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Copyright © 2013 Human Workflows, LLC Larry Petcovic, MS 2 and Randy Ribaudo, PhD SciPhD Training Programs NY Academy of Sciences October 19, 2013.

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Presentation on theme: "Copyright © 2013 Human Workflows, LLC Larry Petcovic, MS 2 and Randy Ribaudo, PhD SciPhD Training Programs NY Academy of Sciences October 19, 2013."— Presentation transcript:

1 Copyright © 2013 Human Workflows, LLC Larry Petcovic, MS 2 and Randy Ribaudo, PhD SciPhD Training Programs NY Academy of Sciences October 19, 2013

2 Copyright © 2013 Human Workflows, LLC


4 1.Words, Content, Technical Stuff, Data, Information … 2.Affective, Emotional Context & Nonverbal Reinforcement 3.Social meaning of 1 & 2 based on Social Relationship (Role)

5 Copyright © 2013 Human Workflows, LLC  1. Institutional  2. Professional  3. Person

6 Copyright © 2013 Human Workflows, LLC

7  All science is both content and social impact  All science is content and relationship oriented  All science is both personal and global  All science is either advocacy or nonadvocacy in its purpose

8 Copyright © 2013 Human Workflows, LLC  Advocacy  Def success when you agree with me  Tell, Sell, Persuade  Expert  Nonadvocacy  Def as helping you make decision with due process and no evaluation on my part  Facilitate, Learn, Coach, Support  Trusted nonadvocate communicator

9 Copyright © 2013 Human Workflows, LLC  Technical Literacy  Style Flexibility  Emotional Intelligence  Social Intelligence

10 Copyright © 2013 Human Workflows, LLC Technical Literacy Prepare a 20 sec description of your recent research in the most technical, jargon based and exclusive language possible.

11 Copyright © 2013 Human Workflows, LLC Technical Literacy  Thank You!  Now description of your recent research in  7 Words

12 Copyright © 2013 Human Workflows, LLC  Technical Literacy  Style Flexibility  Extrovert vs. Introvert

13 Copyright © 2013 Human Workflows, LLC  Technical Literacy  Style Flexibility  Extrovert vs. Introvert  Big picture vs. Concrete and specific

14 Copyright © 2013 Human Workflows, LLC  Technical Literacy  Style Flexibility  Extrovert vs. Introvert  Big picture vs. Concrete and specific  Logical, Data driven vs. Social impact

15 Copyright © 2013 Human Workflows, LLC  Technical Literacy  Style Flexibility  Extrovert vs. Introvert  Big picture vs. Concrete and specific  Logical, Data driven vs. Social impact

16 Copyright © 2013 Human Workflows, LLC  Technical Literacy  Style Flexibility  Extrovert vs. Introvert  Big picture vs. Concrete and specific  Logical, Data driven vs. Social impact  Understanding vs. Solve problem

17 Copyright © 2013 Human Workflows, LLC  Technical Literacy  Style Flexibility  Emotional Intelligence  Social Intelligence

18 Copyright © 2013 Human Workflows, LLC  Technical Literacy  Style Flexibility  Emotional Intelligence - definition

19 Copyright © 2013 Human Workflows, LLC  Technical Literacy  Style Flexibility  Emotional Intelligence – definition Taking responsibility for your own emotional reaction to communication situations … low or high road!!

20 Copyright © 2013 Human Workflows, LLC Who controls communication process? Expert answering questions? Asking questions?

21 Copyright © 2013 Human Workflows, LLC Asking questions is your FIRST EI technique!!! GET OVER BEING THE EXPERT AND BE THE LEARNER!

22 Copyright © 2013 Human Workflows, LLC  Technical Literacy  Style Flexibility  Emotional Intelligence  Shift to learner role and ask questions  What emotions drive defensiveness, anger, fear???

23 Copyright © 2013 Human Workflows, LLC  Technical Literacy  Style Flexibility  Emotional Intelligence  Shift to learner role and ask questions  What emotions drive defensiveness, anger, fear???  That “feeling” is your TRIGGER to …….

24 Copyright © 2013 Human Workflows, LLC  Technical Literacy  Style Flexibility  Emotional Intelligence  Shift to learner role and ask questions  What emotions drive defensiveness, anger, fear???  That “feeling” is your TRIGGER to …….  Take a deep breath, wait 5 seconds and take the high road!  Shift role from expert to learner, coach, partner …

25 Copyright © 2013 Human Workflows, LLC  Technical Literacy  Style Flexibility  Emotional Intelligence – required to advance to SI  Social Intelligence (SI)

26 Copyright © 2013 Human Workflows, LLC  Technical Literacy  Style Flexibility  Emotional Intelligence  Social Intelligence - communicating in a manner that relates to your audience needs and interest (requirements)

27 Copyright © 2013 Human Workflows, LLC  Technical Literacy  Style Flexibility  Emotional Intelligence  Social Intelligence - communicating in a manner that relates to your audience needs and interest (requirements)  Seeking shared ownership relationship

28 Copyright © 2013 Human Workflows, LLC


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