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Information Concepts for Coalition C2 Dr. Northrup Fowler III AFRL/IFT 525 Brooks Rd, Rome NY 13441-4505 Tel: (315) 330-3011.

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Presentation on theme: "Information Concepts for Coalition C2 Dr. Northrup Fowler III AFRL/IFT 525 Brooks Rd, Rome NY 13441-4505 Tel: (315) 330-3011."— Presentation transcript:

1 Information Concepts for Coalition C2 Dr. Northrup Fowler III AFRL/IFT 525 Brooks Rd, Rome NY 13441-4505 Email: Tel: (315) 330-3011

2 2 Summary? Where We Are - Platform Centric The Next Step - Network Centric A Vision of the Future - Information Centric Better Coalition Decisions Faster

3 3 Broad unpredictable world-wide threats  every situation different Rapid, tailored coalition force projection Rapid automated support for planning, executing, and monitoring as situation evolves Ability to control joint & coalition operations Precision coalition operations at all echelons High coalition ops tempo  requires agility at all levels & functions Smaller coalition forces  integration for most efficient use Minimal casualties and collateral damage  preemption to seize initiative Operational Challenges What are we concerned about for tomorrow?

4 4 A Vision for the Future Information Centric Knowledge-based coalition operations… enabled by information

5 5 A Four Layer Model of Information Centric Systems Visualization and Human- Computer Interaction Information Management Networking and Comms Analysis Tools and Planning Aids

6 6 Current US Capabilities Visualization and Human- Computer Interaction Information Management Networking and Comms Analysis Tools and Planning Aids Overloaded Map graphics Some Hand Crafted Visualizations Keyboard Intensive Graphical Plan Editors Good Scheduling Technology Stovepipe Analysis Models & Tools Web Based Browsing of Data Limited Subscription to Data Static Templates DII-COE Commercial Communications Link-16

7 7 Command Post of the Future Visualization and Human- Computer Interaction Information Management Networking and Comms Analysis Tools and Planning Aids New DARPA Program Kickoff meeting Feb 23-25, 1999 “CPOF will Create Design Rules enabling a New Interface Metaphor for C2 After Next” Tri-Service Participation Global Networked Information Enterprise New OSD/DISA Initiative GNIE will Replace DII-COE Multi-level DoD public Key Network Infrastructure Warfighting as well as Business Enterprise

8 8 Information Management for the Warrior Visualization and Human- Computer Interaction Information Management Networking and Comms Analysis Tools and Planning Aids Battlespace Infosphere AF Science Board 1998 Study Continuing Refinement in 1999 Integrated Battle Force Management DARPA/ ISO Study Group - 1998 CD-ROM VisDem Available Further Info from DARPA/ISO

9 9 What is the Battlespace InfoSphere? The BI provides a highly tailored repository of, or access to, information that is designed to support a particular geographic area or mission. The intent of the BI is to have a “single place,” a “virtual system of information systems,” that serves as a clearinghouse and a workspace for anyone contributing to the accomplishment of the operation—for example, weather, intelligence, logistics, or personnel.

10 10 Inside the Battlespace InfoSphere Input Planning/ Execution Products Command Guidance User Information Products & DBs Fusion Products Combat Support Products Manipulate to Create Knowledge Publish Subscribe Transform Query Control Common Representation Interact Decision Centric Presentations Automatic Formatting & Filtering Task Centered Information Discovery Use-driven Information Dissemination

11 11 Key BI Concepts Fuselet Publish Object Subscribe Publication Service Publish: Installation of Objects in “Catalog of Published Objects” maintained by specialized Publication Services. Services also maintain lists of pending Subscriptions Subscribe: Subscriptions specify metadata values that must match corresponding values in newly Published Objects Query: Like Subscription, but without automatic triggering Publication Service Processing: - Test each new Published Object against all pending Subscriptions - Test each new Query against all Published Objects Search: Trade-off Timeliness against Accuracy in Information Delivery

12 12 Example: fuselets* that aggregate Each air base publishes a “base status” object to the BI. A fuselet that has subscribed to this type of object is triggered and publishes an aggregate “mission base status” object. Complex aggregation is achieved by cascading fuselets, forming higher-level knowledge. Fuselet Subscribe Mission base status Ramstein status Aviano status Taszar status Publish * “Any Computer program that uses the publish-subscribe mechanism and information standards of the BI is a Fuselet” Info Management for the Warrior AF SAB Study

13 Integrated Battle Force Management Turning Information into Action - Continuous Preemptive Operations Command and Control for the 21st Century

14 14 IBFM Development Thrusts Develop an integrated set of high-level applications supporting Continuous Preemptive Operations, including: –Live, evolving plans –Combined or coalition arms force design –Continuous dynamic assessment –Situation query services –Intelligent software adversaries Develop a single sharable framework in which all C4/ISR elements can interoperate in a parallel, high-speed federation –Sharable Core Execution Representation as integrating medium –Complex adaptive systems –Adaptive, fractal architectures –Intelligent process management

15 Living Plans Living plans reduce replanning required by today’s static deliberate plans Autonomous software agents dynamically adapt living plans to the current situation Plans continuously assessed for validity, viability, feasibility, and execution opportunities Plan structures complex; bring together all relevant information representing all aspects of a plan Living plans reduce replanning required by today’s static deliberate plans Plan structures complex; bring together all relevant information representing all aspects of a plan Autonomous software agents dynamically adapt living plans to the current situation Plans continuously assessed for validity, viability, feasibility, and execution opportunities

16 16 Living Plans Nodes represent –goals –activities or tasks –sub-plans Branches represent –coordinated set of activities for achieving a goal –Ex: colored branches represent integrated plans coordinated across echelons (campaign, force, mission and engagement) and functions (employment, deployment, ISR, sustainment) Critical Part of the Shared Core Execution Representation Highly structured, nested object

17 17 Plans Span Functions & Echelons Sustainment ISR Deployment Employment Observe Act Orient Decide Campaign Force Mission Engagement

18 18 Different “Functional” Views of the Same Concept Ground Ops CONFIGURATION ITEM Attachment_time Assembly_instructions Arming_instructions Finance PROPERTY Unit_cost Funding_program Contract_number Mission Planning Flight Planning AERODYNAMIC OBJECT Minimum_drop_altitude Drop_angle Drag_coefficient ORDNANCE Desired_impact_point Time_on_target Applicable_aircraft Transportation Engineering MANUFACTURED ITEM Casing_thickness Detonation_mechanism Attachment_mechanism CARGO Packaged_weight Pick_up_location Destination

19 19 Different Concepts! Ontology: A Theory of Semantic Consistency And the Air Force will obtain a long-term lease. Coalition Operations will not make this problem easier! If you say, “secure the building” … The Navy will cordon and blockade the facility. The Marines will assault with heavy fire. The Army will clear the building and lock the doors and windows.

20 20 Air Campaign Planning Specialization of the Core Plan Representation / Core Plan Representation Shared Plan & Activity Representation

21 21 What we “think” they think is the status Distributed Aerospace Mgmt Assessment & Status (BDA) of meeting Tasks / Objectives Effect Aerospace Information Architecture for What Needs to Be “Published” Available Coalition Aerospace Resources Planned Use of Coalition Aerospace Forces Total of Aerospace Coalition Resources COG Analysis, Political/Cultural Implications, Combined & Coalition Interaction, Strategy, ROE, Guidance, Phase Points, Priorities, Weather Capability for continuous effects- based plan adjustments and generation of dynamic Aerospace execution orders (DAEO) Event National / Coalition Objectives Planned Aerospace Objectives w/ Effects Planned Aerospace Tasks w/ Effects Planned Campaign Objectives w/ Effects Planned Aerospace Actions w/ Effects Perceived Enemy Tasks w/ Effects Perceived Enemy Objectives w/ Effects Perceived Enemy Actions w/ Effects Perceived Enemy National Objectives w/ Effects Perceived Enemy COG Analysis, Political/Cultural Implications, Strategy, ROE, Guidance, Phase Points, Priorities Perceived Enemy Available Resources Perceived Enemy Planned Use of Resources Perceived Enemy Total Resources

22 22 Sharable Core Execution Representation Key Objectives To produce an integrated situation and plan representation that provides a “possible worlds” view –Location transparent distributed representation and repository –All-source Information about current and projected situations –Current top-to-bottom COA, alternatives considered, linked decision rationales –Ability to coordinate planning, reasoning, and evaluation from all stakeholder perspectives (employment, deployment, intelligence, logistics, combat support) Develop the ability to plan and execute effects-based operations in uncertain and dynamic conditions –Explicit representations for beliefs, uncertainty, and probability –Strategies for structuring planning approaches according to types of uncertainty the predominate –Explicit planning for uncertainty reduction “Virtually” integrate C2 information products at the knowledge level –e.g. linked campaign planning, campaign assessment, and ISR tasking No Information without Representation!

23 BI Processes Strategic Plan Operational Plan Situational Data Display Fuselet Force Modules TPFDDs Resource Estimates Asset List ISR Tasking Geo-Spatial Models Intel View Operations View Logistics View C:0C:1C:2C:3C:4C:5C:6C:7C:8C:9C:10C:11C:12C:13C:14C:15C:16C:17C:18C:19C:20C:21C:22C:23C:24 MAAWAA MAAWAB MAAWAC MAAWAD MAAZAA MAAZAB WBBAAC WBDAAA WBDAAB WBBAAA WBBAAB LOG PLAN OBJECT - AUTO SCHEDULING SAT “A” SAT “B” SAT “C” SAT “D” SAT “E” Display Fuselet Display Fuselet Resource Projection Fuselet Sat Coverage Fuselet Campaign Assessment Fuselet Best Support Objectives to Win Ability to Support Operations Intel & Sensor Tasking Objectives Ability to Support Operations

24 Better Coalition Decisions Faster Less Time Spent Manually Fusing Information Sources Fewer Opportunities for Errors in Fusing Information More Time Spent Interpreting Information & Making Decisions Knowledge-based Coalition operations…enabled by information Collectively, the Information Needed by Each Functional Area is the Information Needed to Carry out the Overall Operation BI Benefits

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