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Cnoc Mhuire Subject Choice 2015 Ms Megan Comaskey.

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Presentation on theme: "Cnoc Mhuire Subject Choice 2015 Ms Megan Comaskey."— Presentation transcript:

1 Cnoc Mhuire Subject Choice 2015 Ms Megan Comaskey

2 Junior Certificate Transition Year FETAC Courses Institutes of Technology Higher Certs. Ord. Degrees Hons.Degrees University Honours Degrees Traditional Leaving Certificate With or without Leaving Certificate Vocational Programme (LCVP) Further Study Options

3  Irish )  English ) 3 Core Subjects  Maths )  ?  ? 4 Options  ?

4 BUSINESS  Business  Accountancy SCIENCE  Biology  Physics  Chemistry  Ag Science LANGUAGES  French  Spanish APPLIED SCIENCES  Home Economics  Construction Studies  Design and Communication Graphics SOCIAL STUDIES  History  Geography  Music  Art  Home Economics OPTIONAL SUBJECTS 2012

5  Websites.  Teachers.

6 Why is this important?  Access to courses and Colleges.  To maximise potential  To prevent boredom!  Keep in mind the following:

7 Entry Requirements. Course Requirements. Points Requirements.

8 InstitutionMinimum gradesRequired subjects NUI Colleges: UCD, NUIM, NUIG, UCC. (RCSI, Shannon,NCAD) 2HC3 + 4OD3OD3 in English, Irish & Language. Trinity College Dublin3HC3 + 3OD3OD3 in Maths, English & another Language Dublin City University2HC3 + 4OD3OD3 in Maths, English or Irish University of Limerick2HC3 + 4OD3OD3 in Maths, English & Irish or another Lang. Institutes of Technology2HC3 + 4OD3 (H.Degree) 5OD3 (O.Degree. or Higher Cert) OD3 in Maths, English or Irish


10 ◦ Cavan Institute ………….and other FETAC Colleges around the country.  Entry Requirements ◦ 5 OD3 in Leaving Certificate. Progression routes to IT’s and Universities. ◦ Note some courses have subject requirements e.g. Biology necessary for Beauty Therapy.

11 In UCD a European language is not required for Engineering, Science or Agricultural Science. In NCAD (National College of Art & Design) Art counts as the third language. It is regarded as a visual language.

12 In addition to the Minimum Entry Requirements, additional subjects and grades may be required to gain entry to specific courses. For Example: Engineering Degree Courses: HC3 Maths Veterinary Medicine: HC3 Chemistry Primary Teaching: HC3 Irish

13 Mathematics  Business Studies (DCU) – OC3/HD3  Optometry (DIT) - OB3  Business (TCD) – OC/HD Check booklet on Subject Requirements. Science  Many courses require any one science subject  Some courses require 2 science subjects.  Nursing – OD3 in a Lab. Science. Chemistry Requirements  Pharmacy, Human Nutrition, Veterinary Medicine, Medicine & Dentistry (UCC) – HC3

14 You can study Business in College without having it as a Leaving Certificate Subject. You can study Art in College without having Leaving Cert Art. However you do need a Portfolio. Students should consider useful subjects for future careers. The majority of courses do not have subject requirements.

15 The points system is used to select students for a course at college. Students must meet the College Requirements and subject Entry Requirements first. Points are awarded for each Grade achieved in the Leaving Certificate. A student’s points total is calculated from his/her six best subjects. Maximum points is 600. (+25 Honours Maths) www.qualifaxwww.qualifax has updated details on requirements for each course.


17 What should I do now? Research the course content and exam structure of subjects Discuss options with parents/guardians. Find out if the careers that I am interested in, have particular subject requirements. Talk to subject teachers. Keep in mind future career plans, but not essential at this stage! Career theorists estimate age 18-19 years is the best age for career choice.! If unsure, keep options open. Choose a balanced range of a language,a science subject and 2 others.

18 Complete an interest test on Careers Portal or Qualifax. If I have no interest in Science I will never be a Scientist.!!!!!

19 Ability Aptitude: Take time to analyse CAT4 feedback handout Interest Personality

20  Have I selected subjects that I like and enjoy?  Have I chosen subjects that I have an aptitude for?  Have I considered potential career options?  Is this my decision and not my friends?  Am I happy to study these subjects for 5 class periods for the next two years?  Have I selected a balance of learning, reasoning and practical subjects that suit my personality, interests, abilities and aptitudes.?

21  First round of subject options will be completed in early February.  Then 4 lines of options will be formed.  This is set up to maximise student satisfaction.

22  A very small number of students will not get their first 4 choices.  These Students will be offered their fifth choice.  If in need of Guidance, then……….

23  Individual Appointments are offered to all students with the Guidance Counsellor as required.  Make appoint via email see Support section on school website  To discuss Course Choice.  To discuss Subject Options. Thank You. Good Luck!

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