He always thought of himself as the servant of the Lord, who possesses everything. Since he was never inclined to utilize his opulence for the gratification of his senses, he remained unattached. (Contd) 19

20 Påthu Mahäräja’s actions as king (49-63; Contd) By his wife, Arci, Påthu Mahäräja also begot five sons, named Vijitäçva, Dhümrakeça, Haryakña, Draviëa and Våka. Påthu Mahäräja continued to rule the planet and used to please the various citizens in all respects by his words, mentality, works and gentle behavior. Påthu Mahäräja’s sweet reputation was celebrated throughout the universe and all ladies and saintly persons heard his glories. He exactly represented Lord Rämacandra, the ideal king. 20

21 21 Discussion Points Personal Application (PeA) If If one eats in a place which is very sinful, he shares in sinful reactions (21.24) How to ask questions to a saintly person? (22.13-15, 18-19) How to ask questions to a saintly person? (22.13-15, 18-19) Preaching Application (PrA) The relevance for ISKCON, and society in general, of Mahäräja Påthu’s instructions on (21.12, 37-44, 50, 52; 22.43-47) The relevance for ISKCON, and society in general, of Mahäräja Påthu’s instructions on varëäçrama-dharma (21.12, 37-44, 50, 52; 22.43-47) SP’s Mood & Mission (M&M) Lord makes a prediction and fulfills it through some of His devotees (22.42)

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