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Simply put, sustainability is the ability to meet our own needs without compromising the needs of the future generations and other species. It is about.

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Presentation on theme: "Simply put, sustainability is the ability to meet our own needs without compromising the needs of the future generations and other species. It is about."— Presentation transcript:

1 Simply put, sustainability is the ability to meet our own needs without compromising the needs of the future generations and other species. It is about maintaining the right balance within the ecosystem and ensuring that the social, environmental and economic systems are working in tandem to provide a healthy and meaningful life to all of its inhabitants. Watch this short video to find out about the simple theory of sustainability. UNDERSTANDING SUSTAINABILITY Today, we are realising and experiencing the negative effects of the generations that came before us. We need to ensure that our future generations do not experience worse circumstances. All of our actions today will immensely determine our future on the planet as well as future of generations to come after us. Sustainability is an approach which asks us to think of each action in terms of its impact, to ensure that we are acting in a balanced manner. SUSTAINABILITY IS AN APPROACH that creates long term stakeholder value by balancing economic, environmental and social performance ECONOMY ENVIRONMENT SOCIETY

2 Because our future depends on it. The growth of business is dependent on the growth of our planet and our society. All the choices we pursue and the actions we take today as individuals and as businesses will affect our future and life of our future generations and other species. The human population on earth has grown more in the last 50 years than it did in the previous four million years. As a result, the demand and consumption has grown exponentially while the resources have decreased significantly causing a huge demand-supply gap. WHY IS SUSTAINABILITY IMPORTANT? Along with this, there’s also a growing disparity between the rich and poor in every part of the world. The richest 1% of the global population is getting wealthier, owning more than 48% of global wealth, while the bottom half of the world’s population holds less than 1% of total wealth. This in turn is what triggers and fuels public dissent. All of these challenges together put pressure on the delicate natural balance of our global ecosystem. These trends are unsustainable and negatively impact our society, our businesses, and the environment. View the 350 Days in the life of a retreating glacier project Watch Al Gore speak about the reality of climate change WHAT ARE THE MAJOR ISSUES? Watch Edward Burtynsky talk about his landscape of oilWatch Edward Burtynsky talk about his landscape of oil Changes to our natural world Climate change Over- consumption Inequality Growing public discord These issues form a growing network of interconnected challenges and trends which are creating an imbalance in our global systems Read about the World Economic Forum’s plan for inclusive growth Read a view from The Guardian on growing global protest

3 There is a compelling case for why businesses should make a conscious effort to put sustainable practices into action. Current global consumption patterns are unsustainable. While technology can help us to a certain extend to be more efficient in the way we consume, these advances alone will not be sufficient to bring global consumption to a sustainable level. For real change to happen, consumer lifestyles, including the ways in which consumers choose and use products and services, must change. WHY IS BUSINESS CONCERNED WITH SUSTAINABILITY? Businesses cannot only be concerned with profit. In order to achieve growth they need to balance profit gain with the developmental needs of the community and the environment within which they operate. Each business decision must take in to account all three of these areas to achieve real, sustainable growth now and in the future. Economic prosperity Social responsibility Environmental stewardship THIS IS THE TRIPLE BOTTOM LINE The Triple Bottom Line looks beyond a company’s financial performance to its environmental and social influences.Triple Bottom Line It asks a company to: Be conscious of its actions Be aware of the impact of these actions Work toward improving the balance of impact for an enhanced quality of life In turn, this can drive profitability. This concept of sustainable business growth is important because not only are businesses today more aware, they are accountable to their stakeholders and their shareholders. Strengthens the economy Fair and beneficial labour practices Community involvement Managing, monitoring and reporting consumption of resources and waste / emissions

4 DRIVERS AND MOTIVATORS FOR SUSTAINABILITY Today, businesses face a number of pressures from external forces. These forces encourage them in to thinking in a more sustainable way. While tighter regulations, stricter guidelines and investor pressure influence business thinking on sustainability, the concept of Corporate Social Responsibility or Corporate Responsibility is now considered inextricably linked to the brand, corporate image and consumer connect. Government Regulators Partners Vendors Investors MediaCustomers General publicCommunities EmployeesNGOs Pressure / lobby groups DRIVERS FOR SUSTAINABILITY* Improve brand image, build trust, and build reputation Save money / increase efficiency Increase employee satisfaction, engagement, and retention Foster a good public image Manage risk and regulatory compliance Improve operations Demonstrate corporate social responsibility *McKinsey & Company; UN Global Compact; Boston Consulting Group / MIT

5 EMBEDDING RESPONSIBLE BUSINESS PRACTICE Companies around the world are adjusting their policies and practices to address the sustainability agenda. This ensures that businesses are measuring their holistic value – not just business profit but also value added to the environment and communities they operate in. However, there is still a long way to go for companies to fully embed responsible practices across their organisations and supply chain. The United Nations Global Compact gives a universal language for corporate responsibility and a framework to guide all types and sizes of business. Business plays a key role as a powerful catalyst in the sustainable cycle: it can ignite change through its own operations, through the employee community and wider in to the community it touches. THE FIVE DEFINING FEATURES OF CORPORATE SUSTAINABILITY ENVIRONMENT LABOUR HUMAN RIGHTS ANTI-CORRUPTION Core values for responsible business To learn more about the UN Global Compact, watch this short this short video. 12 34 5 Principled business Operating with integrity and respecting principles in business operations and supply chain Strengthening society Operating with the wider community wellbeing in mind; choosing to be an active stakeholder in society Leadership commitment Leading by example and instigating action in key areas: ownership of the sustainability agenda Reporting progress Developing the Communication on Progress (COP) in the sustainability or annual report Local action Commit to advancing sustainability understanding through reporting, networking, partnerships and advocacy

6 WHAT SUSTAINABILITY MEANS TO TATA By 2025, we will touch the lives of one quarter of the world’s population through our companies, services and products. As a group, and as global citizens, we have the power and the opportunity to be part of the positive change towards sustainable living.. The sustainability journey considers a business’ impact across the value chain to ensure that it adds value in business terms, for the environment and for communities. THE TATA DEFINITION OF SUSTAINABILITY In a business context, sustainability is an approach that creates long-term stakeholder value by balancing economic, environmental and social performance, thereby improving the quality of life of the communities we serve globally and enhancing long-term stakeholder value. SUPPLY CHAIN OPERATIONS DISTRIBUTION PRODUCT USAGE & DISPOSAL Sustainable thinking underpins the Tata way of conducting business. The Tata group Sustainability Policy cements the Tata group commitment to integrating sustainability in to business decision making.

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