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OPW Vapor Recovery Solutions

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1 OPW Vapor Recovery Solutions
Stage 1, Stage 2 and Vapor Processing

2 OPW Vapor Recovery – Stage 1
Stage 1 VR: vapor returned back to the truck (and back to depot/refinery) instead of venting out through vent pipes OPW has a range of products supporting companies in conversion to VR Stage I They include vapor caps, adaptors, vapor tight overfill valves etc. Most of investment in Stage I conversion is in fuel truck equipment and depots/refineries

3 OPW Vapor Recovery – Stage 2
Stage 2 VR: vapor sucked through the nozzles while fueling, to reduce vapor being inhaled by customers OPW has important products and systems for Stage 2: Avance range of hanging hardware and CVS2 stand out Central Vacuum System (CVS2) is designed to convert current station to Stage 2, and avoid costly purchases of new dispensers or conversion of current dispensers to VR2

4 OPW Vapor Recovery – Vapor Processing
Vapor Processing: keeping the vapors in the station and processing them back into saleable fuel; Not Stage 1 or 2; Independent technology Stage I, II or non-VR stations losing between 0.2% to 0.8% of purchased gasoline due to vaporization Non-regulated; Developing product group OPW TVS a pioneer in the field; Awards in Frankfurt, Paris

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