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December 15, 2015.  Point in Time Count  AHAR  Chronic Homelessness – final definition  Orange County Rapid ReHousing applications  Upcoming Calendar.

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Presentation on theme: "December 15, 2015.  Point in Time Count  AHAR  Chronic Homelessness – final definition  Orange County Rapid ReHousing applications  Upcoming Calendar."— Presentation transcript:

1 December 15, 2015

2  Point in Time Count  AHAR  Chronic Homelessness – final definition  Orange County Rapid ReHousing applications  Upcoming Calendar  CoC membership  HSN Board of Directors  January meeting agenda preview

3  Point in Time – Night of the Count: Wednesday January 27 2016  AHAR- Annual Homeless Assessment Report ◦ Please see HUD Exchange AHAR link : ◦ More will be posted at

4 Effective January 15, 2016

5 A person must have a disability AND Must have been living in a place not meant for human habitation, in an emergency shelter, or a save haven for the last 12 months continuously OR at least four occasions in the last three months where those occasions cumulatively total at least 12 months.


7 There is a touch by a homeless service provider in each month for 12 months continuously It is documented in HMIS (HMIS is an acceptable and the preferred third-party documentation) or other CoC FL-507 approved PSH Forms


9 Has been homeless in a place not meant for human habitation however  All 12 months are not documented in HMIS or some other verification (please see CoC FL 507- PSH Packet for Forms) or  4 episodes do not total the 12 months or  Episodes equal 12 months however cannot be documented Note: *If client participated in Transitional Housing Program his continuous year is interrupted and must meet the definition by the 4 episodes totaling 12 month ( not counting the time in transitional)

10 Replaced “disabling condition” with “Homeless individuals with a disability” There is not a minimum number of days in which each occasion must total but instead, occasions are defined by a break of at least seven days not residing in an emergency shelter, safe haven, or residing in a place not meant for human habitation

11 If not 12 consecutive months, then there must be AT LEAST 4 episodes in 3 years, for a total of 12 months. Example: One episode of 11 months with a break, followed by another episode of 10 months won’t meet criteria. Stays in institutions of fewer than 90 days DO NOT constitute a break and DO count toward total time homeless, and

12  The final rule establishes recordkeeping requirements for documenting chronic homelessness that take into account how providers use HMIS and DOES NOT require documentation of each day of homelessness but a method that can be more easily implemented  Future guidance coming out on the definition of institution

13 Data collected and examined shows the need to focus on people with disabilities whose homelessness has been long and continuous.

14  Common verification documentation  Work with public systems to assist with documentation housing status when people enter and exit their systems  Work with Bowman to improve sophistication of HMIS reports  Work with DV providers on how to include households not in HMIS

15  Request for applications being posted within the next few days  Applications will be completed on the same online website as the Continuum of Care applications  Seeking agencies to provide housing stability case management  Will serve households from Orange County

16  Tu – 12/5, 3:00 at HSN: HMIS Advisory  W – 12/6, 10:00 at HSN: SOAR Implementers  Th – 12/17, 9:30 at HSN – Vet Registry Management (RM)  Th – 12/17, 11:00 at HSN – Vet RM  Th – 12/17, 12:15 at HSN – Outreach Worker Lunch  M – 12/21, 9:00 – Vet RM call  M – 12/21, 3:30 at HSN – Point in Time Planning  Tu – 12/22, 9:00 – Vet RM call  Tu – 12/22, 10:00 – Homeless Memorial Day (I- Dignity hosting)

17  1/5 – 1/7: National Alliance to End Homelessness – Rapid ReHousing Training – location & times TBD  W – 1/6, 11:30 at HSN – Governance Committee ◦ Will be exploring the revision of Governance Charter ◦ Will be looking at CoC Board and other committees, including leveraging but not duplicating work of CF Commission on Homelessness  F – 1/8, 11:00 at HSN – Priorities & Goals ◦ Since we have limited resources, how do we make sure they are targeted to highest priority households including those that are hardest to engage ◦ Incorporating public system frequent flyers ◦ Incorporating perspective of stakeholders who do not attend regular CoC meetings  Meetings in Italics may be adjusted

18  Attend monthly CoC meetings  Which stakeholders do you represent?

19  Currently two slots for CoC representatives  Looking for nominations

20  Vote on CoC representative to HSN Board  Referral process for 4C Child Care slots that have homeless preference

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