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Research Data Access and Preservation Summit 2012 E-Research Roundtable Center for Informatics Research in Science and Scholarship Graduate School of Library.

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Presentation on theme: "Research Data Access and Preservation Summit 2012 E-Research Roundtable Center for Informatics Research in Science and Scholarship Graduate School of Library."— Presentation transcript:

1 Research Data Access and Preservation Summit 2012 E-Research Roundtable Center for Informatics Research in Science and Scholarship Graduate School of Library and Information Science University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign April 11, 2012 Karen Wickett and Andrea Thomer

2 High-level Themes The sociocultural landscape in data management Modeling data and data resources Education

3 The Sociocultural Landscape The role of research libraries in data management Working as part of a network within data services within an institutional context Historical reviews of service development DMP Services: custom vs. boilerplate Tension between information professionals and domain experts Integration with domain repositories Who has the authority to deal with data?

4 The Sociocultural Landscape Meeting researchers “where they’re at” JHU Curation Services approach Building low-overhead service models Preserving unstructured, unannotated data Tools Integrating with familiar software Integrating data curation and project management Supporting remote collaboration – PURR/HubZero

5 The Sociocultural Landscape Strategies for gaining and fostering a community of users Starting with a small group of users with clear definable needs grow from there Integrating with known tools and workflows Recognizing institutional/organizational realities Sustainable business models ArXiv

6 Modeling data and data resources Data Citation Proposal for “dataset landing pages” Dryad data packages All data associated with an article Differentiating citation of a data package and the associated article ESIP Data Citation Guidelines Identifiers Still open field Are there foundational knowledge representation issues here? ESIP report on data identifiers

7 Modeling and describing data Metadata Workflow tools Is it possible to integrate metadata creation into the processes that result in data? Datacite Application profile Dublin Core Community Constraints and organizational realities for metadata creation Metadata librarians have incomplete knowledge of projects Datasets used in multiple projects Diversity of data types

8 Education Data mining as inspiration for engaging students – Kirk Borne from George Mason Distinction between training and education – P. Fox from RPI Data Science Education Center Focus on analysis and foundations Instead of specific tools Experience in collaborative projects

9 Education Who are the students? Jian Qin (Syracuse) online CAS program “What is an eScience Librarian?” – mid-career professionals – Masters level CS, LIS, Domain sciences What are the skills? What are the learning objectives? differences in expectations for technical skills for “data science” programs differences in course requirements Programs are still being developed.

10 Resources Illinois posters in IDEALS Presentation slides on Slideshare – search for “RDAP 12” RDAP mailing list: planning for RDAP-13 is starting

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