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Virtual Zoo Web Quest ******************** Catherine Higgins EDUC 601 – Web Quest Project Piedmont College Summer 2009.

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Presentation on theme: "Virtual Zoo Web Quest ******************** Catherine Higgins EDUC 601 – Web Quest Project Piedmont College Summer 2009."— Presentation transcript:

1 Virtual Zoo Web Quest ******************** Catherine Higgins EDUC 601 – Web Quest Project Piedmont College Summer 2009

2 Let’s go to a virtual zoo on the computer where we can learn about our favorite zoo animals! This Web Quest is designed to Teacher Page Teacher Page help find cool pictures and interesting facts about fascinating animals. Have fun exploring! Home Page Task Process Resources Evaluation Conclusion Home PageTaskProcessResourcesEvaluationConclusion Introduction / Home Page for Virtual Zoo Project

3 Task: Hi students! Have you ever wanted to go to the zoo- but – it’s too far away and you don’t have bus fair? Well……… HERE IS THE NEXT BEST THING! First, choose a zoo animal that you like. Your task, or job, is to research that animal using this Web Quest. Follow given directions (on the “Process” page) and be ready to tell your classmates all about what you have learned. When everyone has reported about their animal to the class, we will know so much it will be like we have spent the day as the zoo- only we didn’t even have to leave the classroom! Home Page Home Page Task Process Resources Evaluation ConclusionTaskProcessResourcesEvaluationConclusion

4 Process Fifth Grade Buddies: You are to instruct your First Grade Buddies “how to” maneuver through this Web Quest project, but allow them to actually do it. You are to assist your buddy to go to the websites listed on the RESOURCE page, help with reading and writing notes, as needed. First Grade Buddies: You are to listen to your Fifth Grade Buddies and learn facts about your animal. You will color a picture of your chosen animal, and you will share the information you learned about your animal to your classmates. Continue to next page………… Home PageHome Page Task Process Resources Evaluation ConclusionTaskProcessResourcesEvaluationConclusion

5 Process page 2 First: Click on Coloring Book Website (on Resource page) Click on the picture of your chosen animal Click on “Enlarge to Print” Print (Little Buddy will color this page after research is completed. Then: Click on Animal Facts Website (on Resource page) Click on your chosen animal Read about your chosen animal. Answer the following questions: *Where does your animal live? *What does your animal eat? *Does your animal have any enemies? *Is your animal endangered? *What other interesting facts did you learn about your animal? - list at least 3 Home PageHome Page Task Process Resources Evaluation ConclusionTaskProcessResourcesEvaluationConclusion

6 Resources Coloring book website: Animal facts website: Home Page Home Page Task Process Resources Evaluation ConclusionTaskProcessResourcesEvaluationConclusion

7 Evaluation Did you print a coloring picture of your animal? YES NO Did you find out where your animal lives in the wild? YES NO Did you find out what your animal eats? YES NO Did you find out if your animal has any enemies? YES NO Did you find out if your animal is endangered? YES NO Did you give 3 additional facts? YES NO Home Page Home Page Task Process Resources Evaluation ConclusionTaskProcess ResourcesEvaluation Conclusion 6 yes = GREAT JOB 4-5 yes = GOOD JOB  0-3 yes = TRY AGAIN 

8 Conclusion Aren’t you glad we went on this trip to a virtual zoo ? It was a fabulous way to learn about animals! After everyone shares, we will know so much more and will have a greater appreciation for these animals, many of whom are endangered. THANK YOU FIFTH GRADERS FOR ALL YOUR HELP Home Page Home Page Task Process Resources Evaluation ConclusionTaskProcessResourcesEvaluationConclusion Home Page Home Page Task Process Resources Evaluation ConclusionTaskProcessResourcesEvaluationConclusion

9 Teacher Page *This Web Quest Activity is one that will benefit two grade levels- a group of older children (5 th graders) and a group of younger children (1 st graders). *The 5 th grade teacher should allow her students to become familiar with the workings of this Web Quest during a computer lab time prior to meeting with the 1 st graders. *The 1 st grade teacher, prior to the meeting with 5 th graders, should allow her students to sign up for the following zoo animals: Lion Elephant Tiger Monkey Hippo Rhinoceros Gorilla Toucan Giraffe Seal Giant Panda Kangaroo Alligator Cheetah Gazelle Red Panda Zebra Jaguar Flamingo Black Panther (Depending on class size, some animals may have to be chosen by 2 students- but each animal is to be chosen once before a 2 nd time.) AKS: *compare and contrast the characteristics and basic needs of plants and animals (GPS) (1SC_D2007-12) *acknowledge and use appropriate resources to gather information from reference works (GPS) (5LA_J2009-101acknowledge and use appropriate resources to gather information from reference works (GPS) (5LA_J2009-101 Home Page Home Page Task Process Resources Evaluation ConclusionTaskProcessResourcesEvaluationConclusion Home Page Home Page Task Process Resources Evaluation ConclusionTaskProcessResourcesEvaluationConclusion

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