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Understanding Your Learners

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Presentation on theme: "Understanding Your Learners"— Presentation transcript:

1 Understanding Your Learners
Motivation and Anxiety HEIDI

2 Motivation When did you begin learning English?
What was your motivation for learning English at that time? (e.g. want to communicate with foreigners, school requirement, want to get a better job in the future, pressure from parents) HEIDI

3 Motivation When did you begin learning English? What was your motivation for learning English at that time? What’s your motivation for learning English now? HEIDI

4 Two Types of Motivation

5 Intrinsic Motivation Drive to learn the language comes from within the learner (e.g. interest, desire to communicate, enjoyment) Reward are things like feeling competent or successfully communicating Example of intrinsic motivation: I study Khmer so that I can communicate with people more easily where I live. HANITA

6 Extrinsic Motivation Drive to learn the language comes from an outside the learner (e.g. parents, school requirements, grades, money) Rewards are things like high grades or happy parents Example of extrinsic motivation: My brother took Spanish because our high school required two years of a foreign language. Because the motivation goes away as soon as the outside force goes away HANITA

7 Intrinsic motivation produces more successful results in terms of language learning than extrinsic motivation. -Because the motivation goes away as soon as the outside force goes away -stronger motivation -general try harder in the class HANITA WHY?

8 Discussion Is your motivation to learn English intrinsic or extrinsic?
How can you help your learners gain more intrinsic motivation to learn English? Learning English to get a better job is some of both! RADA

9 Motivation through Personalization
Personalize your lessons to make the language and topics relevant to your students. Find out what people, music, TV, books, movies, food, drinks, websites, etc. that they are interested in and include these in your lessons. Give student opportunities to talk or write about themselves as they practice the language. Sample activity? Or elicit examples of how this could be done from Ss? RADA

10 Motivation through Personalization
Think of an activity you could do in the classroom that personalizes the lesson for students? Example: Have students talk about hobbies they do every day to practice present simple RADA

11 Motivation by thinking about various learning styles
Vary your activities so that they tap into different learning styles. What are the different learning styles? Learning styles, or multiple intelligences, include visual, auditory, kinesthetic, interpersonal, intrapersonal, linguistic, logical-mathematical, and natural. RADA

12 Learning Styles Survey
Take the survey & find out your learning style What learning style does this survey activity appeal to? What could we add to appeal to the other learning styles? RADA

13 Anxiety Have you ever felt nervous or stressed about using English?
Did feeling nervous help you learn better and try harder, or did it prevent you from learning? HEIDI

14 Two Types of Anxiety Facilitative anxiety: helpful anxiety
Preparing a lot for a presentation because you’re nervous about giving it in front of the whole class. Debilitative anxiety: harmful anxiety Being too nervous and shy to try speaking in class or talking to foreigners. Point: it’s okay for learners to feel some anxiety (even helpful) so don’t be afraid to push your students! But we want to create an environment in the classroom where they feel safe to try. HEIDI

15 Pre Activity Discussion
How can we help our students feel less debilitative anxiety? Remind Ss making mistakes is part of language learning Correct errors selectively Allowed time to prepare answers Scaffold activities and learning (this mean simplifying tasks by breaking them down into smaller steps) Build classroom community HEIDI

16 Activity with Anneka! ANNEKA

17 Post Activity Discussion
How would this activity help your students feel less anxiety about language learning? HEIDI

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