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Serge Saquet 1 The Project of Vocational Education Projet de formation professionnelle E éducation ministère nationale enseignement supérieur recherche.

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Presentation on theme: "Serge Saquet 1 The Project of Vocational Education Projet de formation professionnelle E éducation ministère nationale enseignement supérieur recherche."— Presentation transcript:

1 Serge Saquet 1 The Project of Vocational Education Projet de formation professionnelle E éducation ministère nationale enseignement supérieur recherche

2 Serge Saquet 2 MINSTERSTVO ŚKOLSTVA SLOVENSKEJ REPUBLIKY Joint secondary industrial school of Transport in TRNAVA Joint secondary industrial school (mechanics and electrotechnics) in TRNAVA Faculty of Engineering in BRATISLAVA Secondary industrial school of Engineering in BRATISLAVA

3 Serge Saquet 3 YEARS 2005 – 2007 Vocational training of the Slovak professors in the field of engineering and pedagogy ; Trainings beying provided by the participation of French pedagogues ; Taking over the responsibility for the material, laboratories and performing the educational modules ; YEAR 2007 Slovak professors beying trained/educated ; Realization of trainings for the employees of PCAS

4 Serge Saquet 4

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9 9 Capacité d’accueil du Campus Campus capacity possibilities Sur les 4 sites, la capacité du campus peut atteindre 200 stagiaires par jour (dont 80 monteurs) avec 22 professeurs The daily capacity of 4 training centres is 200 trainees ( 80 maintainance workers) with 22 professors

10 Serge Saquet 10 Les métiers de l’industrie couverts Conducteur d'installation maintenancier mécanicien maintenancier électricien Contrôleur mesure Technicien automate Technicien électricien Technicien fiabiliste Technicien soudure Technicien robot Technicien mécanicien Technicien qualité Technicien production Technicien sécurité Technicien mesure RU fabrication RU maintenance Responsable de groupe Ocuupations covered in Industry Installation director Maintainance - engineer Maintainance - electrician Controller (metrologie) Technician of automobile systems Electrotechnician Reliable technician Technician - welder Technician - robot Technician - mechanician Technician – quality inspector Technician - manufacturer Security technician Technician (metrologie) Leader of production unit Leader of maintainance unit Supervisor of production unit

11 Serge Saquet 11 CAMPUS des METIERS The Centre of vocational education and training Guichet Unique The Central of Education Lycée A School A Université University Lycée B School B Lycée C School C ………

12 Serge Saquet 12 Guichet unique(Faculté) The centre of Education(Faculty) Coordination par le DT Coordination led by technician director Faculty Of Engineering Secondary industrial School of Engineering in Bratislava Joint secondary Industrial school in Trnava Secondary Industrial school of Transport In Trnava Coordination par les CFC The counsellors of further education coordinate Circuit des commandes Flows of Orders

13 Serge Saquet 13 PRESENT AND FUTURE OF THE PROJECT New period of the project since 1 st of January 2008 Four partner schools established the Centre of vocational education and training – according to the contracts signed by three secondary schools, Faculty of Engineering and municipal regions Directing the CVET and its pedagogical material in the hands of the Slovak partners (support by the further education of the slovak professors – necessity to stay in touch with the industry) HEADING TOWARDS THE PROJECT 1/ Proper daily education – making the educational centres accessible to the students at schools with the aim of gaining the specialization in automobile technology; 2/ Further adult education – making the CVET accessible for further production companies and distributors, 3/ Looking for new partners in the field of industry, 4/ Support the project from the Ministry of Education of the Slovak republic.

14 Serge Saquet 14 merci pour votre attention danke für Ihre Aufmerksamkeit thank you for your attention ď akujem vám za pozornos ť

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