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An introduction To Kill a Mockingbird. Question The story takes place in the southern United States during the 1930’s. What significant event were people.

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Presentation on theme: "An introduction To Kill a Mockingbird. Question The story takes place in the southern United States during the 1930’s. What significant event were people."— Presentation transcript:

1 An introduction To Kill a Mockingbird

2 Question The story takes place in the southern United States during the 1930’s. What significant event were people forced to live through during this time?

3 Brainstorm What do we already know about the Great Depression? What do we already know about life for African Americans living in the southern U.S. during this time period?

4 Context The story: Takes place during the Great Depression in the town of Maycomb, Alabama Poverty & unemployment (Cunninghams, Ewells) Racial prejudice / segregation / Civil War (trial of Tom Robinson) Centered around the lives of Jean Louise “Scout” Finch, her brother Jeremy Atticus “Jem” Finch, and their father Atticus Finch (lawyer) 1930’s

5 Context Author: Harper Lee Born in 1926 in a small town in Alabama (similar to Maycomb) Her father was a lawyer (similar to Scout & Atticus) 1931, Scottsboro Trials – similar to Tom Robison case Yet, Lee maintains that the novel is not a portrayal of her own childhood, but of childhood in general in the southern United States during the Depression The novel was published in 1960, just before the peak of the American civil rights movement

6 Questions Are these issues / struggles still going on today? Is this message still relevant?

7 What does this mean to you? “You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view... until you climb into his skin and walk around in it”.

8 Unit Expectations Attendance and participation: - Our goal is to be finished reading the book by March Break! Tasks: - Content Questions - Content Quizzes (Part I & Part II) - Facebook “Character Development” Group Activity - Group Research Presentations - Comparative Essay (culminating task)

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