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MS310 Quantum Physical Chemistry
Ch 9. The Hydrogen Atom - Historical hydrogen atom model (Plum pudding model, Rutherford model) vs. quantum mechanical model - Formulate the Schrödinger equation for hydrogen atom and solve it Study the energy level and orbitals of hydrogen atom MS310 Quantum Physical Chemistry
MS310 Quantum Physical Chemistry
9.1 Formulating the Schrödinger equation Rutherford vs shell model electrons are confined in spherical shells centered at nucleus orbit the nucleus, accelerating motion and energy radiation → atom is ‘not’ stable! This problem is solved by Quantum approach. We consider the Coulomb potential x z y e– e+ H atom : 1 proton + 1e– H-like atom : Z proton + 1e– ex) He+ Hamiltonian of hydrogen atom is MS310 Quantum Physical Chemistry
MS310 Quantum Physical Chemistry
Use the center of mass(already discuss in chapter 7), we can divide it by 2 equations. Focus on the internal motion(center of mass motion : translation) Therefore, Schrödinger equation is written as (in generally, we must use μ instead of me. However, in the hydrogen atom case, both are almost same and this book use me.) MS310 Quantum Physical Chemistry
MS310 Quantum Physical Chemistry
9.2 Solving the Schrödinger equation for the Hydrogen atom Use the separation of variable : ψ(r,θ,φ) = R(r)Θ(θ)Φ(φ) We know the form of from chapter 7 Rewrite the Schrödinger equation using the angular momentum Focus on the radial part(we already know the angular solution) MS310 Quantum Physical Chemistry
MS310 Quantum Physical Chemistry
coefficient of second term : effective potential First term : centripetal potential, related to 1/r2 Second term : coulomb potential, related to -1/r Unless the l=0 case, centripetal potential is dominant → electron of p, d, f orbital(l>0) far from nucleus than electron of s orbital(l=0) MS310 Quantum Physical Chemistry
MS310 Quantum Physical Chemistry
9.3 Eigenvalues and eigenfunctions for the total energy We can divide the radial part equation i) V=0 Solution : spherical Bessel function MS310 Quantum Physical Chemistry
The equation becomes to
ii) V≠0 Again introduce dimensionless quantities for convenience The equation becomes to
MS310 Quantum Physical Chemistry
Energy of hydrogen atom : Define the constant : 0.529Å for hydrogen atom : Bohr radius Therefore, energy is For n>5 state, states are in the narrow range, 0 to -1x10-19 J. Potential of H atom : very narrow for first few states, but very wide for large n As known from a particle in a box : energy spacing is inverse of the square of box length MS310 Quantum Physical Chemistry
MS310 Quantum Physical Chemistry
Energy : depends on only the principle quantum number n However, wavefunction depends on the 3 quantum numbers, n, l, and ml The relationship is given by n : 1, 2, 3, 4, … l : 0, 1, 2, 3, …, n-1 ml : 0, ±1, ±2, …, ±l (existence of these quantum numbers are from boundary condition) Radial function R(r) : product of exponential function with a polynomial, dimensionless variable r/a0 Functional form of radial function : depends on the quantum numbers n and l. MS310 Quantum Physical Chemistry
MS310 Quantum Physical Chemistry
First few radial functions Rnl(r) are given by MS310 Quantum Physical Chemistry
MS310 Quantum Physical Chemistry
Therefore, wavefunction of hydrogen atom, ψnlml is given by MS310 Quantum Physical Chemistry
MS310 Quantum Physical Chemistry
MS310 Quantum Physical Chemistry
Hydrogen wave function MS310 Quantum Physical Chemistry
MS310 Quantum Physical Chemistry
These functions are called to both eigenfunction and H atom ‘orbitals’ There are some property of orbital 1) Letter s, p, d, f are used to denote l = 0, 1, 2, 3 2) ψ100(r) : 1s orbital or wave function 3) all 3 wave functions with n=2, l=1 : 2p orbitals 4) wavefunction is real when ml=0, complex when otherwise Wavefunction is normalized to generate the probability density.(postulate 3) Energy of H atom : degenerated - n=1 : no degeneracy - n=2 : 4-fold degeneracy - n=3 : 9-fold degeneracy MS310 Quantum Physical Chemistry
MS310 Quantum Physical Chemistry
Use the superposition principle : if y1 and y2 are solutions of DE, then c1y1+c2y2 is also solution of DE. → can make the complex functions to real MS310 Quantum Physical Chemistry
MS310 Quantum Physical Chemistry
Real form : more convenient to visualize the chemical bond However, real form is not an eigenfunction of MS310 Quantum Physical Chemistry
MS310 Quantum Physical Chemistry
Experimental emission spectra is given by Use the reduced mass instead of me, frequency of spectral line is given by Sometimes, we use wave number instead of frequency Rydberg constant : mee4/8ε02h3c : 2.180x10-18 J , cm-1 Reduced mass of H : 0.05% greater than me Spectral line of H is given by MS310 Quantum Physical Chemistry
MS310 Quantum Physical Chemistry
9.4 The hydrogen atom orbital Bohr model : electron orbit around the nucleus and only certain orbits allowed Probability : proportional to ψ*(r,θ,φ)ψ(r,θ,φ)dτ Our focus is on the 1) wave function ψnlml(r,θ,φ) 2) probability of finding electron ψ2nlml(r,θ,φ)sinθdrdθdφ 3) define radial distribution function and Ground state of H atom : ψ100(r) Plot it : need 4 coordinate(x, y, z and P(x,y,z)) MS310 Quantum Physical Chemistry
MS310 Quantum Physical Chemistry
a) 3D plot on x-y half plane b) contour plot on x-y half plane red : high probability, blue : low probability MS310 Quantum Physical Chemistry
MS310 Quantum Physical Chemistry
Plot of 1s, 2s, and 3s orbital MS310 Quantum Physical Chemistry
MS310 Quantum Physical Chemistry
Plot R(r) vs r : 1s, 2s, 2p, 3s, 3p, and 3d orbital MS310 Quantum Physical Chemistry
MS310 Quantum Physical Chemistry
Ground state : no radial nodes Quantum number increase : # of nodes increase When 2s and 3s, node has constant r : spherical ‘nodal surface’ Then, what about the node of another orbitals? → l>0 : not spherical symmetry : ‘angular shape’ of orbital See contour of 2py, 3py, 3dxy and 3dz2 orbital → we can see the angular nodal surface Nodal surface of 2py : y=0m no radial nodes Generally, l nodal surfaces in angular part and n-l-1 radial nodal surfaces, n-1 total nodal surfaces 3py : additional nodal plane x=0 : radial node 3dxy : 2 nodal planes intersect the z axis 3dz2 : 2 ‘conical’ nodal surfaces, rotating the z axis MS310 Quantum Physical Chemistry
MS310 Quantum Physical Chemistry
Ex)9.3 Locate the nodal surfaces in Sol) consider the radial and angular part separately. Angular part : cos θ Node : cos θ = 0, θ = π/2 It means the plane z=0 in Cartesian coordinate Radial part : Node depends on only (exponential term cannot be zero) → r=0 and r=6a0 r=0 : a point → no meaning, r=6a0 : a surface Therefore, there are 1 angular and 1 radial node. It is same as the general result(l angular nodes and n-l-1 radial nodes) MS310 Quantum Physical Chemistry
MS310 Quantum Physical Chemistry
9.5 The radial probability distribution function See the ψ2n00(r,θ,φ) : n=1,2 and 3 Maxima is at r = 0 Consider the ψ2nlml(r,θ,φ) in general case(l>0) → centripetal barrier, nonzero angular momentum → wavefunction is not spherically symmetric. : p and d orbitals MS310 Quantum Physical Chemistry
MS310 Quantum Physical Chemistry
Ex)9.4 a) Where is the maximum probability point? b) Assume nucleus diameter of H is 2x10-15m. Then, probability of electron of 2s orbital is in the nucleus? Sol) a) The point : maximum value of ψ*(τ)ψ(τ)dτ Only see the and differentiate it However, r cannot be negative → consider the ρ=0 Therefore, maximum point is ρ=0 → r=0 MS310 Quantum Physical Chemistry
MS310 Quantum Physical Chemistry
b) Result of a) : unphysical Probability is given by Assume the integrand is constant on the interval(rnucleus : small) Approximately, because of small rnucleus Finally we can obtain Therefore, probability of finding the electron in the nucleus is essentially zero. MS310 Quantum Physical Chemistry
MS310 Quantum Physical Chemistry
Plot of a03R2(r) vs r/a0 MS310 Quantum Physical Chemistry
MS310 Quantum Physical Chemistry
R(r) cannot describe the ‘real’ distribution! → radial probability depends on the ‘summation over all θ and φ’ For 1s orbital, Generally, introduce the ‘radial distribution function’ P(r) We can determine the most probable position of electron. Understand the difference between radial distribution and probability density function is very important. MS310 Quantum Physical Chemistry
MS310 Quantum Physical Chemistry
9.6 The validity of the shell model of an atom See the plot of radial distribution function MS310 Quantum Physical Chemistry
MS310 Quantum Physical Chemistry
Quantum distribution of 1s, 2s, and 3s Classical shell model Classical shell model is not valid any more. However, we can see the most dense point of 1s orbital is very less intensity when 2s and 3s orbital! → classical shell model is useful although reducing a complex function to a single number is unwise. MS310 Quantum Physical Chemistry
MS310 Quantum Physical Chemistry
Summary Result of solving the Schrödinger equation for hydrogen atom is exactly equal to experimental data. Shape of orbital is changed by the quantum number and probability of finding electron depends on the shape of orbital. There are n-l-1 radial nodal surfaces and l angular nodal surfaces, # of total nodes is n-1 for nth state. MS310 Quantum Physical Chemistry
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