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CS2351 Artificial Intelligence Bhaskar.V Class Notes on Knowledge Representation - Logical Agents.

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1 CS2351 Artificial Intelligence Bhaskar.V Class Notes on Knowledge Representation - Logical Agents

2 Propositional Logic Introduction In propositional logic, we are interested in declarative sentences that can be either true or false. Example: P Δ Sugar is a hydrocarbon » Q Δ Subu has a PhD degree The symbols P, Q are called the atomic formulas or atoms. From propositions we can build compound propositions by using logical connectives.

3 Examples using connectives If John is at home then Mary is at home. In this, we use a connective called “if…then” In propositional logic we shall use five logical connectives  (not),  (and),  (or),  (if..then) and  (if and only if)

4 More definitions well formed formulas(wff) 1.An atom is a formula 2.If G is a formula then (  G) is a formula 3.If G and H are formulas then (G  H), (G  H), (G  H) and (G  H) are formulas 4.All formulas are generated by applying the above rules.

5 Other ways of saying connectives 1.  negation (  G) is called negation G 2.  conjunction (G  H) is called conjunction of G and H 3.  disjunction (G  H) is called disjunction of G and H 4.  implies (G  H) is called if G then H or G implies H

6 Interpretation of Formulas Given a propositional formula G, let A 1,A 2,… be atoms occurring in the formula G. then an interpretation of G is an assignment of truth values to A 1,A 2,… in which every A i is assigned either T or F but not both.

7 Contd… A formula G is said to be true under an interpretation if and only if G is evaluated to T in the interpretation; otherwise G is said to be false under the interpretation.

8 VALIDITY AND INCONSISTENCY IN PROPOSITIONAL LOGIC A formula is said to be valid if and only if it is true under all interpretations. A formula is said to be invalid if and only if it is not valid. A formula is said to be inconsistent or unsatisfiable if and only if it is false under all interpretations. A formula is said to be consistent(or satisfiable) if and only if it is not inconsistent.

9 Truth Tables PQ P  (P  Q)  (  P   Q)(P  (P  Q))  (  (  P   Q)) false true false true

10 Evaluating Models (E  B)  A A  (J  M) B Sym bol TFUNKNOWN E B A J M

11 VALID AND SATISFIABLE STATEMENTVALIDSATISFIABLEUNKNOWN P   P P   P P  Q  (P  Q) (P  Q)  (Q  P) (Food  party)  (drinks  party)  ((food  drinks)  party)

12 Need to know Normal forms in Propositional logic Literal CNF DNF Logical consequences Applications

13 Wumpus World

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