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Class Expectations and Information Language Arts Ms. Tuwaiq “Ms. T”

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Presentation on theme: "Class Expectations and Information Language Arts Ms. Tuwaiq “Ms. T”"— Presentation transcript:

1 Class Expectations and Information Language Arts Ms. Tuwaiq “Ms. T”

2 Why did I become a teacher? I believe education is important to all of us. I believe that you all can achieve your goals. My teachers believed in me, and that made all the difference! In your notes section, respond: How are you going to use education in your future?

3 1.Write one word from each quote that stands out to you. 2.What do those words have to do with education? Why do you think basketball players would make these comments? “I’m not comfortable being preachy, but more people need to start spending as much time in the library as they do on the basketball court.”- Kareem Abdul Jabbar “Poor people cannot rely on the government to come to help you in times of need. You have to get your education. Then nobody can control your destiny.”-Charles BarkleyCharles Barkley

4 Graduation: Univeristy of Michigan- Flint Teaching experience: Tampa Florida

5 I am an actual person, with likes and dislikes. I like: Family The beach Baseball

6 When it comes to your education, I take it seriously. Because I believe that education is the single most important key to creating your own destiny.

7 CHAMPS C- Conversation Level H- How do I get help A- Activity M- Movement P- Participation S- Success

8 Student behavior Treat people the way you expect to be treated. If you are disrespectful, do you expect the reaction of others to be pleasant? Of course not. So be a nice and contributing member of the class. In your notes: List examples of when you respect yourself, fellow students and your teacher.

9 Be on time and begin working on the warmup immediately upon entering. Tardy policy forthcoming from administration. Be prepared! Have materials and be aware of due dates/assignments. Be polite and positive. How you treat others reveals how you feel about yourself. In your notes section, write why all of these is important to help you do well.

10 Be productive. Use class time wisely. Do your best! Be a problem solver. We will work it out! In your notes: How does problem solving and productivity go hand in hand? Why do you need to be able to do both? What are some places outside of school you need these skills?

11 Respect is the MOST important thing to me in how I run this class. It goes a long way. Examples Raising your hand Being nice to myself and other students. Asking permission to use the restroom. Add two in your my notes section. Non-examples Shouting out the answers Rolling your eyes. Saying inappropriate things. Taking belongings of others. Add two to your notes section.

12 Classroom policies You may have gum unless told otherwise by administration or it begins to appear on the furniture. Electronics need to remain off and away from 7:40- You get on the bus. Be on time. The door shuts when class begins. Homework will be accepted up to two days after the due date. If you need more time for whatever reason you need to talk to me. We can work out a reasonable time for special circumstances. Absences: Retrieve work from absence from the absent work bin. If you are confused, you may ask a classmate when class allows. Do-nows should be done immediately upon sitting down to class without instruction from me. These will be put away five minutes after class begins. FOLLOW THE CHAMPS BOARD!

13 Procedures Follow the CHAMPS board at all times! Pencil sharpener. One person will be at the pencil sharpener at a time. One person will be out of their seat at a time unless otherwise stated on the CHAMPS board. You must have your planner to use the bathroom during class. You get two a day from all teachers. Hallways: No more single file! Be mindful of the other classrooms or we may have to go back to 0 in the hallway. While I’m talking: Listen When in doubt, check the CHAMPS board! In your notes: why are procedures important? What could happen without procedures?

14 Possible Consequences Step One Removed from room, personal conference. Time out in the room. Call home. Loss of incentive points and privelege card. Step Two If student misses part of assignment due to behavior, 0 grade. Second call home. Loss of second incentive / privilege card. Lunch detention/conference. Step Three Third call home/ conference. Sent to office. Referral. Loss of privileges/ incentive opportunities for extended time.  Getting out of seat without permission.  Inappropriate comments.  Disrespectful.  Inappropriate touch another student.  Taking others objects without asking.  Calling out of turn.  Not beginning work when entering the room.  Bullying

15 As your teacher, I promise: Personally I will trust you unless you give me a reason to otherwise. I will respect you and work with you to solve problems. I will be fair, consistent, and firm. Academically. Will provide feedback quickly about your work. I will work with you to meet your learning goals. I will offer extra help and assessments should you require them. In your notes section: Which of the above promises do you think is most important? Why? Add an expectation that you have of your teachers.

16 Turn this in to me, signed, for credit. Student Pledge I, _________________, have reviewed the PowerPoint with my class and understand class expectations. X________________________ _____ Parent/Guardian Pledge My student and I have reviewed the PowerPoint of classroom expectations. X________________________ ____

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