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Strength testing – Handgrip dynamometer

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1 Strength testing – Handgrip dynamometer
What equipment will you use? What are the pre-test procedures? What are the instructions? How do you record / measure the results? How do you compare results? What are the advantages / disadvantages of each test?

2 Fitness testing methods
Flexibility (Sit & Reach test) Strength (Grip Dynamometer) Aerobic Endurance (Various tests) Speed: 35m sprint Speed and agility (Illinois agility run) Anaerobic power (Vertical jump test) Muscular endurance(1 minute tests) Body composition (Various tests)

3 Strength: Grip dynamometer
Measures static strength (kg) Adjust grip bar on dynamometer Arms by sides Squeeze for 5 secs Keeping arm still 3 attempts each hand. 1 min. rest in-between

4 Strength : Grip dynamometer
Score Males (15-19) (Kg) Females (15-19) (Kg) Excellent 52+ 31+ Good 47-51 28-31 Average 44-46 25-27 Below average 39-43 20-24 Poor <39 <20

5 Advantages and Disadvantages
Easy to do Quick Easily compare to normative data Disadvantages Only applies to squeezing muscles in arm Need equipment Need to adjust grip bar for accurate result

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