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 Students review, strengthen, and amplify the basic principles of Level I.  Focus On 4 Skills: Listening, Speaking, Reading and Writing through in-class.

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2  Students review, strengthen, and amplify the basic principles of Level I.  Focus On 4 Skills: Listening, Speaking, Reading and Writing through in-class activities pertaining to daily life, geography, and history of Spanish-speaking countries.  Credit: This course provides one credit toward fulfilling the foreign language requirements for an Advanced Studies Diploma (three years of one language or two years each of two languages.)

3 Unit I: Tu día escolar Classroom items, activities, and rules Extracurricular Activities Unit II: Un evento especial Daily Routines and Getting Ready for an Event Describing What You Wear, Pricing 2nd Quarter Unit III: De compras Clothing, shopping, and prices Gifts, accessories, buying, and shopping Review for Midterm The reader “Casi Se Muere” by Blaine Ray will be read throughout the 1 st semester

4  Ask him/her.  Check Mrs. Olsen’s LCPS Staff Webpage: http://www.lcps.org  CLARITY Available to parents within the 1 st quarter:  grades, upcoming assignments, missing assignments, teacher comments …  E-mail Mrs. Olsen @

5  Summative: 70% Essays, CPAs (Communicative Performance Assessments), oral presentations, projects, unit tests and quizzes.  Formative: 30% Classwork, journals, debates, exit tickets, homework, binder checks, oral participation, use of target language, warm-ups. EXTRA CREDIT?

6  Summative: Projects Expect 1 per quarter. Students will be given 1 month to complete.  Formative: Homework Homework is graded for completion. EXTRA CREDIT ?

7  Work hard in class = a lot less homework  Participate  Be respectful of yourself and others  Have a good attitude and do your best  Utilize classroom time wisely  Expect to work in groups often and IN SPANISH  Expect use of technology  No pop quizzes. All graded work will be announced in advance in class and on website.  Students have been issued 2 textbooks and a workbook.

8 No using cell phones, no texting in this classroom. If you do, Mrs. Olsen will take it to the office and your parents will pick it up. Cell phones are not allowed on desks in this classroom.

9  Thank you for trusting me with your child’s education.  My goal in teaching Spanish is to further develop each student’s ability to express him(or her)self in an articulate and intelligent manner.

10 I have been teaching foreign languages since 2007. This year, I will be teaching Spanish 2, AP Spanish, French 5 and AP French at Loudoun County High. Prior to teaching in Loudoun, I taught in Fairfax and was a proposal manager for a telecommunications firm. I have spent many years living abroad in Africa, East and Western Europe, the Caribbean and Central America. BA from Penn State MS from Johns Hopkins University Please feel free to contact me as needed at

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