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Museum Entrance Location Clothing Customs Currency Welcome to the Museum of Curator’s Offices.

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Presentation on theme: "Museum Entrance Location Clothing Customs Currency Welcome to the Museum of Curator’s Offices."— Presentation transcript:

1 Museum Entrance Location Clothing Customs Currency Welcome to the Museum of Curator’s Offices

2 Curator’s Office -From Goddard, KS -Studying Elementary Education -19 years old -I paint my nails everyday(addiction) -I have played softball since I was 4 years old - Jessica Funke Note: Virtual museums were first introduced by educators at Keith Valley Middle School in Horsham, Pennsylvania. This template was designed by Dr. Christy Keeler. View the Educational Virtual Museums website for more information on this instructional technique.Keith Valley Middle SchoolDr. Christy KeelerEducational Virtual Museums Return to Entry

3 Room 1 Return to EntryLocation

4 Room 2 Return to EntryClothing

5 Room 3 Return to EntryCurrency

6 Room 4 Return to EntryCustoms

7 8&hq=&hnear=0x479a721ec2b1be6b:0x75e85d6b8e91e55b,Germany&gl=us&ei=99q_ UMu_EoTJrQGC_YDQDQ&ved=0CCsQ8gEwAA Germany is a country in west-central Europe, that stretches from the Alps, across the North European Plain to the North Sea and the Baltic Sea. Germany has the second largest population in Europe and is seventh largest in area. The territory of Germany covers 357,021 km2, consisting of 349,223 km2 of land and 7,798 km2 of waters. Return to Exhibit Location

8 Traditional German clothing items like lederhosen and dirndls help us to reconnect with our German heritage in authentic ways. Return to Exhibit Artifact 6

9 Gallery-Index/German-Money---Coins.htm The monetary system of Germany is decimal based, with the primary unit of currency called the Euro. One Cent - 1/100 of a Euro Two Cents - 2/100 of a Euro Five Cents - 5/100 of a Euro Ten Cents - 10/100 of a Euro Twenty Cents - 20/100 of a Euro Fifty Cents - 50/100 of a Euro One Euro - 100/100, 1 full Euro Two Euros - 200/100, 2 full Euros Return to Exhibit Currency

10 Linked citation goes here Germany is a country rich in national customs, many of which have to do with traditions hundreds of years old. After you've lived in the country for a while, you'll find that the best way to make friends and get along in general with the people of your host country is to respect and understand these rules of their culture. Some may involve signs of politeness, while others refer to expected behavior. Whatever the case, a knowledge of the basics will allow you to enjoy the differences that "living abroad" in Germany has to offer. Return to Exhibit Artifact 14

11 germany/flag/ The flag of Germany was re-adopted on May 23, 1949; it had been Germany's flag beginning in 1848 until 1871. In 1919, Germany became a republic and the black, red and gold flag was reinstated - until the Nazis took power in 1933. In 1949 (after World War 2), the flag was again adopted as the flag of West Germany in 1990, Germany was reunited. The German flag is a horizontal tricolor, with black, red, and yellow stripes. The colors of the flag were the colors of the German soldiers during the Napoleonic Wars. Return to Exhibit Back Wall Artifact

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