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It’s Time For... Jeopardy! PLAY It’s Time for Jeopardy $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200 $300 $400.

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Presentation on theme: "It’s Time For... Jeopardy! PLAY It’s Time for Jeopardy $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200 $300 $400."— Presentation transcript:


2 It’s Time For... Jeopardy! PLAY

3 It’s Time for Jeopardy $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 Geography South East Asia China Culture Terms Mystery Bag

4 A massive defensive wall which was built to shield China from outside invasions What is the Great Wall of China? China $ 100

5 The Huang He River is also known as this…(think color!) What is Yellow River? China $ 200

6 This city in Southern China is noted for its growing economy and trading What is Hong Kong ? China $ 300

7 China’s policy on babies… What is one child policy? China $ 400

8 Daily Double!!! The founder of communism in China. Responsible for driving the nationalists to Taiwan. Who is Mao Zedong ? China $ 500

9 Japan is made up of a series of islands, known as… What is archipelago ? Geography $ 100

10 The capital of Mongolia… What is Ulan Bator ? $ 200 Geography

11 This plateau in Western China is sometimes called the “Rooftop of the World” and is home to many Buddhists… What is Tibet? $ 300 Geography

12 The longest river in East Asia, located in China What is Chiang Jiang (Yangtze) ? $ 400 Geography

13 The largest desert in Asia What is Gobi desert ? $ 500 Geography

14 The capital of the Philippines… What is Manila? $ 100 South East Asia

15 The 2004 Tsunami did the most damage to this country… What is Indonesia ? $ 200 South East Asia

16 This is the main religion practiced in Indonesia, 86% of the population are followers What is Islam ? $ 300 South East Asia

17 The best way to get around the island of Indonesia… What is take a ferry? $ 400 South East Asia

18 Daily Double!!! Hinduism and Buddhism have this belief in common with each other… What is Reincarnation? $ 500 South East Asia

19 In 2008, this city will host the Olympic Games What is Beijing ? $ 100 Culture

20 This symbol is represented by a circle with opposing colors of black and white What is a yin yang? $ 200 Culture

21 This is common mode of transportation in China, China has the most of these in world What is bicycles ? $ 300 Culture

22 Going to school 6 days a week, 240 days a year What is the Japanese education system ? $ 400 Culture

23 This religion has the belief that women are inferior to men What is the Confucianism ? $ 500 Culture

24 The common nickname for Australia What is Down Under ? $ 100 Terms

25 The Chinese writing system does not use letter but instead they use this… What are characters ? $ 200 Terms

26 China’s government follows which ideology What is Communist ? $ 300 Terms

27 Some of China’s great inventions include What are gunpowder, compass, fireworks, and paper? $ 400 Terms

28 This country is oftentimes referred to as the “Other China” What is Taiwan ? $ 500 Terms

29 World War II ended after two atomic bombs were dropped on this country… What is Japan? $ 100 Mystery Bag

30 Muddy flow which makes the Yellow River appear the way it does… What is loess ? $ 200 Mystery Bag

31 This war is often referred to as the “Forgotten War” What is the Korean War ? $ 300 Mystery Bag

32 Korea was divided at what line of latitude after the Korean War What is a 38 th parallel ? $ 400 Mystery Bag

33 Lao Zi was the founder of What is Daoism? $ 500 Mystery Bag

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