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Trimester 1 Reflection Portfolio

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1 Trimester 1 Reflection Portfolio
Student Name

2 Math Math Classes 1st Per. Ninja Kitties 2nd Per. Samurai Pandas
4th Per. Opokoponiki ………….Warriors 5th Per. Krusty Crushers 6th Per. Rogel’s Warriors

3 Concepts Explored In math we’ve been learning about multi-digit division of whole numbers, prime factorization, operations with decimals and division of fractions. First, we reviewed adding, subtracting, multiplying and dividing decimals. Let me explain what you have to do to divide a decimal number by another decimal number. (Have your problem in front of you and explain how to solve it.) Explain the dividend the divisor and the quotient in the problem. Solve it using long division and describe how you must move the decimal for place value. Second, we’re learning how to make sense of problems and persevering in solving them. (Explain what these two ideas mean in regards to the division problem you just solved.)

4 My Math Performance So far this school year in math has been (insert adjective here) for two reasons: 1- ( write reason here) 2- ( write reason here) I would like to show you my quiz and test work I have completed in math class. (Have your math folder ready to share) Do you have any questions about my work? Additional Notes If you have not signed up for Remind, you and your parents please take out your phone now!!!! To: Text this message: @rogel IXL: Get a handout on this if you don’t know how to access it or use it. HOLT Math book Online: username: RMATH38 password: ICANDOTHIS

5 Science

6 Concepts Explored In science we have been learning about Ecosystems. An ecosystem is (place definition here). We have created our own model Ecosystem. Let me explain the parts of my system. (Have your model in front of you and point to the parts as your explain.) Terrarium= (define terrarium here) The biotic factors I added are: (list them) The abiotic factors I added are: ( list them) Aquarium= ( define aquarium) The abiotic factors I added are: (list them) Each of these factors has a role or job in the system: Producers: (explain the job or role) Consumers: (explain the job or role) Decomposers: (explain the job or role) Abiotic Factors: (explain the job or role)

7 Reflection & Choice Project
I feel I am (insert adjective here) at science for two reasons: 1- ( write reason here) 2- ( write reason here) I would like to show you some work I have completed in science class. Please choose ONE you would like me to share with you. 1- Charts 2- Quizzes 3- Vocabulary 4- Science Folder Do you have any questions about my work?

8 History / Social Studies

9 Five Themes of Geography
The Five Themes of Geography help organize information about the Earth and its people. While studying ancient civilizations and events occurring today, we use location, region, place, movement, and human-environmental interaction to understand where things are located, and why they are there.

10 Five Themes of Geography
To help learn about the Five Themes, we created a project using Google Earth. My favorite part of this project was Here is what I created.

11 2016 Presidential Election
Over the past two months, we have been following the 2016 Presidential Campaigns. Here are the trends of the sixth grade class here at Thunder Mountain. (Show data visuals in your notebook)

12 2016 Presidential Election
At this time, I believe I am a Republican because The candidate I currently support is

13 2016 Presidential Election
At this time, I believe I am a Democrat because The candidate I currently support is

14 2016 Presidential Election
At this time, I believe I am an Independent because The candidate I currently support is

15 2016 Presidential Election
Help us compare our opinions with yours. Please have every adult at your conference vote for the Presidential candidate they support at this time. Click here.

16 (Show your Ancient History Timeline)
We are beginning to learn about ancient civilizations. This will be a focus for the next two trimesters. I am most excited to learn about (Show your Ancient History Timeline)

17 Have you signed up for Remind yet?
If you haven’t, you and your parents should take out your phones now and sign up. Receive text messages notifying you of any homework assignments, projects, or extra credit opportunities in History class.

18 Language Arts

19 Concepts Explored Looked at my writing and read literature to understand: First Person Point of View Effective Introductions (Hooks) Introduction (Background Details) Setting (Time and Place) Characters’ Feelings Dialogue Reflection (Lesson Learned) Details Use of Transitional Words and Phrases Used the writing process (outline, rough draft, final draft) to develop my ideas into good writing

20 Personal Narrative Project
OVERVIEW I have practiced the skills we learned in class by writing a personal narrative about an event that has occurred in my life. For this project, I wrote about the time… Write the incident here in one sentence.

21 Personal Narrative Embedded Assessment
Hook Includes a hook (Anecdote, Question, Quote, and/or Statement of Intrigue). Introduction – What was life like before the incident? What was the time and place of the incident? (Setting) Who was there? (Characters) Incident – What happened? What was the problem? (conflict) Who was involved? What was said? What were you doing, thinking, and feeling? Response – Then what did you do? How was it resolved? What were you doing, thinking, and feeling? Reflection – What do you think about it now? How did it end? What did you learn? How did you grow? How did it change you?

22 Personal Narrative Project Reflection
In my paper, my hook was… Write your hook here. My best piece of dialogue was… Write your dialogue here. My best sentence was… Write your sentence here.

23 Personal Narrative Project Reflection
I concluded my essay with this reflection… Write your reflection here.

24 Behavior During instruction 4 3 2 1 During independent work time
During independent work time During group work time Explain why you rated yourself how you did.



27 Insert login ID here Insert password here Click here to access Family Access.

28 Goal As a team (child and parent/guardian), discuss one behavioral or academic goal that you would like to accomplish during the second trimester. If you would like, you may type it here.

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