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2 ND 6- WEEKS – 5 TH GRADE SCIENCE. T RANSITION D OCUMENT Don’t forget to look under “Science New” Second 6-weeks document is now available Notice the.

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Presentation on theme: "2 ND 6- WEEKS – 5 TH GRADE SCIENCE. T RANSITION D OCUMENT Don’t forget to look under “Science New” Second 6-weeks document is now available Notice the."— Presentation transcript:


2 T RANSITION D OCUMENT Don’t forget to look under “Science New” Second 6-weeks document is now available Notice the differences between old/new TEKS

3 N OTICE THE TEKS GRADE TO GRADE 5.6A “EXPLORE” the uses of energy.. 4.6A “Differentiate” among forms of energy… 3.6A “Explore different forms” of energy.. 2.6A “Investigate the effects on an object… increasing and decreasing” energy 1.6A “Identify and discuss” different forms of energy…importance to everyday life

4 C HANGE IN VOCABULARY Heat Energy is now known as Thermal Energy.

5 C ONSIDER THE FOLLOWING Switch the order and do Unit 4 before Unit 3 When you do Unit 3…use some of the ideas from: Third Grade Lesson 1 and 2 L1A Isaac Newton and Gravity PP

6 O N THE DISC On the disc we have included “force and motion” ideas for you to do with your classroom OVER questions dealing with force and motion Physical science tri-fold pictures Insulator/conductor activity

7 D ATES TO R EMEMBER 5 th grade science meeting dates: October 18 January 10 February 7 March 7 April 11 *dates are subject to change

8 W OULD Y OU ????? Chances are that each time you come to a 5 th grade science meeting, we will have items for your to download. PLEASE, bring a flash drive just in case!!!

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