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A successful case of participatory approach Territorial Forest Charter of the Pays de Guéret.

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Presentation on theme: "A successful case of participatory approach Territorial Forest Charter of the Pays de Guéret."— Presentation transcript:

1 A successful case of participatory approach Territorial Forest Charter of the Pays de Guéret

2 Territorial Forest Charter : 1 - The main principles

3 Formalise, Prioritise and Harmonise spead Economics Socials Environmentals contradictory all the requests adressed to the forest

4 Favour those which are FormalisedFinancially realistic Acceptable to all The Forest Charter Conducted by the local concillors In consultation with the members of the territory

5 An analysis of the territory Diagnosis and issues Thematic working groups A program of actions + A consultation

6 From theory to practice : 2 - Implementation of a participatory approach

7 AThe territory of The Pays de Guéret

8 The territory of The Pays de Guéret 44 municipalities 930 km²

9 The territory of The Pays de Guéret 18 000 ha of forest (20%) (90% of private forest) (84% of hardwood, 16 % of conifer) 10 000 owners, average surface < 2ha

10 B Dialogue at various levels In each municipality environmental Commission With the stakeholders : -Professionals in the timber industry - Recreation (Leisure) - Environmental, water - etc. (local associations et professional) 1 2

11 - Sensibilities - Expectations - Problèms the interview or meeting is still the subject of a report important work of listening

12 Consultation with the stakeholders

13 31 workshops 3 coopératives forestières 2 assoc de protection de la nature 4 associations de cavaliers 2 gestionnaires des routes 2 gestionnaires de l’eau 4 sawmills 2 exploitants forestiers 1 association de VTT 4 services administratifs 1 fédération de chasseurs 1 association of owners 1 Syndicat d’électricité 4 dépôts de bois

14 3 rountables About the timber industry Mobilization and utilization of wood (11 companies represented) with elected representatives of municipalities (24 municipalities represented) about the paths and bikes (9 municipalities represented and clubs) 1 2 3

15 3 rountables The principle of the round tables Discuss about technical issues Listen the stakeholders Identify and formalize specific requests Converse with serenity Identify the issues Gather the actors concerned by a subject

16 Dialog in the municipalities

17 Dialog in the municipalities : the questionnaire Question n°1 : What is, according to you, the picture that symbolizes the best your living environment ? Question n°2 : Within a study on the evolution of the natural environments, you are asked which type of lanscape you are most afraid of seeing disapear ? Question n°3 : As the part of the same study, you are asked which type of landscape you fear to see being widespread ? Question n°4 : According to you, what is the natural elements in your territory that best represente the quality of your environment ? Question n°5 : According to you, what is the key point symbolizing the economic development present and future of your territory ?

18 Question n°6 : Which picture shoes, for you, the ideal of a good forest management ? Question n°7 : Which picture represent for you the wrong practices of forest management ? Question n°8 : Tourist information offices are looking for a natural space to develop the tourists reception and/or the education to the environment. Which picture do you recommend ? Question n°9 : What, in your opinion, is a nice forest ? Question n°10 : You are in convalescence, your doctor advises you to enjoy the nature to rest and gain back some energy. Where do you go to recharge and feel better?

19 34 public discussions with pictures 300 people 1 350 pictures collected

20 And now, what ?

21 consultation collects a lot of elements For a correct diagnosis Highlights the high issues of the territory Technical elements Human dynamics Involve stakeholders to the end of the process

22 Integrate the stakeholders in the working groups CFrom the issues to the action plan An opportunity

23 Allows the stakeholders to take ownership of the territory the action plan the action plan is easy to implement CFrom the issues to the action plan

24 Practical example with bikers

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